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President-elect Donald Trump has missed a deadline to submit an ethics pledge promising to avoid conflicts of interest and other ethical issues, a delay that could hamper his transition to the White House, the New York Times reported.

Trump’s transition team missed an October 1 deadline to file the ethics plan that is required by the Presidential Transition Act, the report said.

His team, which was created in August, has also refused to take part in the normal handoff process that begins months before the election, and has disregarded deadlines for signing agreements governing the process.

The delay has precluded the transition team from participating in national security briefings or getting access to federal agencies needed to take control of the government on Inauguration Day on January. 20, 2025, the report said.

“While transition planning is private activity, it is deeply connected to the activity of our government and the stewardship of public resources,” Max Stier, the president and chief executive of the Partnership for Public Service, a nonpartisan group that provides resources to candidates through the Center for Presidential Transition, told the New York Times.

“The avoidance of conflicts of interest and the appearance of conflicts of interest is critical to that task,” he said.

>>1361362 (cont)
The Presidential Transition Act was amended in 2019 to require candidates to post an ethics plan before the election to “include information on how eligible presidential candidates will address their own conflicts of interest during a presidential term,” the report said.

The changes were prompted because of ethical problems in Trump’s first administration.

The watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington identified 3,400 conflicts of interest related to Trump in his first term.

>>1361363 (cont)
And yes, this was signed into law by Trump himself in 2020.
Who the fuck cares you self righteous fart huffer
I predict he'll just use this to complain about "sabotage" when his team doesn't get security clearances as soon as they want or something.
Trump, unironically. This can delay his inauguration.
Call me when he faces consequences because another 4 years of this breathless “he broke the law!” pearl clutching and hand wringing will be exhausting. We all know he’ll never face justice, the system is rigged in his favor, so what’s the point about calling out his numerous failings?
Quit trying to stir up shit, anti-dRumpfsters.
No one cares.
When that bullet missed tRump, I truly believe that he had a come.to God moment and he will be truly ethical. Although he stated that GOD smelt a little sulferous when he glimsed him.
Maybe tell Trump to agree to his own fucking requirement he signed into law. He literally made this a requirement, then didn't do it. Now he's got a problem where his own law is preventing his team from getting briefings.
He should really get this done — but it's not much of an issue
Obviously the government is gonna figure out some kind of fix for this; they can't just reject him because he didn't fill out a forum. But at the same time they can't just ignore that he didn't and the only person he has to blame for that is himself for signing this fucking requirement into law in the first place.
Pretty sure the "remedy" is Donald doesn't get the transition services, funds, and intel briefings that the PTA provides. It doesn't override the Constitution, as it happens. But it would slow down his "day one dictator" thing so he's probably going to just late comply come to think of it.
Why do you hate the very foundation of the United States of America so much?
Why do you insist on making mountains out of molehills, the have hyperbolic chimp outs when no one is impressed?

Good post
>Why do you hate the very foundation of the United States of America so much?
Peak irony coming from a leftoid
>and here we see >>1361380's intrusive thoughts due to being obsessed with that part of the body
Weird. And not only JD.
>No one cares
>all the replies from Trumptards that are a bizarre form of not caring thus their insecurity despite their so-called 'win' or they wouldn't need to be in /news/. the fact that they've only delayed the inevitable: the death of MAGA four years from now
Peak irony coming from rightoids
>lefty melty continues
Where were you for the past few days btw? /news/ has been very quiet without all of you libshit pissbabies shitting up the board with your agitprop. Did you guys all get fired?
Lmao I noticed this too. For a few days there I was thinking the person you replied to had actually killed themselves
>righty melty guaranteed four years from now
Where will you be four years from now? /news/ will be quiet when all you Trumptards kill yourselves due to the death of MAGA.

>source: a person familiar with the process
this is your daily ragebait for Trump haters. It is actually a complete fabrication for you to imagine office drama that doesn't exist.
Good post
Trump signed this into law himself and we know he didn't submit the plan. It's real just not a massive deal. Just Trump making a roadblock and tripping over it on his second time around.
If he'd done it, the agreement would have been posted publicly online like a month ago.
>Just Trump making a roadblock and tripping over it on his second time around.
nah, at most you can say the task hasn't yet been completed.

>would have been posted publicly online
like his taxes or medical records? You're imagining a fake standard that has never been followed.
This time it's codified into US law. Although it can't keep him from taking office it's going to lock him out of resources to make the transition faster. Not like I care. But he might, I dunno. He could opt out too.
there's no panic or drama. the ethical compliance will be sooner or later and even if not at all, Trump is still president on Jan 20th.

just relax and realize this news story is unimportant.
Trump might be made president but that doesn't mean shit if he can't get clearance for any of his cabinet. He can have all the ceremony he wants but if he doesn't actually have anyone in their proper positions, he can't govern shit.

He'll almost definitely find a way around this, but the fact they still haven't started means this'll probably delay him actually having a functional cabinet by a little while.
For now, it's unimportant. Let's hope there's no big crisis that happens in the fourth-fifth week of January though.
>Trump might be made president but that doesn't mean shit if he can't get clearance for any of his cabinet.

He has control of the House and Senate, and has a right wing majority on SCOTUS. He can do w/e he wants. You're delusional and coping.
The remedy is his crew types something up and he signs it because it won't ever matter because he's above all laws until death
The foundation of the us had slavery and aristocracy baked in.
Don’t forget the power to order hits. The other branches’ powers means jack squat when he can literally have the military march in while congress is in session and shoot anyone who votes against his laws and face no threat other than impeachment (which won’t happen because of above).
Who is he going to order hits with anon? Until he gets a cabinet in order it'll still be Biden's people in-charge of each branch.
>SENATE REPORTS: No. 116-13 (Comm. on Homeland Security and Governmental
>Vol. 165 (2019): Aug. 1, considered and passed Senate.
>Vol. 166 (2020): Feb. 5, considered and passed House.
How did Trump sign it into law when Biden was president? Are you one of those people who believe Donald Trump has secretly been in charge the entire time?

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