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‘Why is Jack Smith giving in?’ Honig addresses common question around Trump case


Trump will get away with it. Merrick Garland is partly to blame: Ankush Khardori

Now that Donald Trump is officially heading back to the White House, everybody wants to know: What happens with all the outstanding legal cases against him? Politico Senior Writer Ankush Khardori explains why he argues AG Merrick Garland should shoulder some of the blame for missing important opportunities to prosecute Trump.
Say, ALL CAPS COOMBACKER, we both know that like us, Merrick Garfinkle secretly supports our guy. After all, he did make jewrusalem the capital
nice recognition skills you got there.
he has been foundeded
hope you're food
My tounge was in my mouth cheek, not tRump's ass cheek.
because its a kangaroo court and majority of americans see that so they voted for trump despite the witch hunt.
If he continues jack smith should be procecuted for treason.
The next AG is going to charge the whole Biden family with treason and wants them executed, even the bastard 5 yr old granddaughter. They played with fire, now they're getting the horns.
>The next AG is going to charge the whole Biden family with treason and wants them executed, even the bastard 5 yr old granddaughter.
I'm glad the MAGA crowd has finally given up the pretext that they aren't bloodthirsty fascists. Its nice to see you showing your true colors for once.
I read the interview. He didn't say executed, but that is one of the punishments for treason. Also, it seemed like he was just hyping the audience up. Like some of the stuff he said was outrageous (setting up gulags, purging so many that he'd need to be pardoned by Trump for crimes against humanity, etc.) that you can't say he was being very serious.
>look at what he does, not what he says
Such a lame argument. The stuff officials say (and don't say) is important. It signals intent. They shouldn't be held to the same standard as a /v/ shitposter, and even a shitposter can't say certain things without eating bans.
you're a moron. look up the elements of treason, it doesn't apply. Next, they're all protected in their official acts. Which leaves only the overtly criminal acts. Now continue your analysis from there.
The proper charge is sedition, though it's closely related to treason.
biden's fine trump's even having lunch with him today, every other dem though especially the traitors on mainstream outlets are getting thrown into a camp
that's a laugh coming from the far-left totalitarian garbage where anyone who doesn't share your opinion deserves to die. How does it feel having the script flipped retard.
I didn’t know you could charge a 5 year old with sedition
you could. back before liberalism they did all the time. look at medieval history. solves a lot of problems because our ancestors were smarter than us. putin goes after the offspring of enemy. its how russia solved problem with left. russia has no libtard just based rightwings which is what it should be.
And Russia is a shithole for normie Russians where most men drink themselves to an early grave to cope with it.
and no pampered privileged piss children like the libshits on twitter either. Americans are a bloody joke after someone invented the affluenza defense.
Get used to it. We’re trading the EU and the Asian market for Russia’s.

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