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OP literally can not stop making good threads
How is your mental state tonight OP? Is the distress from being born as the wrong gender what's causing you to not paste the article, and project being a tranny boi onto everyone else? It must be hard on you.
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Once again you are wrong, thinking that I am the op, but I have something that may help you

LGBTQ crisis hotlines
The Trevor Project
Providing confidential support for LGBTQ youth in crisis, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Crisis intervention and suicide prevention phone service available 24/7/365.

Confidential online instant messaging with a Trevor counselor, available 24/7.
Access through a computer.

Text START to 678-678
Confidential text messaging with a Trevor counselor, available 24/7/365.
Standard messaging rates may apply.
Please OP, you aren't well. This isn't how you properly deal with what you're going through right now. Suicide isn't going to fix anything either, so please stop thinking about it.
>most intelligent fed
no wonder you retards could not rig the Camel into the white barn
I thought Trump winning would help your mental state, but instead you've just gotten worse.
>Once again you are wrong, thinking that I am the op
His schizo level is off the charts. Just don't listen to this anon: >>1360888
Suicide will fix everything and you should continue thinking about it
I live in Hamilton Ontario. The reason crime is up is that post pandemic things have been a clusterfuck and homelessness is rampant. Parks that used to be quiet friendly communities are now tent cities full of people who burn park benches and break into cars. My favorite small neighborhood convenience store had to close because every night they would bust open his ice machine.

That said I will say this, though I'm sure gun crime is also up as with everything else that went up. In my almost 50 years in this city I have never seen a gun outside of my family's that use them to hunt or cops. Even as crazy as things are compared to a few years ago, walking around Hamilton doesn't feel dangerous. It's nothing at all like when we cross from Windsor to Detroit. That's like going to another planet.
>The reason crime is up is that post pandemic things have been a clusterfuck and homelessness is rampant. Parks that used to be quiet friendly communities are now tent cities full of people who burn park benches and break into cars. My favorite small neighborhood convenience store had to close because every night they would bust open his ice machine.
Similar to where I live. I live in a progressive west coast utopia, and post-2020 the city decided it would stop prosecuting any crimes for drug possession and we wound up with massive street side homeless encampments of hobos openly smoking fentanyl crack and meth in the open, along with open air drug markets on a couple specific streets. These streets also happen to be transit hubs so just walking to the train people are trying to sell me pills or meth, and I've seen security ask people smoking crack pipes to disperse from in front of the transit and have watched the security get attacked by these crack fueled hobos.

Coupling that with the city reducing it's police force and instructing them only to respond to calls where there is an active crime endangering life, and telling them they cannot pursue a suspect unless if that suspect is suspected of sex crimes or is an imminent threat to others, crime has exploded here
What city are you in? I still see people get busted for drugs, but there are just so many of them now it's bonkers. Here at least though no one openly tries to sell them. I've never once been offered meth, the closest is a homeless guy who had a little camp full of cats who tried to give me weed once because he said he thought it was crap. That was pre-pandemic though.

Even so pretty much all the crime here is break ins at night, you don't see it on tje streets. Even when I was working in the east end commuting by bus either 4-5am or 11-12 pm depending and it's shittier but nothing like what you describe. And they call this place the armpit of Canada.
>What city are you in?
Don't really want to say exactly but it's on the Pacific coast and is a large city. Could probably narrow it down to 2 cities based on the information I gave you.
Package thefts have increased massively as well since the city said the police aren't to respond to crimes that are not violent or actively in progress. Property theft like break-ins and package theft are pretty much unpunished now. When I go jogging I pretty regularly see piles of stolen packages and mail that have been torn open, sifted through, and discarded in large piles
>Don't really want to say

So are you a liar or paranoid retard?
Shut up retard
Lol sorry that your stories sound like total bullshit. Hamilton is well known for being a shitty post industrial steel town and things are certainly way worse than they were 10 years ago, but it sounds like you're describing another planet. That you won't even say where you live on anonymous board and just throw out random shit... yeah I don't think you've ever stepped foot in Canada.
>yeah I don't think you've ever stepped foot in Canada.
I visited Victoria. That should be a huge hint to what "west coast democrat utopia" I'm referencing.
Btw, Victoria was great. Nothing like the hobo drug fueled wasteland of my hometown.
It's nice that you claim to have once visited a Canadian city. Having lived here for almost five decades I can tell you it's nothing like anything you've described.
What about Canada did I describe other than Victoria being a great city?
Oh I see.
You shared your experience with Hamilton, I shared my experience with my city, and for some weird reason you thought I was talking about Canada.
There's no Democrat Party in Canada, dummy.
This is not how a person of sound mind speaks.
It's filled with Canajeets, needles, flags of various foreign nations, and suicide booths isn't it?
(You) tried
I know which city you're in going by one of the descriptors you used. I'm over in Nanaimo. It's a shit show here too. It's everywhere in this province. We even had vending machines in front of NRGH dispensing drug paraphenelia. I'm fully convinced drug dealers should get the rope. That Duerte guy in the Phillipines has the right idea.

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