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WASHINGTON, Nov 5 (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department has been cleared to send lawyers to polling sites in Missouri and Texas on Election Day to monitor compliance with federal voting rights laws after those Republican-led states had sued to block it from doing so.

Both states are among the 27 that the department said it would send staff out to monitor polling locations on Tuesday to ensure compliance with federal voting rights laws, as it has done regularly during national elections.

Republican former President Donald Trump faces Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris in Tuesday's presidential election. Trump continues to make false claims of widespread voting fraud in his 2020 loss to Democrat Joe Biden and has urged his supporters to turn out at polling places to watch for alleged fraud.

Judges in overnight decisions declined requests by Missouri and Texas for court orders to block the Justice Department monitors. Shortly before the judge's decision in the Texas case, the state's attorney general reached an agreement with the department regarding the conduct of its election monitors.

While some of the U.S. locations that the Justice Department will monitor include key counties in the seven battleground states expected to help decide the election's outcome, it is sending personnel to other locations such as counties in Texas, Massachusetts, Alaska, South Dakota and New Jersey.

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey, a Republican, in a lawsuit filed on Monday accused the department of making an 11th-hour plan to "displace state election authorities" by sending poll monitors to locations throughout St. Louis.

But U.S. District Judge Sarah Pitlyk, a Trump appointee in St. Louis, denied, opens new tab Bailey's request for a temporary restraining order, saying that "the harms that the state of Missouri anticipates are speculative."
The department said two election monitors were in Missouri to monitor one polling place in St. Louis that had reached a settlement in 2021 at the end of Trump's presidency over concerns about architectural barriers and other problems that could have hindered voting by people with disabilities.

As part of that settlement, the city's Board of Election Commissioners agreed to allow the Justice Department to monitor for compliance, including the monitoring of polling places.

In Texas, Republican Attorney General Ken Paxton on Monday accused Biden's administration of engaging in a "lawless intimidation campaign" by sending federal agents to state polling and counting locations without authority to do so.

U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk, a Trump appointee in Amarillo, in an order, opens new tab docketed just after midnight on Tuesday said he "cannot issue a temporary restraining order without further clarification on the distinction between 'monitoring' and 'observing' on the eve of a consequential election."

Kacsmaryk ordered the department to confirm "no observers" would be present in polling locations in Texas, but the judge did not issue an restraining order. The judge's action was docketed just minutes after Paxton's office dropped its request for such an order, having reached its agreement with the Justice Department.

Under the agreement, opens new tab, the department's election monitors will remain outside of polling and central count locations and be subject to Texas law regarding electioneering within 100 feet (30 meters) of those locations.

Paxton in a statement called the agreement a victory that ensures that Justice Department personnel cannot enter Texas election locations.
>In Texas, Republican Attorney General Ken Paxton on Monday accused Biden's administration of engaging in a "lawless intimidation campaign"
Given the P in GOP stands for Project, we know Paxton is the one who was engaging in a lawless intimidation campaign and federal election monitors would expose that.
how would this be the good guys? the AG is an israeli who hates America and was banned from the SCOTUS for being a human rights denying piece of shit
>Some Republican led states are blocking federal poll monitors at their voting locations
>US Justice Department cleared to send election monitors to Texas, Missouri
How's it feel being denied the right to deny monitors the right to check on Republican intimidation, thus vote rigging?
>the intimidators now the intimidated
Can't take it, you never had the right to dish it out in the first place, Rethuglicans.
And so what if, as a result of you being intimidated, and because of being monitored thus fair & transparent voting, you're denied the right to have a Republican president via foul means? Good
i thought the AGs were all republican trump appointees?
They are but the MAGA definition of Republican is "anybody who tongues Trump's ass". If you don't tongue his ass then you're a RINO and jewish or something. Also, today is going to be a very hard day for schizo gun nut. Be patient with him.
You're retarded. Anybody who would call you Jewish in a negative light does not support Trump, the most Pro-Jew president in American history. They're the people mocking Trump supporters by saying stuff like "MIGA!" and "Zion Don"
you are a retarded fucking samefag. the AG is garland
>Both states are among the 27 that the department said it would send staff out to monitor polling locations on Tuesday to ensure compliance with federal voting rights laws, as it has done regularly during national elections.
really makes you wonder why this year is the one year those states respective governors decide to throw a very public bitchfit when it's been standard practice for decades
you tried to murder an 18 year old then when he shot the culprits in self-defense two of whom are registered child predators you tried to kill him in court.
Then threatened to dox the jurors if there wasn't a guilty verdict. You are scum libshit you deserve to rot in jail with greasy paul anal fucking you until you break.
why are you so obsessed with rape? it's kinda weird bro
look at the foreign shill trying to lionize the kenosha kid
I think the funniest part is Kyle ruined his own life. He has no education to fall back on, doesn't have enough charisma or intelligence to merchandise himself, and now everyone knows him as a right-wing shill and a dumbass. He had to ride the 15 minutes of fame right to the bottom of a cliff instead of letting the story fade so he could move on.
i spy two people who i'd be happy to feed to the sex predators.
better wash yo ass or it'll tear
damn, you ARE obsessed with rape. do you have rape fantasies? might want to talk to a therapist about that
>The definition of murder is when a state prosecutor charges someone with a crime and I disagree with that
Rape obsessed and exaggerates like a hysterical little girl
you're really weird

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