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File: Denocracy.png (419 KB, 512x768)
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Reps take the whole nine. House, Senate, Supreme Court, and most likely the presidency.

Total loss.
The election is over OP. How is your mental state holding up? Please reply to this post.
I wonder if democrats will end up regretting trying to assassinate Trump so many times, or double down on it
I was reliably informed that this election would determine the future of American democracy. I was told this by a party that perpetrated a coup against their candidate, installing a new one a mere three months ago. The new candidate did not receive a single primary vote. The other guy, the one they claimed was the threat to democracy, was on the receiving end of a torrent of legal cases meant to prevent him from running, and potentially even imprisoning him. Someone even shot him in the head. It's weird the American people didn't buy any of it. Democrats have earned their exile. The people have spoken. This is what democracy looks like.
>How will they ever recover
That which was liked by Trump, Boris Johnson with a 'Thumping' 80 seat majority. Then it all went downhill from there. Four more Prime Ministers in five years, including one only lasting 50 days after instantly tanking the economy. A poor little rich Indian being out of touch with almost everyone else was what sealed the deal.
Starmergeddon. Labour's total destruction of the Conservatives
There were those who said a win of any size was impossible for Labour, who 'couldn't recover'. Just five years ago.
You the guy who was saying that the right would forever be defeated in this election?

Yeah you are.
brutal. democrats absolutely rejected across the board. turns out crying "hitler" isn't a substitute for policy.
Good posts
We need to make sure the dems NEVER get back in. Ever. They have shown they're are willing to do ANYTHING to subvert the law and seize power. They are nasty little infants.
Lol how did the democrats lose 20million voters between 2020 and now? I guess election fraud really is a lot more difficult when everyone isn't in COVID lockdown
It wasn't just that. Trump gains 12 million votes between '16 and '20, but Biden gained 15 million more than Hillary got. All of those Biden votes were lost, and then some, while Trump's popularity increased even more.

This was a statement election very much like the one in 1980. The ball is in our court. BUT ... there will be no excuses this time.

Trump made a lot of promises in '16 and only a handful (immigration) got anywhere. He was blocked by the remaining Democrats on the others, and of course tons of lawsuits.

No excuses this time. We control all branches of government. The people have clearly spoken. There will be no one to blame if Trump's wishes are not enacted.
Trump got less votes now than he did in 2020.
when do the round-ups begin
At current vote counts he has 2 million votes leas than 2020 while Kamala has 15 million less votes than Biden in 2020
>17 million voters mysteriously vanish
>coincidentally most of them are dems

Nothing to see here lads.
2020: vote fraud good.
2024: vote fraud is now bad. vote fraud has always been bad.
2020: We were the incumbent! The polls! He must've cheated
2024: Obviously everything is fine and good. Ignore the lawsuits he already filed.
Where did your 15 million voters disappear to, my boy?
Not to Trump. He actually lost 3 million votes compared to 2020. Incredibly odd that in this modern political environment turnout would go down.
Turnout was probably roughly the same within +/- a couple million.
What likely went down was fraud, because nobody was in lockdown anymore
>How will they ever recover.
same way US politics has gone since the day the country was founded, a pendulum swinging back and forth over time. swing it harder one way, it'll swing that much harder back.
it's never pretty
we're a constitutional republic
>shot him in the head
still havent seen proof of that one kek
still counting, unironically. tens of millions are a lot of papers to scan.
california's dozens of house races with stuff to be collected from hundreds of spread-out precincts especially take a while to tally. the total votes will climb up, but the race was called because there's nothing outstanding large enough to affect a change in any of the states that matter
>counting for the rest of the week
Cali is an embarrassment. India, literal hell on earth, gets it done in 24 hours.
>still havent seen proof of that one
You have, you are just terminally retarded.
Enjoy the big L bucko, the American people last night made it clear they are sick of the bullshit of you and your ilk
You know I was down last night, but today I’m feeling pretty charged and upbeat. Similar to, I imagine, the joy, relief, and elation a depressed person feels right at the time they decide to suicide. Just the bliss of oblivion. I don’t care anymore and it feels amazing.
Wow this board got sloooow now that all the DNC bots and paid shills are done astroturfing for an election
Voter apathy. Lot of people tuned out and stopped giving a shit.
>we're a constitutional republic
"Democracy" and "constitutional republic" aren't mutually exclusive.
lol. Yeah that's what happened
Unironically yes.
no other explanation is possible. Yep.
Let's just not have a plague or anything challenging this time so he can sleepwalk through the next 4 years.
>article wasn't pasted
OP are you feeling unwell? How is your mental state?
I'm not the usual guy that doesn't post the article.
I was out at the time fucking your mother in the butt. I got bored and posted from my phone.
Do you have any idea how hard it is to post an article while simultaneously fucking your mother in the butt and phonefagging?
I bet you do.

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