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A space rocket program manager butchered her father with an ice ax on election night after a breakdown following President-elect Donald Trump’s victory — and was found smiling and clapping, covered in her loved one’s blood, cops said.

Corey Burke considered the bloody rampage — in which she allegedly strangled, bit and hacked her 67-year-old father in the $800,000 Seattle home they shared — an “act of liberation,” charging documents allege.

Burke, 33, is a training program manager at Blue Origin, Jeff Bezos’ spacecraft company, according to her LinkedIn, and is married to prominent transgender writer Samantha Leigh Allen, public records show.
Allen is the author of the acclaimed book “Real Queer America: LGBT Stories from Red States” and an editor at Them, a Conde Nast transgender news publication.

The killing was meant to “help people change their attachment to their parents” and “had to happen today,” Burke told police, her face covered in her father’s blood, according to court documents.

Burke had been upset about the election and knew Trump would handily beat Vice President Kamala Harris when she allegedly snapped — apparently when her father, Timothy Burke, refused to turn off the lights.

She then went upstairs, grabbed an ice “pickax,” tripped her father, choked and bit him on the floor, and struck him repeatedly with the blunt and sharp ends of the tool, police said.

Burke sat down next to her father and watched him die, then smashed all the windows in the house in what she described as “an act of liberation,” officers reported.

When cops arrived, they found Burke “clapping … because she was so happy.”
Burke has worked at Blue Origin for about five years, according to her LinkedIn page, and lived with her father in a house in south Seattle.

Burke told police she had a strained relationship with her father without strong “boundaries” that had left her feeling “hyperfocused and disorganized.”

Trump’s election victory “overwhelmed” her and finally pushed this tension to the breaking point, she said.

When officers arrived, she came out of the house with her hands up and blood smeared on her face, but she said she didn’t have any idea where the blood came from or who had smashed the windows.

She later described the dispute with her father over the lights, eventually whispering “I killed him” to one officer, charging documents said.

Burke has been charged with first-degree murder and is being held on $2 million bail.
these are the same leftists who cry about Trump being a "convicted felon" because he allegedly paid a hooker to be quiet
Did the janny tranny delete your thread too? My thread on the DNC meltdowns over identity politics got deleted as well
Oh wait no, it's still up: >>1362148
Your late to the game, op.
We already have a thread about this specific mentally ill proud Democrat voter
>Trump’s election victory “overwhelmed” her and finally pushed this tension to the breaking point, she said.
>When officers arrived, she came out of the house with her hands up and blood smeared on her face, but she said she didn’t have any idea where the blood came from or who had smashed the windows.
>She later described the dispute with her father over the lights, eventually whispering “I killed him” to one officer, charging documents said.
Seriously though, democrats are crazy as fuck, anyone left in that party at this point is a legit weirdo, and not the DNC propaganda buzzword "weirdo" but legit weird as fuck humans.

There was another democrat last week who murdered his entire family, his ex, and his ex's nephew when he heard trump won the election
Democrats are disgusting and their obsession with trump surpasses insanity
ah yes truly the party of peace and reasoning.
If you know democrats in your life who are overly political keep your distance they're unhinged and can go feral any moment over the slightest thing.
Imagine suffering of TDS so badly you murder your own father because trump got elected.
RFK needs to come up with a vaccine for liberalism, that would save countless lives
She is a democrat and so are you, so that means she represents you. Just saying!
0/10 trolling
you've got to go back, faggot
that didn't stop democrats from claiming richard spencer represents all centrists and republicans so by your rules that doesn't work, you're another potential sociopath like her.
If i had any democrat friends with TDS, I wouldn't be alone with them in a room nor would I let them be near me. They're the most dangerous demographic atm.
Are you more of the "Anthony Nephew" type of democrat? >>1361409
Why are Democrats so mentally ill and deranged?
kewl, at least she is famous now.
I wonder if her wife will write a book about this incident.
"How trump ruined my family and turned my beloved wife into a murderer".
Reddit won
I mean, I get it; we all need to murder someone every now and then.

So, did she want the lights on or off?

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