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Tom Homan vows to clean up the shit show left by Democrats. He is promising to "take out" foreign gangs that the Democrats have been supporting who have been funneling drugs into the country.
Trump's New 'Border Czar' Issues Warning to Gangs: 'Going to Take You Out'

President-elect Donald Trump's incoming "border czar" issued a stark warning to criminal gangs on Friday.

"As far as Tren de Aragua and MS-13 ... my gang's bigger than your gang, and we're going to take you out, too," said Tom Homan, who led U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement during Trump's first term and will now serve as U.S. border enforcer.

Homan made the comments during an interview on Donald Trump Jr.'s Triggered podcast.

"I can't wait to get started," Homan added. "I am excited about coming back, serving this country again."

Earlier in the interview, Trump Jr. asked Homan what his "overarching message" is to Americans "who are eager for major border action on minute one. Like, Inauguration Day, one second in, how much will you be able to improve the life of everyday Americans?"

"I got three words for them: shock and awe," Homan responded. "Shock and awe. You're going to see us take this country back."

Trump and Homan share similar hard-line views on immigration and border security. Trump's decision to tap Homan as his "border czar" also renewed concerns of how heavily the president-elect plans to lean on Project 2025, given that Homan is a visiting fellow at The Heritage Foundation and helped contribute to the initiative.

San Francisco Chronicle reported that Project 2025 calls for creation of the type of sweeping immigration-focused role for which Trump selected Homan. The incoming "border czar" does not require Senate confirmation to serve under Trump, and CNBC reported that Homan could also be exempt from additional congressional scrutiny

Homan is not anti-immigrant, he's "anti-illegal immigration."
no matter what you think about his politics Homan is really respectable, anyone interested should look at his congress questioning. the democrats tried to guilt trip him about seperating families and he wasn't having it. He was blunt and truthful without letting them emotionally guilt trip him, it makes the democrats look out of touch morons who care more about optics then american lives.
especially that dem who tried to say in an obnoxious tone that illegal immigrants didn't commit any crimes only to be shown she doesn't even know the laws she's supposedly incharge of
>anyone interested should look at his congress questioning. the democrats tried to guilt trip him about seperating families and he wasn't having it. He was blunt and truthful without letting them emotionally guilt trip him, it makes the democrats look out of touch morons who care more about optics then american lives.
I watched this, actually. He btfo oscario Cortez.
The war on drugs = the war on human nature. And my body my choice
OP is typical authoritarian conservative midwit type. We high in types patronize them and they're too stupid to catch on.
We high iq types(eff autocorrect, it's sort of like OP, midwitted and thinks it's always right)
Go huff farts, retard. Distract yourself from having to live in a tent behind Starbucks
Yeah I'm sure life would be even better if there were more homeless people downtown smoking fentanyl from tinfoil and stealing mail
They'll be rounded up for the work camps.
I can't wait for the trump presidency
You mean Occasional Cortex?
How does someone get to be this much of a Republican bitchboy?
Take your meds
>think of the families why are you enforcing border controls you're going to seperate them
>think of the children
Homan: if they're illegal criminals they get seperated from their kids just like the rest of them.

Liberals are such emotional blackmailers so out of touch with reality.
Also fyi the congress lady aoc who tried to emotionally blackmail him removed pronouns from her twitter.
This. I’d dump the kids in a different country than the parents cause this is about punishment.
>Also fyi the congress lady aoc who tried to emotionally blackmail him removed pronouns from her twitter
There's literally been talks at the Democrat party about how they had their nuts kicked in so badly at the election, and one of their conclusions is that they are too radical and pushing shit down people's throats that nobody cares about
If only they had so much self-awareness. the majority of democrats are blaming social media radicalization joe rogan and now funny enough biden for not stepping down sooner and skipping the primary by rushing to endorse Kamela.
the social media part is especially funny since it was fine when jack jorsey controlled twitter
There's only so long a group can change that dissenting opinions are being caused by gaming algorithms and online agitators spreading misinformation, but here we are for 4 years now people keep have drifting away from their party and rather than take an honest look and ask themselves why, they double down on this cope

...which is what I'd like to say but that's not completely true. Within their party they are asking these questions, and paying consultants, and figuring out how to to best put on facades to trick people, but outwards to the public, they repeat these lies about why they are losing, and the people left in the party are the most committed and brainwashed and the most willing to believe this sort of stupid propaganda
i can believe some of them have enough self-awareness to know, maybe even most of the higher ups in the political party. But most democrats as a whole have no self-awareness.
AOC for example just removed prounouns from her twitter and is trying to get in touch with what trump supporters are thinking so she can squeeze herself into whatever the majority wants.
The truly amazing thing is that you've been brainwashed to think AOC is some kind of democrat leader.
she's a democratic congressman, you're a moron whose trying to move the goalposts. Please just kill yourself you aren't getting anymore funding retard.
>they are too radical and pushing shit down people's throats that nobody cares about
Too little, too late. Trump has camps planned for them and anyone who voted for them.
>AOC for example just removed prounouns from her twitter
It's all manufactured image, nothing from these people is authentic, consultants are telling them how they should speak and what they should do: >>1362723
that's what i'm talking she's one of them who are just a typical politician who just lie and change whatever stance she has so that its convenient.
but most democrats are bloody morons, look at news anchors especially they're having a meltdown because the legacy media viewership is plummeting so they're actually going on unhinged treasonous rants
Pretty much, yeah
Do you have any idea how many democratic congressmen there are? You keep acting like AOC is the only one.
What did AOC do to make you chuds so buttmad besides exist?
she ticked off hundreds of thousands with her congressional hearing. where she tried to emotionally blackmail homan, and her whole response to the immigration crisis is think of the families you're separating don't you feel guilty, in a oh think of the children tone.

democrats are responsible for the human trafficking issue from the southern border, ted cruz had a huge speech on which if you bother to get remotely informed try looking it up. ted cruz on democrats and human trafficking.
AOC being part of that issue, if they care about immigrants so much we should fence off DC and california build a nice big wall and use part of the federal funds to issue bus tickets to these sanctuary cities.
>democrats are responsible for the human trafficking issue from the southern border
Your on fire the day anon. Dropping truth nukes in every post.
I voted for this. I voted for Trump so that I could get my revenge on all leftists, especially by douchebag brother. Prepare yourself for some entertainment, because it's about to get toasty for some hundred million libtards.
Democrats are pretty much all told to repeat the same think-tank approved talking points, if they don't, the democrat party disowns them.
Doesn't really matter which Dem we choose, AOC just made sense in this case because the article is about Tom Homan and she was recently publicly embarrassed by Tom Homan on live television
Where do you people get this shit from and why were you so gullible to believe it?
jesus christ just stop samefagging

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