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I think we can all agree this is the worst thing an American cop has ever done
ffs man, people are fine but seriously you had to take it out on dogs?
didn't even last a month.
how did nutcase pass the psych exam?
this mother fucker sounds like he came straight out of a police academy movie
and a cracker
This guy saw the sad state of these malnourished, ill treated dogs, and decided to save the poor creatures a trip to the euthanasia table
I would do the same shit if dog was attacking me.
i literally don't give a shit they're just dogs. why don't we post about shit that actually matters?
dog lives matter. this is a bigger deal than when fentanyl floyd died
who gives a fuck about dogs. At least george floyd was a human who could actually do shit.
each of those dogs' lives were more valuable than fentanyl felon floyd's.
the world is a better place without racist criminals like floyd, trayvon martin and mike brown. the world is a worse place without those dogs
how has the rdditor not killed himself yet? What does he have to live for?
I fucking dogs. Animals are worthless compared to any human. not just george floyd but other good people.
stop having sex with dogs
You're the type of faggot that would direct sewage run off into a lake or dispose of nuclear waste in the ocean.
Basically kys if you don't like animals. They're part of our world. Stay in your room scared of everything like the faggot cuck that you are
I will never not say ACAB.

Fuck those "nOt AlL cOpS!" retards. "Good cops" enable these bastards by protecting them from any real consequences, even allowing them to continue working in another precinct.
He exists to spam the board with low quality clickshit.
Let me guess, they were all pitbulls?
In such case nothing of value was lost.
you are one angry tranni boi. what is it like to seethe in dickless rage while Trump is president? I'd say your president but we both know you are not American
pitbull lives are more valuable than the lives of fentanyl floyd, trayvon the racist and attempted cop killer mike brown.

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