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Former senior Obama advisor-turned-senior Kamala Harris advisor David Plouffe has deleted his X account after suggesting on Wednesday that Harris' landslide defeat was Joe Biden's fault for not dropping out soon enough, and right as a massive campaign debt scandal erupts.

"We dug out of a deep hole but not enough. A devastating loss," Plouffe posted to X - in what many interpreted as a dig at Biden.

And now, Plouffe and X are no more.

David Plouffe has been unburdened from posts that have been. pic.twitter.com/K0AolWvWq3
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) November 7, 2024

That said, was this about more than salty tears?
20 Million In Debt

After raising over $1 billion and left with $118 million in the bank as of October 16, the Harris campaign ended the 2024 election season with "at least $20 million in debt," according to Politico's Christopher Cadelago.

Kamala Harris's campaign ended with at least $20 million in debt, per two sources familiar. Harris raised over $1 billion and had $118 million in the bank as of Oct. 16.
— Christopher Cadelago (@ccadelago) November 7, 2024

Breitbart CEO Matt Boyle says a Kamala campaign staffer "said there is a massive scandal here worthy of an audit."

Ok so this just got very explosive. A Kamala campaign staffer who saw these posts called me just now and said there is a massive scandal here worthy of an audit.

The $20 million debt thing is real. Rob Flaherty, this staffer said, is currently shopping around the Kamala…
— Matthew Boyle (@mboyle1) November 7, 2024

Boyle's post in its entirety:

Ok so this just got very explosive. A Kamala campaign staffer who saw these posts called me just now and said there is a massive scandal here worthy of an audit.

The $20 million debt thing is real. Rob Flaherty, this staffer said, is currently shopping around the Kamala fundraising email list to anyone who wants it to try to raise the money back. This includes other campaigns and outside groups.

Flaherty is the deputy campaign manager and reports to Jen O’Malley Dillon.

“Jen blew through a billion dollars in a few months and it was all Jen’s idea to do all the concerts.” — Kamala campaign adviser told me

This source added that O’Malley Dillon did these “concerts,” like Katy Perry, Lizzo, Eminem, Bruce Springsteen et cetera at the expense of “prioritizing and spending money on social media and other campaign priorities.”

Apparently a group in Georgia had to lay off 100 people because they couldn’t pay them.

It’s unclear at this time if the campaign PAID the talent to perform but the cost of production for the events was “immense.”

What’s more, this Kamala campaign staffer said several people who were working for the Kamala Harris for President campaign are still awaiting several overdue payments they were promised for their work. IE, they didn’t pay the staff.
This Kamala campaign staffer said to me of @jomalleydillon

“People didn’t like working with her. Many people on the campaign felt like we lost because Kamala wasn’t allowed to run her campaign. They were running Joe Biden’s campaign instead of a Kamala campaign. Obnoxious and very much a gate keeper and interfering with the vice president’s people who were trying to do their job.”

According to data from the Federal Election Commission (FEC), the Harris campaign had received over $1 billion up until October 16 - including when it was the Joe Biden campaign.

Over the same period, the Trump campaign took in $392 million and spent $345 million.

Democrats spent $1.1 billion on aired advertising and associated reservations, according to AdImpact - a site which monitors the cost and content of ads, Newsweek reports.

According to The New York Times, the Harris campaign spent "six figures" to fly banners over four NFL games in October in an attempt to reach male voters in swing states. The Guardian reported in November that it also spent "a reported $450,000 a day" to have ads displayed on the Las Vegas Sphere in the swing state of Nevada.
Ultimately, the messaging did not appear to hit its mark(s). Speaking to Newsweek, Mark Shanahan, an American politics expert who teaches at the University of Surrey in the U.K., said Harris "never really landed" her economic message during the presidential election campaign.

"Once again, the Democrats underestimated the appeal of Trump. He turns politics into a soap opera and it keeps many more than his MAGA loyalists tuned in. Allied to that, he offered simple messages: the economy is poor and he can fix it; and America's troubles start at its borders, and he can fix that too," said Shanahan. "Harris had too little time to introduce herself to America. She never really landed her messages on the economy with great clarity, and the one area we really thought would boost her, around reproductive rights, really didn't get the expected cut-through with voters."
I'm sure at least $20mil got pinched into pockets.
I genuinely thank you op, this is probably the most interesting article right now posted on /news/ post-election
I have not been back on /news/ in 3 years used to be here from 2015-2021 the retardation from leftists was too much.
>“Jen blew through a billion dollars in a few months and it was all Jen’s idea to do all the concerts.” — Kamala campaign adviser told me
>This source added that O’Malley Dillon did these “concerts,” like Katy Perry, Lizzo, Eminem, Bruce Springsteen et cetera at the expense of “prioritizing and spending money on social media and other campaign priorities.”
I had to read about this. The Harris campaign was burning money paying for concerts to be thrown at the same time as trump rallys to try and pull trump rally goers into a concert instead and then talk about with their msm buddies about how the trump rally was small
Lmao it's all propagandizing with democrats, what a stupid strategy
You're in luck- the constant leftist shilling came to a full stop since Tuesday. It's quiet and peaceful all of a sudden.
which is why I came back
I stuck it out the whole time, brother. Through all the left wing retardation and feces.
In the last 3 days it seems like they either all killed themselves or aren't getting paid to post here anymore. I think it's down to 1 maybe 2 left leaning posters left on this board after Tuesday
It's not that I even dislike the left leaning posting, what I dislike is what really seemed like a bot posting here the last year, and the poster that seemed to be using a translation service to post pro-democrat propaganda
All of that abruptly stopped and it's just the posters that seem like normal people now
>In the last 3 days it seems like they either all killed themselves or aren't getting paid to post here anymore. I think it's down to 1 maybe 2 left leaning posters left on this board after Tuesday

There were never that many to begin with, like less than 5. They just kept heavy shilling the board 24/7 to make it seem like there were more of them than there were.

I genuinely think at least one killed themselves, the one word salad-ing the "that which does not get yous" schizobabble specifically.
>I stuck it out the whole time, brother.

I was the "hit dogs will holler" guy
>genuinely think at least one killed themselves, the one word salad-ing the "that which does not get yous" schizobabble specifically.
That's the one I'm fairly certain was using a foreign translation service. It also interspaced its replies into the writing as if it was a bot (or person) trained on Twitter posting.
Someone started the "neonazi socialists literally imploding" meme. That wouldn't happen to be you too, was it?
>That's the one I'm fairly certain was using a foreign translation service

I don't think they were using a translating service, I think they were typing that way as part of a fucking psychotic episode from being made fun of on here so much. That started after one of the usual back and forth's that threads would denigrate in to and it just seemed like cope.

Also: what are the odds that hiroshimoot deletes /news/ now that it can't be used as an anti-Trump shilling platform?
>Also: what are the odds that hiroshimoot deletes /news/ now that it can't be used as an anti-Trump shilling platform
Interesting question. I'm fairly certain this board was meant to be a foil to /pol/. I think honestly it will be kept around as long as it stays on topic and sfw. The fact that the DNC shills have evicted themselves shouldn't matter too much
That wasn't me

Hit dogs will holler
"You don't own this board, you control nothing"

I also started dropping black plague insults but had to tamp it down because the pajeet shills were reporting those lmao
>breitbart sources
Into the trash it goes
Uh oh guys. Looks like you're not getting paid.
Good post
Thanks for posting the entire article and NOT greentexting it.
green texting is for losers.
>raising over $1 billion and left with $118 million in the bank as of October 16, the Harris campaign ended the 2024 election season with "at least $20 million in debt,"
>Over the same period, the Trump campaign took in $392 million and spent $345 million.
Literally all the proof you need for democrat spending policies vs republican spending policies.

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