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Nov 1 (Reuters) - Democrats are readying a rapid-fire response to flood social media and the airwaves with calls for calm and patience with vote-counting should Donald Trump try to prematurely claim election victory, as he did in 2020, Harris campaign and party officials told Reuters.
The Republican candidate told reporters this week that he hoped to be able to declare victory on Election Day, although election experts have cautioned that it could take several days for the final result to be known, especially if there are demands for vote recounts in some key areas. Trump is locked in a razor-thin race with Democratic rival Kamala Harris.


Democrats have a plan if Trump prematurely declares election victory

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvUkPtSheyg Hands Across
Trump and the GOP always declare victory on election day, even though that is not possible. This gives them the heads up on the conspiracy theories that follow their inevitable loss.

>how did we go from being way ahead to slightly behind in 24 hours? Something isn't right.
Reminder the Red Mirage is a real thing

Also Trump attempted this 4 years ago as part of his failed coup plot. The live reaction from /news/ was wild.
He's making bad threads again
Dems ain't doing a Gore v Bush.Dems see tRump as much more dangerous than Bush. Even though Bush lied the US into the Iraq War.
>Make sure voting is extremely outdated, underbudgeted, and an overall draconian process
>Make up a bunch of stupid rules about how, when, where, and what time votes can be painstakingly counted
>Declare yourself the winner on election night when less than 10% of votes have been counted
>Screech fake news and that they're stealing election as votes are tabulated
The Republican way!
EVERYTHING was cheaper and better under trump and the world a safer place.

EVERYTHING is more expensive and worse under democrats and the world a more dangerous place.

It is by far the easiest decision there is, the easiest choice that can even possibly exist in politics bar none.
And yet every single democrat voter fails it by default for voting democrat, this FACT means that democrat voters in terms of intelligence are literally a insult to humanity itself, more animal than human intellect, there can be nothing dumber than a democrat voter given this beyond obvious choice they all DELIBERATELY fail.

You are the pinnacle of what is even capable to be described in the concept that is stupidity and low iq, you are a insult to every thinking human because of that a insult to humanity itself.

Prove me wrong, you literally cant.
Every presidential policy takes 4 years to affect the economy so everything trump did is actually why prices are high now......

Strong economy -> weak men (trump) -> weak economy -> strong men (kamala)

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