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Bucks County commissioners vote to count illegal ballots in Pennsylvania recount


Bucks County commissioners voted to count ballots lacking proper signatures, violating a Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling earlier this year.

The three-member board voted two to one to count these illegal ballots in the Senate race recount.

“I think we all know that precedent by a court doesn't matter anymore in this country, and people violate laws anytime they want,” Diane Marseglia said. “So for me, if I violate this law, it's because I want a court to pay attention to it.”

Board chairman Robert Harviie, Jr., joined Marseglia in voting to accept the ballots that voters signed in one section but not another. Democrats challenged the decision not to count the ballots, placing the blame for the mistake on poll workers who did not double-check the provisional ballots before accepting them.

The board's legal team suggested the commissioners reject the ballots because the Pennsylvania Supreme Court had given clear guidance about signatures being required for votes to count.

There were approximately 124 ballots that would not count because of missing signatures.

Republican Sen.-elect David McCormick won 48.93% of the vote and Democratic incumbent Bob Casey captured 48.50% of the vote, thus triggering a recount.

However, as of Wednesday, there are approximately 80,000 left to be counted, including 20,000 mail-in and absentee ballots and around 60,000 provisional ballots.

Counties must begin their recount on Nov. 20 and have until Nov. 27 to report their results to the Secretary of the Commonwealth.

Casey, the third-term Senator, has not yet conceded the race.

Philadelphia City Commissioners also voted to count a "relatively small number of undated and incorrectly dated mail ballots."

"Republicans filed a petition to the PA Supreme Court against all counties to attempt to stop all counties from counting these ballots," Philadelphia City Commissioners said in a statement to Fox News. "They also filed a statutory appeal challenging Bucks County’s decision to count undated and incorrectly dated mail ballots. We are reviewing the filings."

An RNC official told Fox News that the decisions made by the county election boards were “ridiculous.” The GOP has filed two lawsuits against Bucks County and the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to stop the counting of these ballots.

"The court just ruled on this two weeks ago,” an RNC official said. “And it's just very clear to us that Democrat lawyers and officials see a way to kind of make money off of Bob Casey by trying out this process, but Dave McCormick is already in D.C. to attend Senate orientation."

Republicans hold the majority in the Senate by 52-47 without including Sen.-elect McCormick’s seat.
Why are Democrats arguing to count illegal ballots tho?
Because they can't win if they don't cheat.
The article itself says they know it's supposed to not be legal but there's been enough things that are supposed to be illegal that got allowed through by supreme court (Like Iowa purging voter rolls right before an election because the supreme court said 'yeah sure' despite the fact the law is very clear you can't) that they might as well force another confrontation.

This is what happens when you have the supreme court ignoring clearly written laws.
Wait but what you described wasn't illegal, it was a legal ruling by a judge.
What you're actually describing is Democrats throwing hissy fits and breaking the law because they shit their pants while trying too hard to huff their own farts
Throw them in prison.
>it was a legal ruling by a judge
So in other words, it wasn't legal until they went to court and got a judge to make it legal.
All the ballots are signed, and the signatures verified.
Its not like these are invalid ballots.
Why do Republicunts need to disenfranchise voters?
Texas didn't obey the Supreme Court either.

Judicial review may be dying.

Under law you cannot purge voter laws 90 days before the election. It is extremely, directly clear. However, the supreme court allowed Virginia (not Iowa as I initially said, mb) to do so literally a week before the 2024 election. There wasn't even a justification to it; they just said they could do it, actual signed law be damned.

If the supreme court can just decide to ignore plain legal text in one instance it has to be assumed it can be allowed in others.
>So in other words, it wasn't legal until they went to court and got a judge to make it legal
Lol. You realize that judges are supposed to decide how to interpret law, right?
What excuse do you have for Democrats, who are literally serial election law breakers at this point?

If they wanted those illegal ballots counted, maybe they should have brought the issue to a judge rather than breaking the law, eh?
>Its not like these are invalid ballots.
>>Bucks County commissioners voted to count ballots lacking proper signatures, violating a Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling earlier this year.
That is literally the opposite of what the article says. So thanks for proving that democrats always lie, cheat, snd steal.
>Judges are supposed to interpret law
Yeah hence why it's a problem when the Supreme Court starts deciding that "The program has to be uniform, non-discriminatory, in compliance with the Voting Rights Act and must be completed 90 days before a federal election." actually means it doesn't need to be completed 90 days prior to an election.
Partisan reddit tourists can't read
>Board chairman Robert Harviie, Jr., joined Marseglia in voting to accept the ballots that voters signed in one section but not another
There's two sections to sign, and these just were signed in one section.
The election workers should have caught this before they were turned in.
The people who filled those ballots out should have cared enough about their votes to thoroughly go over their sample ballots and filled everything out correctly, like thousands of other voters managed to do.
So you agree that they're real votes from verified voters, and Republicunts are just trying to discount them on a technicality?
Why are you afraid of more people voting?
>There's two sections to sign, and these just were signed in one section.
Then the ballots aren't valid.
How is this hard to understand?
>federal law is a technicality
lol, lmao
So you're afraid of people voting?
Thats why people call republicunts fascists.
PA added the second signature section to allow election workers to discount the votes of anyone they wanted that missed it.
Its not needed for verification
So you agree your argument is so nonsensical that you have to ignore literally everything that is said and pretend you've won the argument.

I accept your concession.
>newsbot uses no argument
>its not very effective...
Bro they are illegal votes. Stop trying to rig elections illegally, have you ever thought of doing that?
Where do you people get this shit from?

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