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The incels are in charge now

Well that didn’t take long, did it? As soon as it became clear that Donald Trump had won the election, social media saw a major spike in gleeful misogyny. And it seems Trump’s army of angry incels have found a favourite new catchphrase to taunt women with: “Your body, my choice.”

While the phrase has been kicking around in far-right circles for a few years, the notorious white supremacist Nick Fuentes has breathed new life into it. “Your body, my choice. Forever,” Fuentes tweeted late on Tuesday night, a few hours before Trump officially won. Shortly after that, he repeated the phrase in a live stream reacting to the results of the election, where he also said things like: “We control your bodies. Guess what, guys win again, okay. Men win again … There will never ever be a female President. It’s over. Glass ceiling? It’s a ceiling made of fucking bricks.”

From there, the taunt took off. Young men are now starting to comment “your body, my choice” and “we own your bodies now” on TikTok videos posted by women. In an analysis published on Friday, the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), a thinktank focused on extremism, found “a 4,600% increase in mentions of the terms ‘your body, my choice’ and ‘get back in the kitchen’ on X”.

Even more alarmingly, the ISD notes: “The phrase ‘your body, my choice’ appears to have made its way offline, specifically into schools. Young girls and parents have used social media to share instances of offline harassment. They include the phrase being directed at them within schools or chanted by young boys in classes.”

Various other misogynistic phrases, including calls to repeal the 19th amendment, which gave women the right to vote, have also been trending online.
I wouldn’t say that the masks are fully off now that Trump has won, because they were never exactly on to begin with. This sort of unabashed misogyny is hardly new: social media was a hotbed of bigotry long before Trump’s victory. And the ubiquity of violent porn, as well as the rise of manosphere influencers like Andrew Tate – who has said women “belong” to men – have had a pernicious influence on young boys. For at least the last year, schoolteachers have been warning about students imitating Tate. Boys have, for example, been trying to slip the phrase “make me a sandwich” into conversations in order to belittle their peers and female teachers. That’s one of Tate’s favourite phrases – and he’s been posting it gleefully in response to women complaining about the election.

Still, while there was plenty of in-your-face misogyny before Trump secured a second term, his victory has clearly further emboldened bigots. Trump is a hero to many because he does whatever he likes, says whatever he likes, and seems to face no consequences for it. So it makes sense that his followers feel like they can now do the same. No need to pretend that you are anti-abortion because you care about the unborn any more. Nope, you can just be honest and say that you are anti-abortion because you want to control women.

But what’s most important here, however, is that online trolls have enormous new power now. Trump’s victory was significantly enabled by Elon Musk: the patron saint of Extremely Online misogynists. And Musk will soon cash in on his investment. A man who jokes about impregnating Taylor Swift, makes endless jokes about women’s breasts, and who has been accused multiple times of sexual misconduct, is poised to have more influence than ever.
Trump has also forged a strong alliance with the manosphere, spending a lot of time with rightwing male podcasters as part of his strategy to get young men to the polls. In a speech celebrating his imminent victory on Wednesday morning, Trump asked Dana White, the CEO and president of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), to say a few words. In that speech, White gave a shout-out to manosphere influencers who helped propel Trump to victory: “I want to thank the Nelk Boys, Adin Ross, Theo Von, Bussin’ With the Boys, and last but not least, the mighty and powerful Joe Rogan.”

Will the likes of Adin Ross, a controversial podcaster known for crude jokes and bigoted comments, get an official position in the Trump cabinet now? Who knows. One thing I can tell you is that misogynistic online edgelords aren’t in any way out on the fringes any more. They have a direct line to the incoming president’s ear.
feminists vowed to never breed again and it's a good thing.
>your body, my choice
Is what Spicolas Faguentes says to all you incel twinks. While he holds out catears and a tail.
>Opinion section
There will be less trans children, in any event.
You will never breed
bros, I don't get it. Trump is president again but I still can't get laid... wtf!? Is this brandons fault?
this meme is getting tiresome

the only men who have never actually had sex by age 21 are either purity ring wearing christians, severely mentally ill or closet homosexuals, less than 1% of the population, it doesn't really explain anything or prove a point
go back
No, but he has applied that to a metaphor of America being a woman and Trump being the "daddy" in a joke.
It's the only insult they have. They are being told to call 51% of the population incels to explain their loss
I jack off to hentai and i'm happily satisfied, especially when i see news articles about unhinged families
Remember when there were campaigns to make men attend rape awareness classes because women said they literally would rape without realising it?

Probably shouldn't have dumped the responsibility for their abortions on the public and cast all men as demonic rapists, then maybe they'd have more sympathy.
chanting that you rape women seems like a really efficient way to scare off women, whats the game plan other than to scare women into never voting red again?
>somebody said something on social media that upset someone
>things that matter
Pick one
They won't vote. Soon, they won't have any rights. You could literally beat and shoot them in public, and the worse you'd get is be charged with animal cruelty.
Yes, Faguentes is offering cat ears and tail to Trumptard twinks.Also it's blown up in his face and that's not a sexual metaphor thus the joke's on him and incel twinks
Now that trump is president we can finally legalize rape across the board. The strongest shall rape with impunity! Entire rapecosystems will emerge. The top corporations and nations will be rape-based. It will be the new currency, language, entertainment, and math. Everyone in the new era will have raped hundreds, thousands of beings to death!

This is why I'm a rapepublican!
I can remember a time when trolls used to put some thought and effort into it.
Didn't you hear? All the DNC bucks dried up.
They quote fucking Nick Fuentes and pretend this is a national trend. Yes, far right retards are going to feel emboldened by Conservatives winning elections. This is not news.
your body trump's choice
Fuentes is a little twink who thinks fucking women is gay, literally who besides his mouthbreather cuck fans cares what he has to say?
The Guardian is a rag and not credible anyway.
>your body trump's choice
Nick Fuentes has entered the chat
>Even more alarmingly, the ISD notes: “The phrase ‘your body, my choice’ appears to have made its way offline, specifically into schools. Young girls and parents have used social media to share instances of offline harassment. They include the phrase being directed at them within schools or chanted by young boys in classes.”
Shitlibs lost

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