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Republican senator says Trump should not pardon Hunter Biden


Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisc., says President-elect Trump should not offer Hunter Biden a pardon after he pleaded guilty to federal tax charges in September.

"I don't think he should pardon Hunter," Johnson said in an interview on NewsNation's "Dan Abrams Live."

"I think we need to be very careful about having a dual system of justice where the powerful, or the sons and daughters of the powerful, get off scot-free," he said.
>"I think we need to be very careful about having a dual system of justice where the powerful, or the sons and daughters of the powerful, get off scot-free," he said.
Does he have a genetic defect where he is completely immune to irony?
>hunter is proven to have CSAM on his laptop
>"Y'know, I'm not really sure about pardoning this guy. Do we really want to have a 2-tier justice system?"
Yes, he's a politician.
won't matter. lame duck Joe will pardon Hunter.
True, and nobody gives a shit about the lesser clowns. The circus owners must be put down.
Time will tell, I'm not making a prediction
But if he doesn't will you acknowledge that you were incorrect?
I will be surprised if Joe doesn't pardon his son. The only reason he might not is if Hunter only has to pay some small fines and it is a moot point. Why wouldn't he? Joe is never working again and (unpopular or questionable) presidential pardons are a common thing in the last days of any presidency.
What if he doesn't believe Hunter deserves a pardon? Strange concept, yes.
I don't pretend to know what Joe thinks. Either he does pardon Hunter or he doesn't. Hunter is a multimillionaire so as long as he isn't in jail, perhaps it doesn't matter if Joe pardons him or not.
So is that a yes on being willing to admit you are incorrect if Biden doesn't pardon his son?
Show them no mercy, the DONALD
They showed you none.
>Mike Davis, the man who has been signaled to be Donald Trump’s attorney general, appeared on Benny Johnson’s podcast The Benny Show on Thursday to outline who exactly is on the president-elect’s hit list.

>Davis told Johnson he has five lists ready to go, but appeared to name only four.

>"I will rain hell on Washington D.C.,” he said. “I have five lists ready to go and they’re growing. List number one—we’re gonna fire. We’re gonna fire a lot of people in the executive branch of the deep state. Number two—we’re gonna indict. We’re gonna indict Joe Biden and Hunter Biden and James Biden and every other scumball sleazeball Biden, including the 5-year-old bastard granddaughter who they refused to acknowledge for five years until political pressure got to Joe Biden. I want to see them all lined up against the wall.

>“Number three—we’re going to deport. We’re going to deport a lot of people, 10 million people when growing, anchor babies, their parents, the grandparents, legal, illegal. We’re going to cook kids in cages. It’s going to be glorious. We’re going to detain a lot of people, millions, in the D.C. Gulag and Gitmo and list number five—I’m going to recommend a lot of pardons. Every January 6 defendant is going to get a pardon, especially my hero horn man he is definitely at the top of the list” he said.

Sounds like they're going to be nailing the whole Biden family this time.
Anyone who promises to go after the children of his enemies gets my vote. That's how you know they're strong, and have what it takes to get the job done.
They're not going to do shit to Biden because they know they have nothing serious they can hit him with in court, and if it goes to trial they embarrass themselves. It's why Rand Paul's whole investigation went out with a quiet whimper after the most he could find was a charge for buying a gun while high.

Also they're not pardoning the Jan 6ers. He could've done it between then and the 20th and refused even when he did his final pardon wave. Trump is just going to stop talking about them now that he's used their image for votes.
>It's the exact same shit he was promising for the Clintons in his first term
This is like watching Charlie Brown get all excited that he's really gonna kick the football this time.
... shouldn't Biden be the one pardoning his son right before he leaves office? I'm guessing that's why he didn't officially resign when he dropped out of the race; he didn't trust Kamala to protect Hunter.

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