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On the old warhorses of guns and abortion, liberals have long held an edge. Large majorities say abortion should be generally legal vs. generally illegal, and voting on abortion initiatives in the states confirms this.

But liberals are underwater practically everywhere else. Small majorities are uncomfortable with they/them pronouns, and building a wall along the border with Mexico has gotten more popular. It's now a majority view.

Other issues have swung harder in the conservative direction. Large majorities favor tougher policing, even among Black voters. Ditto for opposition to affirmative action. Trans issues are more nuanced: large majorities support anti-discrimination laws for trans people, but similarly large majorities oppose both the use of puberty blockers among teens and biological boys competing in girls' sports.

Views of the Middle East are complicated, but on the straightforward question of Israel vs. Hamas, Americans favor Israel by a huge margin. They also approve of Israel's bombing of Lebanon.

Finally, most Americans support some kind of path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, but large majorities also say immigration is a very serious problem and we should reduce the level of immigration. Small majorities even favor mass deportation.

By itself, none of this dictates what either liberals or Democrats should do. But there's never any benefit to sticking our heads in the sand. We should at least acknowledge what we're up against.
I 100% do not believe the polls on the gun stuff. the 1994 awb made it so dems lost full control of congress, something they had held nearly unintermitted at that point for like 60 years. it caused gore to lose to Bush and Clinton to lose to Trump
Israel vs hamas is really interesting
People don't like seeing a school/mass shooting in the news every month.
there were only 3 school shootings in 2023. dems actively lie about the number of shootings and miss classify gang fights as mass shootings
>Oh it was only 3 school shootings that year!

You know for the most of the world that's like, the amount of school shootings they've had for the last 10 years. It isn't normal anon.
>You know for the most of the world that's like, the amount of school shootings they've had for the last 10 years
How many blacks do they have there?
>get caught lying
>try to move the goal posts
>Reddit space
school shootings are pretty rare, they just use black on black shootings to try to pad the numbers
cause these human filth aren't progressives, they're authoritarian bigots that nitpick issues and stretch them out until its outrageous then label people as racists transphobes w/e when they disagree.

Gotta love how the trans issue went from, trans people should exist-> they should be allowed into female bathrooms and sports -> even if they just self identify as trans without transitioning and deserve legally protected proununs -> also kids should be allowed to transition before the age of consent.

Well guess what now you get nothing because you're all fucking assholes.
How many school shooters are black.
the majority of school shooters aren't white
So people wants Obama era democrats, still somewhat progressive but not really woke and interventionist in foreign conflicts
Serious question: Why haven't you killed yourself yet? You have no friends, no girlfriend, a shitty job, your own family doesn't like you. You used to be a reddit troll until you got tired of being banned from there and now your sole purpose in life is to troll 4chan with your shitposts. So what reason do you have for living? What is the actual reason you have for not just killing yourself and ending it all?
>What is the actual reason you have for not just killing yourself and ending it all?
pascals wager in the 21st century.
god may or may not be real, but your side is so passionately committed to hedonism, evil, homsexuality and corrupting children that even if god wasnt real, believing in him is preferable.
WTF is this blogshit and why is it being posted on my news board?
if only you democrat cunts had the same opinions about weekley massshootings in democrat controlled shithole ghettos... maybe then people would take your (for now) pretended dishonest "concern" serious.
>your side
oh right I forgot, you're a schizo who thinks I'm some kind of lefty SJW tranny or something, because you're mind has rotted so much you don't even understand reality anymore.
if you call yourself a leftist, liberal or progressive, you can get away with embracing non socialist economic positions, and you wont get kicked out of the club by your peers. you can not get away with not affirming black worship, trannyism and replacement migration. therefore that is what you are.
They've got nothing else
Thanks for the explanation, Mr. Carlson.
>Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
He's Russian.
you are on terminally angry tranni boi. it gives me great pleasure seeing you have a melty
Also they passed laws that trans people could rape any children they wanted and they wanted to have another law where the president couldn't rape the bastards!

I've always said Republicans are retards for pushing the anti-abortion position not only because it doesn't jive with their purported support of individual rights but because even the most Rightwing of voters, still want that option if their teenage daughter gets knocked up by Jamal and those voters who are hardcore true believer anti-abortion religionists, are still going to vote Rep.
>Israel vs hamas is really interesting

True but it doesn't show which side is supported by voters and I'd suggest most are pro-Israel on the issue.

It ain't the 1990s, even average Americans have Internet access nowadays and can see the stats and the Dem lies on gun crime.

They know _they're_ not the problem and are fully aware of who IS the problem.
leftists support human trafficking and domestic terrorism.
this. back in the 90s, people believed the news when they said natsoc was bad or follow the soience. now with the internet people have began realizing that everything they were told was a lie.
How long ago were you indoctrinated by the far right?

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