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File: FU2_eT9XoAQTF02[1].jpg (520 KB, 2400x3556)
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>be a tranny
>murder your dad
>get sent to woman's prison in communist NJ (which I thought they shut down all the women's prisons in the state, but whatever)
>rape a bunch of bitchs
>2 get pregnant
>get shipped off to normal prison
>the tranny and other tranny groups seethe saying the tranny, who is a murderer and rapist, will get raped and murdered
pic related, he literally has a fucking mustache
every post under this is op samefagging because nobody cares but him
it would appear as though you are having a melty
Op has been melting down continuously for about 4 years now and he takes it out on this board by shitposting
why did your mom name you "Op"?
He's making good threads again
Not that anon, and I absolutely fucking care. What is it with democrats and rape? Can you fucking subhumans just pretend to give a fuck about laws? Oh yeah and this is the pro-women side, right? lmao what a fucking joke.
grab her by the what
I would care if I thought it would change anything. However none of our opinions or feelings mean anything important because this isn't a democracy and our government isn't accountable to the people (who would never have consented to letting trannies in women's prisons).
>fine with homosexual prison rape
>only disgusted by straight prison rape
OP is a confirmed faggot
post the article next time
>What is it with democrats and rape? Can you fucking subhumans just pretend to give a fuck about laws?
The article that you didn't read says in the 3rd paragraph that the sex was consensual. No rapes happened. You're outraged about a thing that doesn't exist because you're a low IQ moron.
No one knows because OP is a faggot who can't follow board customs
You owned that moron straight up it's bung hole
>in the 3rd paragraph that the sex was consensual. No rapes happened
It's not just article mining that's going to result in the world collapsing all around on the schizo OP. Certainly with the way things are going here >>1358291 and here >>1358769
As >>1358902 proves, now we know why the schizo daren't post the article. It would destroy said schizo's retarded opinions right from the start.
thank you
good point
>no tranny rape is le good
not in the rules, tranni boi
this is a bot post
this board is highly sisyphean
its due to all the paid harris shills and bots trying to shit up a website they don't use
actually it's due to the shill above me being a faggot who gets no rupees
>mfw the harris shills, who aren't American because all Americans hate democrats, shill for harris for zelda money near me
i don't know why the shill hates himself and his currency so much
most harris supporters are embarrassed by the fact they aren't Americans because America is the best country in the world
what a humiliating life the resident shill has
yeah, you can say that for any harris supporter . imagine shilling for a communist that fucking hard when you aren't American and all Americans hate her
resident shill keeps trying to talk to me but i don't talk to pathologically lying faggots
we don't sign our posts here
kek a literal tranni boi
kek >>1359114 is a literal tranni boi
>tranni boi
you sign your posts here
the guy in op, is a literal tranni boi, like you
>>1359156 is a literal tranni boi
nope, that would be you and the guy in op
kek, with dems you get raped
>>1359187 is a literal tranni boi
nah, that's you
why did they put the tranny on a women's prison?
>low IQ nigger not pasting the article and profusely samefagging
hi have a nice kys OP
not in the rules, tranni boi
>no article
KEK no read
>>1359187 is a literal tranni boi
not in the rules, tranni boi
nah, you are the guy in op
>>1359187 is a literal tranni boi

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