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not that weird. like pissing in a bottle on a road trip.
Way of the road, Bubs

paste the article text you kissless virgin newfag tranni
paste the article text newfag
TIL leftists would rather piss themselves then use a plastic bottle.
not in the rules, tranni boi
I got in the habit of peeing in bottles, and i jumped up covered in piss when I spilled 1 litre of piss all over me and my mattress
Lucky I have a pee blanket(not because I'm incontinent) but because I drink and eat in bed and it catches the spills
>pee blanket
denounce the illegitimate state of israel, and all supporters of it, including zion don, and i will allow you to skip pasting the article
I will do this if you admit that European jews are white
askeNAZI jews are not semitic, but aryan.
Vin Diesel warned us about the rocks on set faggotry several fast & furious movies ago.
the global community should nuke israel and all the dems who support israel
>support israel
>Trump is pro-Israel & pro-Jew
So Trump should be nuked. You said it, I didn't
>no article text
OP, I know you feel compelled to listen to the voices in your head that tell you to shit up the board, but you don't have to submit to them. Submitting to them could lead to submitting to much more dangerous intrusive thoughts. You can get better OP. You just have to trust us.
not, in the rules, tranni boi. keep seething because harris lost and your dick don't work
paste the article text

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