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Right now the senate is 53 Republicans vs 45 communists. Let's be generous and say the commies pick up NV and AZ, that would put us at 53 (+1 vp) to 47. Now let's turn out attention to pic related. Its the 2026 midterms senate map. A lot of red cousin fucker states up there. Only 6 will be contested.
2 Red Maine and north carolina and 4 communist, georgia, michigan, new hampshire and virginia. So its likely the GOP expands the senate to 54 or 55. But let's be generous and say the commies run the table, take all 6 contested seats and the house. That leaves the senate 51 (+ the vp) to 49.
Moscow Mitch, because he is smarter than every democrat politician and voter, baited that retard harry reid into using the nuclear option and ending the judicial filibuster. So barring something crazy, until the final day of his presidency Trump will not only be able to fill any scotus vacancy (Thomas-R 76, Alito-R 74, Sotomayor-D 70 with diabetes, Roberts-faggot 69) but any vacant lower court seat until the last day of his presidency and there isn't jack shit the dems can do about it.
The courts will be ruby red and full of Trump appointees until the day you die
2026 is going to be a disaster for Republicans. They already admitted their current plan will result in "short term hardships", and if this election taught anyone anything it's that people care about prices right in front of them above all else.
You're still stirred up? Look, adults are back in charge. Short term means like a month. You'll be fine.
Just sit back and worry about cutting your penis. You've proven your opinion.on politics is worthless.
Let the adults be in charge without having melty, buy some cute dresses not designed for your bodyshape and chill.
It seems as though you forgot to paste the article. What's it like being a mentally ill leftist predditor OP? Do girls with dicks make your pp hard?
You shall not reply ti this post.
Midterms are generally a disaster for the incumbent party innit? Only way Republicans can avoid it if they actually do shit this time around instead of squabbling like they did in 2017
Well when your plans aren't laid out by the UN some disagreement should be normal.
But if you're selling out the US like Democrats, it's easy to just go with the flow.
I'm saying this as a republican, establishment republicans love to run and fundraise on shit but always find excuses when in power to never actually vote to implement them. Hopefully with a lot of the worst ones excised like Romney and McCain it won't be as much of a problem but considering how little backbone the house had to actually fight Biden this time around I'm not holding my breath. I'm fully expecting a repeat of the dems taking back the house and doing their damnedest to impeach Trump for a bunch of bullshit again because so few people in politics ever seem to learn any permanent lessons.
It's absolutely impossible to disagree with that. I think that's why people like Trump despite all the negative personality traits. He's going to get stuff done. And he tried.
Republicans are generally useless but he drove some of them toward achieving goals.
In contrast Democrats are willfully destructive so despite whatever problems exist within the Republican ranks, there's simply no contest.
Yeah, that's generally why I like Trump. He's far from perfect and he does a lot of dumb shit but it seems like he's one of the handful in politics that actually cares enough to try and get shit done instead of doing endless performative and messaging bills. That said, he kind of fucked himself over with a lot of dumb endorsements this year. In particular he fucked my congressman over and replaced him with an establishment stooge just because he was a bigger yes-man. I think it was more to do with some of his shitty advisors but still, he made the endorsement. Not the end of the world but it doesn't help the impression that we're being set up for a repeat of 2017.
The main problem is he seems convinced blanket tariffs are a good idea, when even his first admin realized a lot of the shit he was proposing was stupid.

Like for example, the Mexico tariffs. He's saying a 20% tariff that could get to 100% if Mexico doesn't do anything about illegal immigration. Not only is this a stupidly high number for something the Mexican government has little ability to control (especially since most migrants are already passing through mexico from countries further south) but it also absolutely fucks a lot of Southern states that export to there. And TRUMP HIMSELF knew this in his first term, where he tried the same thing starting at 5% and eventually backed down because everyone recognized it would accomplish nothing.

I really hope a lot of his campaign promises were just bluster to hype his base up in the vein of shit like "Make mexico pay for the wall" and "lock her up". Because if he actually enacts a lot of them we're fucked.
he's making good threads again
We'll now I'm starting to question your judgement.
Mexico needs us more than we need them. There isn't one thing that Mexico produces that couldn't be made in the US.
That includes cars, which used to be a huge source of income for US workers, Democrat Detroit, which is a partial ruins, specifically.
Forgot to mention that it was Clinton that destroyed Detroit BTW.
>Mexico needs us more than we need them
That doesn't mean we can afford to lose them as a trade partner without economic consequences on our end. Trump recognized this himself in his first presidency after a lot of his own cabinet told him his plan was a bad idea, and it got dropped after a round of "negotiations" where Mexico said they'd do a lot of shit they'd already agreed to do prior so Trump could drop it by claiming he'd gotten what he wanted.

For all intents and purposes he tried to do the same thing in 2019 in an act of impulse and got talked down by his cabinet. I'm scared that he'll do it again except with no one to point out how stupid it is.
Mexico is only an important trade partner because US jobs were shipped there. Your entire argument is erroneous
Anon our top trading partner in the last year was Mexico. We have millions of jobs that rely on exporting to and from Mexico. Blanket tariffs on them at the level Trump has been suggesting is gonna cause much more problems than it'll solve.
>Anon our top trading partner in the last year was Mexico.
Yes and that's why I said your entire argument was erroneous. Now you're backing your argument with irrelevant data.
And as far as causing more problems than it will solve, entirely unlikely.
Pre-Clinton NAFTA, there were no problems.
History is against the propaganda you've been fed. It's a shame the billionaires investment firms who paid for your, markedly retarded, opinion will never visit this backwater to see their returns.
Anon I'm citing Trump's first term where he tried to do the same fucking thing on a lesser scale and backed down because his cabinet pointed out it was a bad idea.
Anon, you're a faggot and you're starting to piss me off because you can't seem to disconnect with current year dRumpf-focused politics.
Additionally, the biggest imports from Mexico are vehicles and vehicles parts. Therefore you've already been completely and entirely owned in this conversation because your very base complaint is that Mexico exports the things we used to make in Detroit back to us.
That's why this conversation ended a couple posts ago and now your trying to goalpost shift to dRumpf while specifically citing that he got exactly what he wanted, and spinning as a negative.
Just fucking quit. I'm so tired of this style of debate. You aren't even close to convincing and it's like speaking to someone who's been living under a rock
Anon the whole point is that I'm talking about concerns with Trump's tariffs and how they're going to impact us during the next four years. No need to get hostile and make a separate argument about Mexico's trade status. The reality is right now they're a top trade partner and tariffs at the scale Trump is suggesting are going to result in higher prices across the US while not having enough impact on our manufacturing or immigration to be worth the (literal) price.
Great so that's going to affect American and European vehicles mostly.
Many Japanese cars are built in the US.
Will the cost truly be passed on? Are American cars truly so desirable that they can afford to cost more?
Your eyes see a very limited and retarded scope. Everything else out of Mexico that isn't vehicles is food. So we really do need to focus on the context of what's being traded and the history of such trade items and market competition.
Anon genuinely what the fuck are you even talking about at this point?
>Couldn't follow a conversation past dRumpf bashing
Typical. You started on this topic like you knew something but it appears you were just regurgitating your lines.

I accept you concession.
Anon you start diverting topic immediately after Mexico came up and started going on random tangents instead of just addressing how we're supposed to deal with the price increases or why it would be good now when Trump himself gave up on it back in 2019 at the advice of his cabinet.
It's not a tangent it's a practical example.
And how we are going to deal with the price increase of American cars is by having cars actually made in America to avoid tariffs, or buy Honda and Toyotas.
This expand to every single item possible where a tariff would apply.
>And how we are going to deal with the price increase of American cars is by having cars actually made in America to avoid tariffs

Except those cars are reliant on imported materials that are tariffed. Not to mention new factories and the like to replace more expensive foreign imports would take years to create, leaving us to pay the price in the meantime.

The key problem with Trump's tariffs is they're so indiscriminate they make everything more expensive while having no answer for how anything gets cheaper. And if the counterpoint is that wages would increase, the problem is the general price increase even by US-based producers would outpace it due to the price of imported materials and the effects this would have on exports due to retaliatory tariffs.
Thanks for your inside knowledge on the matter, plebian scum.
I didn't sub to fear porn. Now fuck off.
Bruh you lost after autos were mentioned. Take the "L".
>53 Republicans vs 45 communists
Anons cars made entirely in america rely on some foreign parts. Blanket tariffs cause all prices to go up because most products we make rely on foreign materials on some level, and the cost is offset to the consumer.

If Trump does what he says he's going to do we're headed for a recession.
Anon, can we step back a few decades and identify why car parts aren't made in the US anymore? Would that be too much trouble?
Because if we did we'd step back to a time where car parts were made in the US with US materials and the entire premise of your argument would be silly.
>can we step back a few decades and identify why car parts aren't made in the US anymore?
Yes yes, foreign labor and production is cheaper. However, trying to bring it back here will take literal decades, if it can even be done at all. Especially now that cars require high-end computers which fall under Asia's umbrella.

Meanwhile cut to one year under 2024 Trump tariffs and cars cost hundreds of dollars more with nothing to show for it.
>Those jobs aren't coming back.
Thanks for the pep talk. I don't need another Democrats worthless opinion the matter. Obongo has spoken.
Anon the jobs may come but the sheer increase of prices will cause us to get fucked even with wages going up. We legitimately can't go back to the days of making cars out of 100% US materials because we can't produce the computers used in modern cars on our own, at least not at the rate required to actually cut China and company out of the equation. There's definitely ways to encourage US factories and investment, but blanket tariffs like Trump has put out are not it. They have to be specific and implemented carefully, not thrown around as threats like he's been doing.
Real brining it back has never been tried
And now your argument is Trump is bad because Democrats have done irreversible damage to the US economy?
Are you winning?
You have to face facts anon; this isn't going to bring things back. Things will become more expensive because it'll take decades to make production equivalent to foreign markets. It's POSSIBLE, but Trump's tariffs just put the American people in a worse situation by making everything more expensive in the hopes of "oh, don't worry we'll be on top in a decade or so!"

These tariffs are just gonna fuck everyone over.
I make it a point not to trust anyone who willingly voted for Joe Biden then wants to continue to act like he knows something.
You're opinion is highly suspect, and your judgement is extremely poor just like the globalist economists you base your trash opinion on.
Look, you'll have a manbaby in charge and after 2026 it'll be more than just your opinions that'll be worthless. Besides, you'll be as worthless after 2028 - with a lame duck a l'Orange in the White House two years from now - when the same happens as did two years ago: a 'Red Wave' that wasn't a trickle. And you'll be worth less than nothing when that orange manbaby is out of the White House. Without that thing, you'll be nothing: because MAGA will die when he's gone. Good
oh, i didn't realize this was a schizoreddit thread
time to off yourself OP! Off you go!
So you don't actually have any argument other than "The economists are wrong!" even though anyone with a basic idea of how tariffs work can see that blanket ones at this high a price will screw us over more than anything. Got it.
Maybe you should stop crying, sit back, and let the leader we chose to lead do his job. I wouldn't be surprised if he changed his whole tariff strategy and it turns out differently that what you are screaming about.
If we have to rely on our president not doing the strategy he campaigned on, it's exactly what I'm worried about. If he lied to hype people up, that's annoying but fine. I'm more concerned if he actually does it because he's surrounded himself with nothing but yes-men.
I presented an argument using history and practical example. You repeated things globalist economists have started.
The best you could come up with is the Democrats have so thoroughly fucked up the US economy that it can't be fixed and "nu-uh".
They can try to charge more, out they can cut some of the outfit margin since they're outsourcing labor.
But here you are arguing that the poor trillionaire investment firms have no money.
What's wrong with you? This isn't stuff Democommies are usually concerned with. People will simply just be paying more taxes. So that means more communism, more roads and more schools. Shut up and enjoy it
>This guy still thinks we'll have midterms
>This guy thinks the Dems will have any voters left once Trump starts building the camps
Sides, Trump's already told us to prep for hardship, so it won't be a shock.
Anon things have changed and things take time. We can't return to having shit like cars made 100% in America even with the best incentives to make them in America because the infrastructure to do so at the same scale it's being done in other countries doesn't exist and will take years to create. And in the mean time things will just become more and more expensive.

It's too extreme a "solution" because it relies on the American people accepting mass price increases without enough wage increase to balance it out. Those factories and the like required for 100% american production are going to take too long to make to try and hard force it the way Trump's doing. His first round of tariffs cost us around 200k jobs, and this is trying to go more extreme than that.

A solution exists but it needs to be done slowly, not trying to brute force it.
Won't be a shock, but remember how much egg prices had an effect on this election? People are going to see the price increases and vote blue in a landslide for the same reason they voted red this year. Whoever's in charge gets blamed for any price increases. It's how it always works.
We're willing to take the hurt so long as others get hurt worse.

There will be no vote. Trump understands that the American people are fickle. He will not allow them to make that mistake. Trump can use the military to cancel all elections from here on out.
General Milley will lead the military overthrow of this puny little wanna be Mussolini like dictator. Pence don't need to worry about the rope..
Look at what the military did to Mussolini.
>lefties wanting a coup
Typical. But no, Trump plans to purge the officer corp and replace them with /ourguys/. He will have this done by the midterms.
>accuses the left of literally doing the thing he wants Trump to do
Mussolini was killed by partisans, not the military (though the military probably let it happen).
He'll just blame democrat dissidents and blue states.
doesn't matter trump just needs to lynch a couple of demorats and restate order. Catch a few BLMs terrorist send them to life sentences after parading around what their crimes are on media outlets and promote a law and order mandate.
dissenters on reddit and twitter will be subpeonaed and investigated the more egregious
ones will be charged and forced to make public apologies in court.
except my adorable little libshit, groceries aren't imported from china. Price increase will happen on eletronics and vehicles which is a luxury class to begin with and largely only affect middle-class dem rats.
>Farmers sell their produce to countries like China and Mexico too
>Foreign countries buy less American products due to retaliatory tariffs
>Farmers now need to increase local prices to make up for the deficit from lost sales to foreign countries

Everything has ripple effects anon. If US producers start making less money from exports they're not just gonna shrug and accept that. They're gonna start raising prices to make up for it.
>>Farmers now need to increase local prices to make up for the deficit from lost sales to foreign countries
you don't understand basic elementary school concepts like supply and demand. if less gods are being sold to foreign countries, that means more goods in the domestic market which means lower prices.
It's always been
>we need to do X before they do X to us.
The means to power are never wrong, just the hands who wield power.
Anon this literally already happened when he tried it in 2018. We wound up having to give 28 billion in aid to farmers to make up for it.
>Farmers sell their produce to countries like China and Mexico too

this is why retards shouldn't be talking about economic policies.
The only tariff trump is talking about implementing is on China not mexico, not canada not fcking Peru.

America also doesn't export produce you retard the vast majority of their export is oil, then cars. also you realize tariffs strenghtens domestic production because their competitors effectively have to raise their prices by by margin to break even when they don't.
now he is beyond the fickle masses. elections can be postponed and he can do what needs to be done without that threatening him. if that means farmers have to suffer for a few years, than that's what will happen for society. he is daddy come to give america her bitter medicine.
>The only tariff trump is talking about implementing is on China not mexico
>America also doesn't export produce you retard
>also you realize tariffs strenghtens domestic production because their competitors effectively have to raise their prices by by margin to break even when they don't.
It raises both anon. Domestic less than foreign, but they both go up in price. Especially if they're blanket tariffs like the ones Trump is suggesting.
and what was the result of that oh right cost of domestic goods had to be lowered because there was an excess supply of unsold goods. Which is exactly what the average citizen wants.
system is fucked from the roots up. only solution is to burn everything down, then build something better. we'll suffer for a few decades, but it will be worth it in the end. that was always elon's plan.
That lasts for exactly one season until they realize their profits are falling and start raising prices. Food prices were lower in 2018, then started going up from there because the agricultural sector shat itself and had to course correct.

You know, a better argument for farmers would be to look at farm equipment, fertilizer, etc. Most of it has parts which we do not produce domestically. A 10-100% tariff on that shit will lead to a drop in efficiency and yields, which would then lower supply and drive prices up.
the funniest part is democrats did this to themselves
the funniest part is that democrats won't exist in 2 years.
That too. There's a lot of reasons why these tariffs are a stupid idea.
The mexico one seems more of just a threat but would be retarded if he actually implemented it, China doesn't matter as much since luxury goods aren't anywhere as important as groceries. but ya i can see the mexico one going stupidly bad.

majority of us's exports are fuel and cars. agriculture is a much smaller industry and US as a whole is a net importer as in they buy more then they sell.

>It raises both anon. Domestic less than foreign, but they both go up in price. Especially if they're blanket tariffs like the ones Trump is suggesting.
It'll lead to a reduction in foreign trade and reduce the trade deficit by forcing americans to buy more domestic goods. Those domestic producers will be raising their prices to scalp people for more money because they can not because they have to unlike foreign exporters due to the tariff.
well maybe this will encourage those companies to build those factories here.
and they deserve to have the federal government barge in and ransack their homes and businesses for scalping the american people. Then we can have a bill pass to stop people from selling goods at exaggerated prices. Just like how supermarket groups got sued for raising prices post covid
Do you know how long it takes to build a factory? And what about the resources to make those goods? America doesn't readily have every natural resource on hand. Look, I'm not completely opposed to tariffs, but tariffing goods or resources that cannot be locally produced when it goes into effect is retarded.
>And what about the resources to make those goods?
it's called lebensraum. if you can't make it, you take it. war is good for the country, good for society, good for feckless young men, and acquiring resources is the best use of it.
>raise tariffs, use the revenue to pay off debt and invest in domestic industry
Sounds great, when do we start
>Don't worry we'll just go to war lol

You know i thought one of the few praises for Trump was that he didn't start any wars.
Oh yeah, a war of conquest would be really popular with America right now, and an especially good idea with the existence of nuclear weapons. It's like you guys are stuck in the 20th century. We have much better ways of acquiring goods right now anyway (extorting lopsided deals with other governments).
Anon it's not scalping if you're reporting a massive profit downturn. The alternative is they don't make enough to keep going and close down... exactly what happened during Trump's first term tariffs.
only because people like milley stopped him. we could have nipped iran and nk in the bud if the military wasn't against him.

keep saying that popularity won't matter. elections are not coming back. there's too much to do to let that interfere with the project and america needs to take its medicine like a good girl.
>Just let Trump be a dictator lol and it'll be fine
Utterly brainrotted.
long overdue. they shouldn't have been allowed to continue existing after the civil war
yes. the best things about our societies are basically dictatorships. all the goods and technology we produce are made by a privately owned enterprise (in other words, a dictatorship). every corporation and company is a local dictatorship. dictatorships are much more efficient than publicly owned enterprise (democracy as embodied by the cathedral). this is borne throughout history as every long-lasting continent spanning human civilization has been led by an absolute monarch. the more able the dictator is to disregard the bleating of the sheeple to do what must be done, the more stable and wealthy the civilization.
meds anon. Now.
>attacks the person not the ideology
typical. this is why you lost.
Well, at least you're honest about your weird daddy domination fetish.
Why are people so attached to the idea of democracy any ways?
one party rule states have proven to work the best. russia, china, and hungaria, are the most stable and best prepared for the future because they outlaw serious rivals to power. this is what trump will achieve with the republicans, which is why i say that elections won't matter anymore.
>literally a russian shill

there it is.
thats going to be an illegal slander come january, I hope you're ready to be prison raped
We already have the factories. They were shut down under 15 years ago. Probably still have all the machinery sitting inside. So it'll take like a year.
Make cars are made with over 70% parts made in the US.
You all are huffing Obama cum for some reason. Move out of the US. We don't need doomer fags willing to continue fucking the US over because they're Bush Democrats.
>They were shut down under 15 years ago
Isn't that kinda old? If it's just a steel cutting factory or paper mill it might be fine, but I don't know if they could manufacture cutting edge products like chips, cars, etc without serious retrofits.
You're a retard. Manufacturing equipment doesn't change. We're still using the same equipment/techniques we used in the 80s to make chips, and the same shit we used back in the 1920s to make cars. Besides, Trump has already told us to expect a recession over the next two years as he gets all the factories the democrats neglected over the past decades up and running again. As was said before, move out of the US.
because imbreds like you haven't been doing that exact same thing for the past 8 years. you can't have a disucssion on trans cause muh transphobia, immigration is a taboo subject cause muh bigotry, race statistics is racist. Also you're not allowed to have conservative opinions on mainstream social media platforms cause muh bigotry to the point they banned that trump subreddit.
Please go fuck yourself if you think you weren't being a tyrant, People voted trump in to eradicate people like you.
>I got banned from reddit for posting slurs. This is effectively tyranny and I am being executed for what I believe in
>You executed me online, now I'll execute you IRL
is pretty much the logic.
It's so fucking funny to me that conservatives go on and on about dems victim complex and then will bitch and moan for years because they got banned from a social media site for spamming slurs.
Back in the day, trolls used to go to sites like Tumblr or Gaia with the expectation of trading some clever bantz and a ban for lolcow milk. These gen Z and Alpha kids just don't have it in them anymore.
How are y'all coping with getting irrevocably BTFO?
>telling someone to stop spamming trans shit game sub is transphobia and deserves banning 500 comments telling them to stfu.
>but muh anti-trump and anti-cop, about how you wish x happens to them is fine.
I'm fine with you being executed for what you believe in now.
>everyone who gets banned online is using slurs
i love how you immediately assume that, I'm going to enjoy seeing you die for being a bigot. funny how the far-left are now talking about needing to censor social media after they lost lmao.
Soon, it will be permanent once Trump starts his revenge tour.
We can say that the US will probably have 200-250 million less people by the end 2030 (when Trump hands off the presidency to Baron). If you're a democrat, I'd leave now while you can.
fck that keep the democrat rats in canada, Polivere's conservative party is gaining rapid support in canada and he's got a really good chance of winning a majority government next year. I don't want american filth coming into our country we all know that's the first place they're going to go.
They can dish it out, but they can't take it.
We'll probably go to war with them eventually. As a famous German leader and Trump's inspiration once said:

>The growth of Empire, that is to say the expansion of the nation, is an essential manifestation of vitality, and its opposite a sign of degeneracy. Peoples which are rising, or rising again after a period of decadence, are always imperialist; any renunciation is a sign of decay and of death.

>We must therefor repudiate the doctrine of Pacifism — born of a renunciation of struggle and an act of cowardice in the face of sacrifice. War alone brings up to its highest tension all human energy and puts the stamp of nobility upon the people who have the courage to meet it. All other trials are substitutes, which never really put a man in front of himself in the alternative of life and death.
I'm sure that's why you're telling people to ban twitter now that you don't control it.
God the lack of self-awareness, liberals are such fucking pathetic losers. They think they're smart but they're often the most obnoxious stupidest and rude person in the room.
Bro, losing that many people would destroy the United States. You think China is just going to chill during all of this?
Maybe china should open up a food drive and turn all the migrating democrats into soylent greens. that would help them feed their population
I like how all the conservatives on /news/ are like
>libtards are overreacting
while saying that Trump intends to torture and murder them in death camps.

Gonna be real with you, it's probably going to be uncomfortable to be a libtard at worse. Like he'll say some mean shit, levy some punitive taxes on your states and withhold funding when disasters happen, and people online will make fun of you. Don is an old man. He doesn't have as much energy as he once had. He might not even make it through his term due to health issues. Even if he does, one term isn't a lot of time to really get the ball rolling, especially because he's going to have to basically break the government's back and put it back together. It's going to be up to his successor to execute most of what he says he wants.
>telling someone to stop spamming trans shit game sub is transphobia and deserves banning 500 comments telling them to stfu.
>but muh anti-trump and anti-cop, about how you wish x happens to them is fine.

Why are you hanging out on leftists sites? Like if you want to discuss vidya, 4chan has you covered with 7 vidya boards. Maybe you can take it to RPGCodex if you want a less chaotic discussion. The only reason to go to X or Reddit is to troll.
cause reddit has a better UI and i use it for gaming news for specific games.
Also it only became a leftist shithole about 8 years ago, it was fine before that.
Anon you probably only started paying attention to politics 8 years ago. Also, you don't need an account to lurk. You're choosing to go on there to troll and then complaining when you get banned for it.
/v/ hates trump because he said he do a tariff and degeneracy (porn) ban. they were never truly conservative.
How the fuck do the tariffs effect /v/?
soyny and nintentard said their prices will be going up by 40% (consoles and games). v doesnt like this because theyre manchildren who cant see in front of their own noses for the good of society. my advice to them is to get a real mans hobby like boxing or cars.
>get a real mans hobby like boxing or cars.
>or cars
Anon I don't know if boxing is going to have any problems, but you're not gonna believe what's also going to go up in price.
>they were never truly conservative.
Yeah, they're contrarian. Guess who won the popular vote and whose overwhelmingly supported by zoomer men.
It can't be that bad or Elon wouldn't be able to sell any of his cars.
Elon is already saying to get ready for "a time of hardship". Also he doesn't need to sell cars if he can just straight up siphon government funding to his own companies.
dude can you fuck off with your assumptions. i was using reddit long before your american fucking bullshit war.
No one's trolling I hardly even post i use it for discussions on gaming and you fucking losers barge in with your random lgbt shit and fanboyism. YOu don't get to take over companies then whine about lol just go to somewhere else. Fuck you totalitarian assholes.
Elon didn't delete all leftist accounts the moment he took power or shadow ban you all. You fucking leftist did.
Please just fuck off with you bigotry and assumptions no one is fucking trolling by telling someone hey can you stop spamming the subreddit with lgbt stuff and getting banned for transphobia. Its fucking incredible how bigotted you fucking assholes are
>my advice to them is to get a real mans hobby like boxing or cars.
cringe retard take. go drink soy
a subreddit being taken over by far-left culture warriors and censoring people telling them to stop using it as a soapbox isn't a site ban. you fucking parasites infested online game forums like reddit gamefaq and started using it to screech about politics. I hope you fucking bigots die irl so you fuck off with ruining sites.
Good post
Just in: Arizona officially called for trump as of Saturday night
Trump took every single battleground state in the election.
Not a single swing state wanted to be led by a demtard. They all wanted off democrats wild ride
trump's dismantling dc's hold on federal operations. if he manages to relocate the positions the dems might be fcked in the next election as well. if he fails to push through and procecute these domestic criminals republicans will never be voted for again.
>Trump wins every swing state
>Every swing state except Pennsylvania votes in a Dem senator
Something isn't quite right here.
No, it checks out. People really don't like Biden. Nothing kills a politician faster than inflation.
>Nothing kills a politician faster than inflation.
Well, except for bullets, but democrats fail on that point too
they won't be crying for long when trump declares himself absolute power for life. trump can use the military to take care of them and any who disagrees. im looking forward to when he does and takes care of this dipshit totalitarians like putin did in russia. there will be camps for the 100 mil fascist left.
Maybe, but 6/7 swing states split voting between senate and presidency is unprecedented.
Again, not all that fishy. A lot of people will just vote for the president and nobody else. We know that Trump won the swing vote hard. We know he won the casul voter hard. These are people are will just fill in the first page (the president) than skip the rest. Sometimes this benefits the dems (Obama) and sometimes the reps (Trump), but it's well understood.
Never happened at this scale though.
Again, no politician has ever energized the uninformed vote so hard. No politician has ever split the vote between degree and nondegree holder so hard. You had plenty of people voting for Trump because "he's a G." A lot of voters are people who heard that Trump is a pretty cool guy from Sneako or Rogan, think the election is a meme or joke, and are too disinterested to take the few minutes to actually fill out the whole ballet.
>Streamers and podcasters have a genuine impact on elections now
we deserve to be nuked
Whoever gets dissed on by the facists mainstream media is probably a good guy. I'm willing to vote for anyone who isn't being promoted by them.
Works out that Kamala is being endorsed by richard spencer and heinous billionaires as well.
4chan and GG had a major impact on the 2016 election. Is that any better?
He gets called a fascist because he keeps on paraphrasing Mein Kampf (has said multiple times that immigrants are poisoning the blood and soil of this country: https://youtu.be/RKPFjAhd3KQ), plans on denaturalizing citizens (https://x.com/StephenM/status/1712094935820780029?lang=en), and compared his opposition to vermin that he'll use the military to eradicate.
Oh, also forgot the dictator for a day line. That's when the fascist accusations really went mainstream among liberals.
you and all the other fascist will end up in the camps. running to canada or mexico will save you because trump will be needing lebensraum for his coalpower manufactories.

as a russian i know what fascism is. fascism is tolerance of weakness (degeneracy) within and without. only hate so strong you would see you and your family annihilated to end your enemies can combat fascism. fascism is weakness. only a strong leader with absolute control can be not fascist, somebody like trump or Пyтин. under democrat rule america were fascist. now under trump rule where he is willing to use soldiers to kill anyone who speaks up against him it will be free.
oh literal russian shill. Got it.
keep talking while you can human firewood.
I can see why Orwell modeled Oceana after Russians.
don't you have a trench to die in or a window to "fall out" of?
Western civilization is going the way of Russia. We'll all be high-tech low-lives starving and scraping by in the shadows of our oppulent corpo overlords by the end of this.
Is this what is known as the Russian Reversal?
you'll be investigated for treason soon enough the feds will pay you a visit and you'll disappear from the public.

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