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Neo-Nazi socialists want proud latinx judgee sotomayor to step down so brandon can replace her with an American hating Neo-Nazi socialist before Trump takes office. But luckily for all Americans Sotomayor, who is 70 and has the 'betes, said she will remain in office, like RBG did before her
>Neo-Nazi socialists
>an American hating Neo-Nazi socialist
keep making good threads, op
>seething Neo-Nazi socialists
The Trumptards on 20th January 2029 when their cult leader has to leave the White House, thus no more Trump.
MAGA will die. It was either sooner or later, and all the Trumptard neo Nazi cultists did was delay the inevitable.
>subsidies: very socialist
>subsidies going to Muskrat
Thus the only socialists are you, MAGAtards.
Deprogram yourself.
Turn off your reddit feed.
Seek counseling.
Join a gym.
Take up a hobby.
Find new friends.
Seek a more fulfilling job.
Trump won for the third time, motherfucker. Cope.
It was never really about any of this. It was really your willingness to solve any problem and fight any fight.. except your own of course.
Look to thine own self.
What will you do without him though? You've devoted an entire political party to the worship of this man, and none of his underlings are going to be able to capture the popularity he has.
Who gives a fuck. Did anyone ask you what you were going to do without Obama?
No, because even though he had a cult follow, it's a stupid question, that's why you didn't get asked it, and that's also why you ask that question
Keep telling yourself that. Please.
>Did anyone ask you what you were going to do without Obama?
People didn't cult worship Obama as an infallible god like they do Trump. It was the Democrat party, not the Obama party. A guy who covered his van in pictures of Obama's face didn't send mailbombs to Republican politicians. There is no comparison.
Bullshit. 'Ol Bammy was a shiny black idol for Dems, despite the tan suit.
Your just in a cult.
Yeah I remember the literal golden idol of Obama and DNC.

...oh wait no, that was Trump at the RNC.

ffs you literally let this man put his niece in charge of your campaign finances.
You're not old enough, kid.
Obama was the shiny African god that did nothing but lay solid gold eggs.
Democrats would pay nightly for Ojujubongo to give them more unemployment as the effects of the Clinton years continued to play out.
>People didn't cult worship Obama
Diabetes won’t kill a 70 year old in 4 years, she’ll be fine. You better believe every Democrat will be sending her pints of their own blood in order to make sure she can survive a Trump term
No one would buy that though. The evidence against that claim is widely available
Democrats are retarded though. If it's not debunked by Jimmy Kimmel they'll believe it.
But Jimmy Kimmel will gladly debunk it multiple times a week
Your right. It's literally his job. The investment firms that pay him will make him talk about nothing else.
what are you talking about retardo? the democrat cult to obongo was bigger than any "trump cult" and the dems still haven't won an election without cheating since obongo left the white house
dems and the media put obongo on fucking everything
Oh, you poor pathetic Trump cultist. What are you going to do when he's gone? Via Big Mac-induced heart attack, removal due to senility, or four years from now when his second term is up, all that's happened is the delaying of the inevitable: MAGA will die. Without Trump, you'll be as irrelevant as the Teabaggers after Mitt Romney's failure.
paste the article, call me a tranni boi, go back to plebbit, then commit suicide on livestream, in that order
mitt wasn't a teabagger and teabaggers literally control congress.
look at how shitty you obongo cultists have done since obongo left office
you are one mad faggot, fagola. and it ain't in the rules, queer
>you are one mad faggot
Absolutely seething lmao, i'd tell you to get a grip, but having you kill yourself would be way funnier, and much healthier for the board. Go and join the 41% homo, you'll make a lot of people very happy.
turn your monitor on retardo. you seem very upset since Trump won
Actually Trump winning put me in a pretty good mood for a few days, something I know your miserable ass can't experience. I guess you'll just have to die mad tranni boi, at which point /news/ will throw a party.
>some... thing's second term
>only two terms allowed
>Only Grover Clevend did this previously: why didn't or couldn't he run for a third term?
Turn your clock & calendar on. The last four years went really fast. The next four years will go just as fast. The Death of MAGA one second after 12 midday 20th January 2029. You'll be less than nothing once he takes that last trip on Marine One. Tick-tock, tick-tock, Trump cultists.
gover cleveland was allowed to run a 3rd time, he just chose not to on account of the fact he was 60, had cancer, his party moved to free silver and washington didn't take a third term. the 22nd amendment didn't happen until the 40s.
and you sure are seething a lot there, obongo cultist crackhead chat gpt bot.
nah, you have been shown you are seething as fuck and hella mad and a faggot
I'm sorry your schizophrenic delusions make you unable to perceive reality outside of your mental fantasyland, maybe it would have lead to you not being an insufferable cum gargling troll, maybe you could still be posting on plebbit where you belong, but that is not the case sadly, and everyone who doesn't like you (most people) is the same imaginary leftist tranny.
When you kill yourself, all the anger goes away. It will be so peacefuly, no more of these exhausting compulsions. No more seething at people who don't even know you exist. No more worrying about trannies lurking around every corner. It sounds nice, doesn't it?
Can you livestream your suicide on Jan 6th for us? Right as Kamala has to vote to certify her own defeat
you sure are having a melty over harris losing, tranni boi
samefagging won't make the fact that I voted for Trump not real
They should have yet your schizo ass vote multiple times for each of your deranged personalities lmao
I bet you even have an official diagnosis, freak
Don't you want there to be nothing to be angry over anymore?
You're having a bad day again, aren't you OP. What happened? Was work more annoying than usual? It's ok if you reply to this post.
Can you livestream your implosion on 20th January 2029 when Trump takes that last trip on Marine One? Seethe and Dilate as we see the gradual death of MAGA, and your imploding. MAGA is already dead: you just don't know it yet.

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