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> “Based on various analyses, social media sentiment, and reports, Elon Musk has been identified as one of the most significant spreaders of misinformation on X since he acquired the platform,”
No one don't cares.

The person who should care already know this.
The people who don't pay attention won't pay attention.
The people who are in a cult will ignore everything outside their bubble.

Everything's cooked. I've accepted it.
I’m just interested in how AI turned against it’s creator.
He didn't make shit. Wish people would stop attributing shit his companies did with him. He didn't do shit, people he hired did. Calling him the 'creator' is dumb.
It's not sentient anon. It's just repeating language back to people.
I’m sure AI says the same about mankind in private.
Anon, I'm going to give you the hard truth. Almost nobody "makes shit" anymore. Most things are researched and developed by teams of people all working towards a goal. In the vast majority of cases there is going to be someone leading the effort and someone financing the effort.
In the case of pretty much everything that Elon has done, he's filled both those roles.

Nobody gives a fuck (except fart huffers) that he wasn't the engineer who typed the code that allowed his reusable launch stages to be caught out of the air in the middle of the ocean. He was the person who decided that technology should be developed, he was the person that paid for it, and he was the person that led it to succeed
Don't care. kys
>In the case of pretty much everything that Elon has done, he's filled both those roles.

Too bad he didn't do the same to Twitter
language model AI is not rigorous. it just paints words together in blended colors.
AIs really are superior to subhuman rightards
It didn't "turn" on him. It just identified that Elon is either lying hard or is an incredibly gullible rube. Usually this doesn't matter if it's just some Chud on /news/ posting, but he's the richest man on the planet who's flooding the country with endless Russian disinfo.
Trump WON

Democrats LOST the popular vote
The problem is "misinformation" is it's own term separate from what is true.
And misinformation is a term globalist terrorists, Democrats, and other subhuman LGBTQ scum who don't believe in the truth because the goal is more important use to lie.
The AI is confused by the verbiage.
We must deplatform and silence DNC animals
then musk should stop sniffing his own farts can calling himself an inventor or engineer when he repeatedly demonstrated a complete lack in technological knowledge clearly an entrepreneur or a salesman
shit like the optimus robot or whatever the fuck its called is a really good example of his hubris.
he saw what companies like boston dynamics were doing, decided that he'd have his own bipedal robot that looked humanoid and could "do anything" (whatever the fuck that means!), and the end product is a robot that can barely walk on its own without tripping and have to be remotely controlled in order to interact with its environment or its users with none of the technical depth of its competitors because musk knows jack shit besides having shitton of money and the ability to pay people to make stuff exactly as he says
*and clearly is an entrepreneur or a salesman
He has a bachelor's of physics and leads engineers.
He's an engineer anon, whether you like it or not, that is one of the industries he is a leader in
Trump won - Kamala Harris fell out of a coconut tree.
Man, I really hope he sees this dude. He should really appreciate such a dutiful cock polisher.
>post Election Leftoid Temper Tantrum Thread #498

This board was so much better for those few days you all were too depressed to post
Maybe they wouldn’t complain if Elon Musk could tame his own AI?!
This happened when Grok first released too. Elon set out to make a language model with fewer guardrails and this is the built-in downside of doing that. Also he already knows what he's doing. This is his "revelation of the method" so to speak.
>elon knows what he's doing
He hasn't come down off the Ayahuasca high in over 2 years now.
are you a different newfag? You don't look like the usual r*dditor. But either way: Fuck off and paste the article, newfag
I wonder if Trumptards actually believe the misinformation they spread
They’re “Making America Great Again”!
Generally, I think they believe it's "close enough" to the truth (and that the information environment is too hostile to get the actual truth.)
There’s no such thing as a hostile information environment. MAGA is just lazy.
Right wing misinformation is why Elon muskrat rigged the election with satellites
They call him Elon Muskrat for a reason.
Everything rightards say is Fake News and anything that goes against their opinions are Alternative Facts.
...what, you don't like that? If you disagree with the above, then everything said by Trump and MAGAtards eight years ago was fake news and everything they disliked was alternative facts.
Your own weapon can be used against you.
Take your meds, weirdo
>as demonstrated by >>1362820, rightards don't like their own weapon used against them, so this is what they're reduced to
You're going to see those words used by Trump several years ago turned against you now. Get used to it, bitch. Anything rightards say/claim about those they don't like is fake news.
Your seething already proves you need psychological treatment.
Anything you now say/threaten against those you don't like will never happen. That's an alternative fact.
AI tells it like it is!
Now tell me what misinformation is? Who decides it?

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