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he's shitposting again
it's literally a fucking news article from today, what more do you want, homo?
>Fox "News" reporting on what the left would do despite it being what the right DOES.
We're still doing this? No one takes this seriously.
>roving bands of trump supporters drive into black cities wearing blackface and riot and loot before escaping without getting caught
I wonder if they've made any payments on that $800 million they owe for lying.
>the words "harris riots" aren't mentioned in the actual article. the words "harris riots" aren't in the article's title, either
The OP is afraid of Harris, the OP is rioting in an impotent way or the OP wouldn't need to create this thread. The OP is insecure or wouldn't need to create this thread if a Trump win was guaranteed.
DC went 92% brandon in 2020. the county portland is in when 79% trump. according to you, trump voters wearing black face plan to drive into these very blue cities to riot
>the county portland is in when 79% trump
Firstly, there are several counties in Portland. Secondly, Multnomah county, the largest in Portland, went 80% Biden during the last presidential election. Lastly, the far left college aged crowds in Portland that riot don't give a shit about elections because they don't even vote.
yeah I said that backwards, its 79% went for brandon.
my point being that you think republicans are going to 92% dem dc and 80% dem portland to riot wearing blackface
>my point being that you think republicans are going to 92% dem dc and 80% dem portland to riot wearing blackface
Nah. I think the less exciting fact of the matter is that people who are rioting are not meaningfully engaged in politics. 99% of the demographics who truly sway elections - suburban middle class, college graduates, women, evangelicals i.e. are not in the streets rioting. The people who are in the streets rioting are college aged twitter socialist/communists who hate the Democrats and middle aged right-wing fight club bros like Patriot Prayer or Proud who just like LARPing as revolutionaries. The other 20% are every day bottom-tier scum who just like free TVs and throwing bricks and use political rallies as cover to be violent. Republicans and Democrats, in the way we traditionally view them, don't riot. I guess January 6th might be the only exception but only a small percentage of that crowd engaged in the violence so it still kind of fits the paradigm.
paste the article text like everyone else on the board, newfag
not in the rules, tranni boi
jan 6 wasn't a riot. and its dems doing the rioting. that is why it only ever happens in dem cities
Yeah it was the "right" that threw molotovs at small business during the four years Trump was in office. Fucking retard.
he's making good threads again
t-t-triple samefag
good post
Not giving your website views. Paste the article newfag.
not in the rules, tranni boi
that's fine. Still not reading or giving your website views.
NTA, I'll read it for you.
tl;dr business is boarding up windows in preparation for riots when Trump wins.
Why are leftists like this?
>business is boarding up windows in preparation for riots when Trump wins.
>when Trump wins
>no mention of the line "when Trump wins" verbatim in the article
>the line "harris riots" isn't mentioned verbatim in the article
Why are rightists like this?
Maybe not verbatim but all the article does talk about is all the time Democrats riot every time they lose an election or when drug addicted criminals die
Yeah I'm sure they're boarding up windows because the right are going to riot in places like D.C. and Portland. Y'know, like last time when the right did that in 2016 - oh wait, that was the left.
>no mention of the line "when Trump wins" verbatim in the article
>the line "harris riots" isn't mentioned verbatim in the article
Why are rightists like this?
>jan 6 wasn't a riot
Kek. Ok.

>and its dems doing the rioting.
I've already explained the difference between leftists and Democrats. If you still fail to understand the distinction and think smashing windows, fighting cops and destroying property isn't a riot you're unironically too schizophrenic for political discourse.
We'll never know since OP didn't paste the article text.
>article isn't pasted
Shill, troll, or retard? Call it
Jan 6 was a riot, the difference here is that people on jan 6 were upset at apparent widespread voting fraud. All the instances of Democrats rioting, like 2016, are literally because either they are unhappy they lost an election, or they are unhappy that they drug addict died committing a crime
>trump voters in black face keep rioting in black neighborhoods
>not verbatim but
if the OP doesn't post the article then it isn't worthy of acknowledgement of being fact. Therefore until it's posted, what the OP claims is lies. Which includes all threads created without the article.
>reddit spacing
jan 6th wasn't a riot
dems and lefties are the same thing
they found you in thailand covered in shit >>1359582
not in the rules, tranni boi
good job op. this thread really got the 'cord chirping
>the retard OP has resorted to samefagging this fucking hard
this is funny keep going lol
Can you call me a samefag next?
Considering I am called a samefag every time I agree with someone, statistically, the retard who calls everyone else one person is much more likely to be wrong than right, although I don't know about this specific case since the only post I made in this thread was >>1359599
>what more do you want?
For you to fuck off back to rddit until you're mental illness finally causes you to kys
plz no bully tranni boi, they've had a rough day
Now *that* is a lefty melty
See what i mean? You called tranni boi bad names and now they're freaking out . They are owed an apology, you don't want them to start thinking about suicide do you?
>jan 6th wasn't a riot
A crowd of people destroying property, smashing windows and assaulting cops is a riot. No amount of cope will change that.

>dems and lefties are the same thing
They're not. The issue is you just don't have the lucidity to understand the differentiation despite the fact that its been explained to you no less than several dozen times.
>A crowd of people destroying property, smashing windows and assaulting cops is a riot. No amount of cope will change that.
it wasn't a riot, it was a peaceful protest. keep drinking the koolaid
>They're not. The issue is you just don't have the lucidity to understand the differentiation despite the fact that its been explained to you no less than several dozen times.
they are literally the same thing, tranni boi. they are fags who want to own slaves and to set up a jewish monarchy
>it wasn't a riot, it was a peaceful protest.
Kek. Okay. Peacefully smashing windows, assaulting police officers and destroying public property. I got it.

>they are literally the same thing, tranni boi. they are fags who want to own slaves and to set up a jewish monarchy
You must take your medication.
Oh no, demoKKKrat run cities being destroyed by demoKKKrats.
No. Please. Stop. Don’t.

>>'peaceful gathering'

you need copium chemo
the justice department is lead by a chinese terrorist who hates America and was banned from the scotus for being a traitor
>Kek. Okay. Peacefully smashing windows, assaulting police officers and destroying public property. I got it.
more peaceful than blm.
>You must take your medication.
I accept your concession, tranni boi
good post
>I accept your concession, tranni boi
I will always concede against schizophrenia. There's literally nothing I can do to defeat it.
you can't find your thread >>1359582
it's a laugh riot
you think china man put this together all by himself?

>>more peaceful than blm

blm was an equally reprehensible riot, there's no doubt about it. Both of them were riots of a different nature, but riots nonetheless. It's a hard pill to swallow, but some of the back the blue people literally turned into black and blue the blue on jan 6. There's nothing ambiguous about it.
>blm was an equally reprehensible riot
NTA, it was not equal. The 2020 riots were more violent, destructive and bloody. Nobody at Jan 6 started a fire. Nobody at Jan 6 shot and killed anyone - however an unarmed woman was shot and killed by the police. After that unarmed woman was murdered (by the way, no mass riots for that police brutality), the people left the Capitol by 6PM. The only way anyone could say that Jan 6th was worse is by using the 'it disrupted a function of government' argument, and that goes out the window when countered with Kavanaugh.
Good post. Very good post
>NTA, it was not equal. The 2020 riots were more violent, destructive and bloody.
2020 riots were more violent, destructive and bloody. January 6th was more an existential threat to our democracy. The structure of our government was not threatened by the 2020 riots nor were the 2020 riots unprecedented the way January 6th was - primarily because January 6th was the first riot enabled and orchestrated by a sitting president.

>Nobody at Jan 6 shot and killed anyone - however an unarmed woman was shot and killed by the police
Yet it was the first time in U.S. history that the capitol building had been breached and the certification of the vote was delayed.

>The only way anyone could say that Jan 6th was worse is by using the 'it disrupted a function of government' argument, and that goes out the window when countered with Kavanaugh.
Well, it doesn't go out the window. There was no riot with Kavanaugh and the people there to protest weren't sent there by a sitting president for the purpose of disrupting the hearing for their own political benefit. There's also the entire buildup to January 6th that makes the event terrible - Trump's electors scheme, his attempt to get his DOJ to lie and say they found voter fraud, the scheme where he wanted VP Pence to violate the ECA and install him as dictator. Then there's the day of when Trump sat in the White House and did nothing for 3 hours as his supporters rioted at the capitol. Its not even comparable to people protesting at Kavanaugh's hearings.
You're so caught up in comparing which was worse instead of realizing that you already consider both of them as riots, which for some reason doesn't line up with what you said about it earlier.
>The structure of our government was not threatened by the 2020 riots
The structure of government nearly everywhere in the US radically changed as a result of the BLM riots, often for the worse, and the Jan 6 protest changed nothing
You are wrong
>which for some reason doesn't line up with what you said about it earlier.
Do you understand what NTA means?
>January 6th was more an existential threat to our democracy.
And I never could get an answer to this question anytime I ask it: how could Jan 6th be a threat to our democracy? Worst case scenario, the mob holds congressmen hostage and demand the election gets tossed. They agree and the mob goes home. That decision is immediately invalid because it was made under duress. There's no way it would be recognized as legal - and that's without factoring in massive outrage from over half of the country that wouldn't stand for it.

>Yet it was the first time in U.S. history that the capitol building had been breached

>There was no riot with Kavanaugh
But they did disrupt a political function. Which anytime Jan 6th gets argued is the reason I'm told why Jan 6th was so horrible.

>Then there's the day of when Trump sat in the White House and did nothing for 3 hours as his supporters rioted at the capitol.
Wanna compare that to all the other democrats in 2020 that ordered police to hold back, denied using the national guard, and kept Trump from interfering? Shall we talk about the democrats that provided water and portable toilets to the CHAZ zone? This might seem like whataboutism, but I'm really fucking tired of the argument that Trump "did nothing for 3 hours" as if that's an indicator of guilt, but anytime I bring up dems directly supporting rioters that never counts.
No one believes you're a different anon. There aren't that many people who blame BLM for the 2020 Boogaloo Riots.
Oh look another retard who thinks I'm someone I'm not. Here let me help you:
>>1359748 This is me. Notice the (You)?
>>1359690 This is not me. Notice the absence of (You)?
the faggot shill is lying again
You have exactly the same opinions and repeat the same tired thinktank talking points as the board spammer. Everyone with a brain is going to question if you're a different person.
>You have exactly the same opinions
When the fuck did I say Jan 6th wasn't a riot?
when have you not been the resident schizo everyone is sick of. have a rupee
Remind us, who was it protesting through the streets endlessly after the 2016 election, shutting down highways and looting stores?
No one?
Thank you for conceding that I never said it and you're lumping me in with another anon because you're fucking retarded.
I gotchu fam >>1359375
what a lying faggot the shill is. not that we weren't already aware of this
Rightist false flaggers, obviously

Why is it so hard for chuds to distinguish between protests and riots?
You know they ended after a few days, right?
Why don't you tell us what the difference is?
>inb4 when the left does it, it's a protest.
>And I never could get an answer to this question anytime I ask it: how could Jan 6th be a threat to our democracy?
You're being myopic. A riot on its own probably isn't a threat. A riot paired with a sitting president who tried to steal an election through fraudulent electors and a vice president who breaks the ECA to send the vote to the congress. That's a real threat. You're making the mistake of viewing the riot on January 6th as some isolated event and ignoring the weeks and months of criminal and anti-democratic behavior enacted by the president leading up to it.

I don't think you know what the term breach means

>But they did disrupt a political function. Which anytime Jan 6th gets argued is the reason I'm told why Jan 6th was so horrible.
January 6th was horrible because it was orchestrated and cheered by a sitting president, not because it delayed certification for a few hours.

>Wanna compare that to all the other democrats in 2020 that ordered police to hold back, denied using the national guard, and kept Trump from interfering?
If you know anything about riot and crowd control its common practice sometimes not to send police in full bore to stampede a crowd. Sometimes it just makes things worth. Its also common practice for states issues to be left to the states. There are no legitimate reasons for the president of the U.S. to sit and do nothing for 3 hours while his protestors riot.

>but I'm really fucking tired of the argument that Trump "did nothing for 3 hours"
Well, he did. An hour into the riot after Babbit had already been shot and killed and Pence was hiding in an underground bunker, instead of telling everyone to stop and go home he tweeted "Mike Pence failed to do the right thing". It is 100% an indicator of guilt.

>but anytime I bring up dems directly supporting rioters that never counts.
There were no dems who supported rioters. Its just a lie.
Paste the article text and I might
For that matter, why is it so hard for chuds to paste the article?
>anything I disagree with is schizophrenia reeeeeeeeeee
yeah, china man wrote it. and jan 6th wasn't a riot. the jan 6 protesters did nothing wrong
>anything I disagree with is schizophrenia reeeeeeeeeee
No not anything. Just you, specifically.
>i'm not schizophrenic! I constantly shift my IP address because it's a fun and exciting process!
How much do you value your life?
take meds
who cares if leftoids destroy leftoid cities lmao
gang i live in downtown Portland, OR am i cooked
I hope your armed and have an emergency kit and supplies
even the popular vote lmao
So uh... did anything actually happen yet?

A reminder: If you are ever forced to defend yourself from.leftists, your life is over. They will defame you. They will slander you. They will bankrupt you. Rittenhouse had the most clear-cut case of self-defense in the world and the state still tried to crucify him because the establishment favors leftist violence.

Similarly, the media won't report on the actual number of riots going on, because again, corporate media favors leftists. This is why everybody knows about the CHAZ in Seattle, but not the CHAZ in Chicago, New York, Los Angeles and Portland.

Most of them hate cold weather, so they won't riot as hard as they might in the summer, but they will still commit themselves to ruining the lives of people like you. Barring that, they will try to commit ecological terrorism like they did in 2016: lighting forest fires and blockading highways.

The best thing you can possibly do is avoid the cities for the next three months. Avoid blue states. Avoid liberal hubs. Consider that you may already be in a state of war. Your only practical purpose at the moment is to survive and ensure the survival of your loved ones.

Stay safe.

Haha, I hope the Lefty-Dems riot, Trump will send in armored divisions to crush the traitors once and for all.
>The Seattle Police Department (SPD) announced via an X post it arrested five protestors in connection with property damage along 12th Avenue East and East Pike Street. SPD said additional property damage was taking place as the group neared 13th Avenue and Pine Street.
>However, SPD said the group has now broken up.
>“We will update here with additional information if anything changes,” police stated.
>Police previously stated that announcements were being made to the crowd via loudspeakers and that the group had dwindled to a dozen people.

Oh wow so fucking nothing.
We had nationwide riots in 2016 after Trump's election. Some deep blue cities had riots literally every single summer.
If you think these lefty retards, who have unironically argued that Trump is a fascist, are going to stop after a single night then you are too young to be browsing this board.
Is this Chaz you are mentioning?
I actually happen to have a couple videos of it myself
>But look at this thing not happening now!
>Now imagine it's happening now!

All that 2020 shit wasn't even related to the election lmao.
I didn't bring it up, you did or the person you replied to did

So idc what you say loser. Go away.
You literally brought up CHAZ retard..
To be honest, I think people are so shellshocked by this victory that it'll take them a while to actually organize anything. They all got baited into believing that Trump had zero chance at winning.
If anything, it'll be January 6th Part 2: It's Better When We Do It
No, because I'm not this person: >>1360565
I hope the first time a Democrat sets fire to something in a riot this year, trump sends in bulldozers to tear down the tents they live in
>They don't even make it into the White House
>People who live on soy-based diets are wholly incapable of pushing past the gates
>Others get panic attacks before even getting close
>Done ANTIFA/ancom tards ignite and smash surrounding buildings and cars
>Media spends the next year trying to brush off the attempt as "just a peaceful protest"
>>Media spends the next year trying to brush off the attempt as "just a peaceful protest"
and they'd be right because it was too anemic to do anything illegal.
Lefty-Dems only riot in business districts and ghettos, they don’t have the balls to bring that shit White suburbs, they know full well what the result would be.
they could never loot anything of value

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