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File: donald-trump-dancing.gif (2.39 MB, 390x640)
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2.39 MB GIF
this must be why the traffic on /news/ is so low now
It's a grab bag.
The DNC shillbux ran dry, so the foreign shill that uses the translation service is gone.
The boomer libshit is probably crying
Also, many democrats are probably comatose on fentanyl trying to cope with the loss.

But yeah, all around the lefties are busy having epic melties
I don't see an article being pasted anywhere. You aren't considering joining your xisters, are you OP?
Damn, I was hoping a Trump win would help OP heal but apparently he is still suffering severe mental health problems
all the fags who do it for free are still here unfortunately. too bad they never got paid with any of that fundraising.
I think that's honestly a single person, he's probably been the only reasonable left-leaning poster on this board for the last year or year and a half, the rest of pretty much all been astroturfed
I voted for tRump because I enjoy watching U Ass of A implode. I will try to vote more retards into power so the Phoenix of socialism will arise from the ashes of corporate capitalism.
Not in the rules tranny boi
we are so back
I read the first paragraph of that article and immediately left.

>>teens made a pact to kill themselves if Trump won
SERIOUSLY? give me a break. You're idea that you'd something that earth shattering drastic over an election is a fucking joke. Stupid fucking faggot children, I have no sympathy for them. They'd have been better off following through with it.
>he is still suffering severe mental health problems
And that's just Trump
As for the rest of the cult, remember that the last four years has gone really fast. This is Trump's second term, sure: but his last. He either goes by Big Mac-induced heart attack, is too senile to continue or he has to leave on 20th January 2029. What then? No more Trump: and Don Jr. won't do, as he isn't his & the cultists' 'Daddy'. Couchfucker? JD Weir's not Trump. Nobody else will be.
Congrats, Trumptards: yours is a pyrrhic victory. It was simply a case of sooner or later, and you've only delayed the inevitable. When Trump goes, it'll be Total MAGA Death.
Four years goes very fast.
>He either goes by Big Mac-induced heart attack, is too senile to continue or he has to leave on 20th January 2029.
I'm guessing it's another democrat assassination. You people try it enough, ones probably going to succeed, unless if your reckless antics plunges the US into a dystopic martial law scenario due to all your lawlessness
Trump can literally die of a heart attack live at one of his rallies and have a full autopsy showing it was his poor health and eating habits that did it and you retards would still say dems must've poisoned him.

What happens if he starts (assume he hasn't started already) getting alzheimers like his father did? Did the dems manage to lobotomize him when no one was looking?
>Trump can literally die of a heart attack live at one of his rallies and have a full autopsy showing it was his poor health and eating habits that did it and you retards would still say dems must've poisoned him
Maybe maybe not, but Ukraine loving "current thing" democrat weirdos with Biden Harris bumper stickers lying in wait to assassinate Trump sure don't help your argument
>he still doesn't get it

lol. Keep it up, faggot.
Yeah, I'm still here. I've been mostly busy with life stuff. I report editorials and twitter screen-cap threads sometimes though
The fact that the libtard posters immediately vanished is proof that they were literally paid to post here by the DNC. Always remember that the shit heads you're talking to are being paid to post here. They're not here to discuss or debate with you.
There's a lot of shilling on both sides.
If you've heard the name Soros but never heard of the name Koch then you fucked up.
Ok, I can't talk you out of it, clearly you're deadset, but when you do become an hero, we would really appreciate it if you could follow through woth your transition first so you could add to the statistics. Thanks in advance, and good luck.
>I read the first paragraph of that article and immediately left.
why did you support the publishing of that article by giving it a view? fucking faggot
20th January 2029. MAGA will die.
population control bud. they be doing the world a favor. thanks!
Why do you announce your sexuality as such?
Shilling is being paid to peddle your shit. The liberals were all being paid out of Kamala's billion dollar campaign budget. The MIGAs are actually worse because they do it for free. I voted for Trump because he's by far the best of two horrible options.
How do you think the collarless faggot feels right now? He spent the past year relentlessly obsessing over orange man bad and now he's probably got a new job making fake amazon reviews for chinese widgets
Trump is a russian controlled asshole, I wish the shooter headshotted him instead of making him a martyr
kys esl shill
That's all :)
The likes of >>1361134 wrren't paid a penny, least of all a shilling. >>1361134 is worse than MIGAs.
everything was better and cheaper under trump and the world a saver place he is literally the only us peace president in your lifetime so far you brainwashed troglodyte
Your a brainwashed propaganda controlled fool, I wish you would headshot yourself so your parents could bury you with your birth name
The seeth from the anti trump crowd here is so funny. You lost.
let's not brag about suicides

but yeah, remember TRUMP LOST?

paste the article text shitnuts
please be mostly redditards I'd be so happy with less of those cunts
Trump's a retard and all, but lets not hope for political assasinations. The consequences of that and the fear it would bring to America would be terrible.

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