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everyone who said money buys votes, get fucked. there were no pro slavery ads, no pro slavery pacs, not a red cent spent on the pro slavery side. hell the pro slavery side didn't even bother submitting an argument and they still won
next time a tranni boi from california tries to act like they are superior, remind them they are literally pro slavery
he's making good threads again
>article isn't pasted
has the predditor finally decided to transition? I think so!
Collateral damage from the Prop 36 enthusiasm? Apparently I'm in the minority for voting yes on both.
>next time a tranni boi from california tries to act like they are superior, remind them they are literally pro slavery
Anon if California is the first state to actually challenge prison labor as slavery, what does that mean for all the ones that just have it legal with no challenge and no proposition to fix it?
That really the spin you want to go with? Sure that's a good idea?
>Ha, guess California voted against ending prison slavery!
>Unlike us red states, which do it on a much wider scale!
>Anon if California is the first state to actually challenge prison labor as slavery
That's not a challenge. Slavery explicitly called slavery is legal under the Constitution explicitly as punishment for a crime. You cannot challenge slavery for being slavery.

And let's not forget "community service".
They voted to keep prison slavery, not end it.
What's your spin going to be when such a a measure does actually pass in a different state?
>What's your spin going to be when such a a measure does actually pass in a different state?
This'll likely get passed in Cali (likely in another election down the line, though it's still possible for it to pass in this once considering only half the vote is in) before it even goes up for vote in other states. You're really gonna tell me states like Texas are gonna even accept a chance to give up their private labor forces? Cali being willing to put this up for a chance to be law speaks volumes.
Sometimes a Judge sentences a kid to 40 hours community service. Isn't this technically involuntary servitude?
The amendment is more focused on keeping the CDCR from imposing work.
>(b) The Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation shall not discipline any incarcerated person for refusing a work assignment.
Presumably at least, judges being part of the judicial branch could still offer community service as a voluntary alternative punishment. Which is how it currently works anyway.
Ironically, Alabama and Tennessee already have, and I think Nebraska and Utah as well. Some blue states have too, Colorado and Vermont and probably a few others by now.
The problem is those already got bypassed by the prisons themselves.
OP is a plebbit transplant, actually.
not in the rules tranni boi
Alabama, Oregon, Colorado, Nebraska, Utah, Tennessee and Vermont all have this ballot initiative as law. Louisiana voted on it in 2022
California is once again getting BTFO'd by Alabama

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