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Are you fucking kidding me?!Someone who’s openly campaining for one of the presidential parties is delivering the internet connection to voting machines and say ‘he can hack EVERYTHING’ and this gives no reason for concern!” https://nypost.com/2024/11/11/business/lefties-on-metas-threads-post-conspiracy-theories-about-trump-win/
I'm frightened for Jan 6 2025. Leftist tranny loonies may converge on DC and try to hang Kamala if she refuses to de-certify the election results. These trannies are really mentally ill and will make the jan6/20 obstreperous Maga look like tourists.
>20 million
This number is no longer relevant. Kamala was 20 million behind 2020 Biden because several states, including California, were still counting. She's now only a few million behind 2020 Biden, and California is still counting.
>She's now only a few million behind 2020 Biden, and California is still counting.
She's currently 10 million behind
>20 millions must count
here folks. the new chuds
According to Fox it's a little over 3 million now:
2.2% gap
>According to Fox it's a little over 3 million now:
No, it does not say that in your link whatsoever.
Furthermore, not only does it not say that, but if you are using the number they are providing and then comparing it to 2020 votes for biden, you are still off by about 6 or 7 million.

Honest question. Are you lying? Did you read the article? Can you not do math? What is your problem
Oh I see what you did. You are illiterate.. what was being discussed here was the 10 million votes that disappeared between 2020 Biden and what she got in 2024.

I see where you came up with this 3 million figure. That's how much she lost the popular vote to Trump this year, which is not what we were discussing. The 10 million figure being referenced is how many less people voted for her than Biden
>less people
>Trump: 75,439,156 votes (50.2%)
>Harris: 72,302,972 votes (48.2%)
>The difference: 3,136,184 (2.0%)
Honest question: Are you literally retarded? Are you a troll? What is your problem?
>MUH 2020!!!
completely irrelevant. People change their minds + voter demographics change. If you're stupid enough to believe that votes remain the exact same every single election regardless of candidates then idk what to say except: Fuck off Zoomer.
You obviously didn't follow the conversation because the person you replied to was talking about the 10 million votes less from 2020 and you came in with a link showing Harris did indeed get 10 million votes less, and yet you continue to argue something nobody has been talking about except yourself

Someone throw this election denier in prison.
Pretty far reaching, especially when politicians already have much better ways to control the vote (limiting polling in unfriendly counties while insuring friendly counties have tons, gerrymandering, making voting as much of a hassle as possible, canceling ballots without informing, etc.) Besides, starlink is government contracted. You think Biden, even as senile as he is, would just let fraud happen? And sure, there seems to be a gap between voter enthusiasm and voter turnout (record registration and eyes on, yet both parties actually got less overall votes than they did in 2020 and 2016), but that can be explained as the legal voting suppression methods doing their job.
They bought in to completely manufactured enthusiasm. And for the record it was plain to see unless you just wanted to buy in. Now, there will never be another democrat on a national ticket ever again. It's guaranteed. They lost, and lost forever. Thank god for that. Just one political party, one candidate on the ballot. Wouldn't that be so much more simple? Wouldn't that be so much more democratic?
>You think Biden, even as senile as he is, would just let fraud happen?

You think biden has the slightest clue how any of this works? How would he know?

On that subject.... Starlink provisioned data transport.... These things tx in plaintext? I'd like to think otherwise but stupider things have happened before... Lets assume even the most basic security practices are followed.

How, in that encrypted stream of gibberish presented to the starlink hardware, are they supposed to determine which votes to 'lose'?

This attack becomes feasible if you can show me how musk got ahold of the keys.
paste the article text
make me libtard
>article isn't pasted
I'm sorry your day was not enjoyable OP, how are you doing?
Look below you and eat poop
Who honestly does not understand this by now?

There are millions of outstanding ballots, 2 million in California alone. You can expect Kamala's final tally to be 74-75 million. Trump is on track for 77-78 million.

Voter turnout was ~2% lower this election and once counting is done Trump will have gained several million voters compared to 2020.

Trump gained voters because he was engaging and relatable. Dems lost voters because they were uninspiring and retarded. Mystery solved.
>Trump gained voters because he was engaging and relatable. Dems lost voters because they were uninspiring and retarded. Mystery solved.
Dems lost voters because of failures in governance. Wherever people swung hardest to Trump were the places where the costs of housing and living were the most divorced from average pay. Additionally, people who vote dem usually expect them to govern effectively and use the government to fix problems. People who vote reps don't operate on such fantasies and see the current government system as something that inherently does not or should not work.
and those places that werent shit were because blus stole money from reds. when trump gets his personal army we are going to have vengeance. we conservativs have been opressed tooo long for forgivenes. we are going sherman on your assess.

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