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Albuquerque, a city with a democrat mayor and democrat governor. A city that voted for obongo, clinton and biden in the last 4 elections has a major problem, people won't stop shitting in public
pic related, a janitor cleaning up human shit
>In 2019, Portland residents were shelling out nearly $316 per human waste call, according to the Oregonian, and last year San Francisco residents called 311 about human waste 32,234 times despite the city having more than 280 public restrooms, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. Last year, in Denver, a businessman dropped a bag of human waste he collected at city hall to show how fed up he was.

>Since April, the Albuquerque City Council and the city’s Environmental Health Department have allocated $300,000 to tackle the issue. But city spokesperson Staci Drangmeister said the city might have to spend $700,000 to keep the service going year-round.
Are you lost? Facebook is over there ----)
no surprises they eat cats kill squirrels and have mash potatoes for brains
I'm sure the people shitting in the streets are taking Tuesday off work to vote for Harris.
>here we see >>1359287's intrusive thoughts have emerged with what it is obsessed with and Freud would have a field day over what the OP thinks about
Normal sane humans don't continually think about what >>1359287 is obsessed with.
kek probably
>governor of new mexico banned carrying guns in public
>should have banned shitting in public
Sucks for them. They don't have this kind of problem on other planets. Fuck earth!
good morning sirs
OP'S fave fap image is a well hung tranny having a dump on him. Most of the street sitting was done by me as I live in Albuquerque.
I call it urban guerilla shitting. I have constant diarrhea a d I have a velcroled seat flap and I just unflap and squirter when no one bis looking . Sorry OPm I'm a tranny but have a micro penis.
There is a reason we call them shitholes...
If there's two things democrat cities are full of, it's hobos smoking fentanyl in public and human feces on the street
>it's hobos smoking fentanyl in public and human feces on the street
And that's just the Trumptards.
nah, earth is based, we just need to get rid of commies
chatgpt post
good post
very triggered
is very triggered at >>1359410
WTF is a "democrat city"? Do you no know republicans also live in those cities?
nope see>>1359287
is very triggered at >>1359410
there are no articles about trump voters shitting in the streets. there are articles about harris voters living in the pod and shitting in the street
is very triggered by >>1359410
>All of the homeless people in major cities are staunch Democrat voters and I know this because I made it up in my head
Seek psychiatric help
this op really triggered the bots. why do dems shit in the street?
>>1359493 is very triggered by >>1359410. why do trumptards and their cult leader soil themselves? because like >>1359493, they're scared of harris winning or they wouldn't be so insecure as indicated by their need to react the way they do, just as >>1359493 does on /news/.
But then, normal sane humans would never think of behaving on the internet the way >>1359493 does. Which proves >>1359493 isn't normal, sane. or human.
the bot is really mad about this thread, top kek
the trump bot is really mad about >>1359410, top kek
no evidence to support that, but there is an article about harris voters shitting in the street see>>1359287
Good post
no evidence to support that, but there is an article about trump voters soiling themselves and spreading it on the walls of the Capitol Building
there is evidence to prove that >>1359493 is very triggered by >>1359410 or >>1359493 would never post in /news/ again. the trump bot continuing to exist in /news/ proves it is insecure.
literally a chatgpt post seething about harris supporters not owning toilets
literally a post by an indian seething about not owning a toilet
they found you in thailand >>1359582
must be you as you aren't an American
nah, I'm American. see >>1359560
nah, you aren't an American
I am, keep having a melty
You aren't, keep having a melty
You're getting desperate retardo. The cracks are showing. Did you call everyone a tranni boi too many times? I think you did, and now you're turning into one. We would like you to document your tranistion please :)
damn, you mad as fuck about harris supporters shitting in the street
damn, you mad as fuck about trump supporters shitting themselves, as trump does
I'm sorry, did you reply to me without my permission? You aren't allowed to do that.
You may do so now, but please try to be more careful in the future, ok?
No wonder your brain is permanently rotted
>can't refute >>1359643. >>1359646 is reduced to pathetic excuses
No wonder. You never had a brain.
San Francisco 2: Feces Boogaloo
is there a plan to chimp out and smear poop n the walls of congress?
I'm eating cheese because I want to do my part as a patriot
harris lost

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