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A Georgia mother was arrested and accused of allegedly endangering her son — all because the unsupervised 10-year-old walked less than a mile away from home, officials said.

Brittany Patterson, 41, had taken another son to a doctor on Oct. 30 and she became mildly annoyed — but not at all worried — when the Fannin County Sheriff's Department called to say her 10-year-old boy Soren had wandered from their rural home in Mineral Bluff and into town.

"It's not a super dangerous or even dangerous at all stretch of road," Patterson told NBC News, in an interview that aired Wednesday. "I wasn't terrified for him or scared for his safety."

Deputies drove Soren, now 11, home and that was that, or so Patterson had thought.

But then hours later, the sheriff's department came back to the family's home near the North Carolina border where Patterson was handcuffed, arrested, booked for suspicion of reckless conduct and forced to post $500 bail.

"It was anger and frustration, of course, because my children were having to witness that all," she said. "They asked me to put my hands behind my back and all that stuff, and I realized what was going on."

Authorities have offered to drop the charge if Patterson signs a form that outlines a safety plan guaranteeing that her children would always be under a watchful eye, the mother and her lawyer said.

Patterson refuses to sign this form and said she'll contest this charge that carries up a year behind bars.

"This is not right, I did nothing wrong," she said. "I'm going to fight for that."

Patterson's lawyer David DeLugas rhetorically asked if mothers and fathers now have to know the precise location of their children at all times.

"Are all parents going to have to put GPS on their child?" he said. "The parents get to decide for their children unless it is unreasonably dangerous."

The sheriff must be dismembered alive. Stupidity like that must not be tolerated.
FINALLY some cop maiming sentiment on this board. I was about to fall asleep.
Republican Sheriff overreacts isn't a /news/ story
Its just an average day in retardland, and the world that Trump voters want us to be in.
I use to ride my bike 2 kilometers to school and back every day in the 60s, and the local pedos only molested my friends and me a couple times each.
The pedos would have preferred girls,
a, but even back then they weren't allowed out unsupervised. Boys were expendable
Women always lie. And the father is of course nowhere to be found. The sheriff and the mother can both tard wrangle each other to death for all I care.
Have the libshits on this board stopped to ask themselves why the child needed to be driven back home? No... Libshits are infamous non-thinkers.
Sounds like the kid was lost.
Enjoy prison, chud.
>"This is not right, I did nothing wrong," she said. "I'm going to fight for that."
Going to cost in the range of 5-30k$ plus time to fight the state on a charge like that, innocent or not.
>>Patterson was handcuffed, arrested, booked for suspicion of reckless conduct and forced to post $500 bail.
>Sounds like the kid was lost.
you're a faggot
who raped you anon?
and people wonder why kids are so much less independent these days. sad that its so rare for parents to act like this
Yes, arrest and jail DNC animals. Shoot them even!
He wasn't raped. A cute girl rejected him once and now he hates all women.
Where is the father?
Kid -might- be his own dad. Look how independent he is, after all.

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