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A group of Johnson County neighbors built their dream homes in a new development, only to watch the roads begin to crumble within a few years. They say the issue is further compounded because no one is taking responsibility for the repairs.

"It's just really frustrating because everyone's just pointing fingers instead of someone taking responsibility," said Sarah Birchmeier. She and her husband built their home for their growing family in March 2022. "The goal is for this to be a forever home," she said.

Just down the street is the country sanctuary of Paula Woods' dreams.

"It's supposed to be my retirement home," Woods said. "But unfortunately for me, every time it rains, pieces of the road actually go into my yard."

The streets in their neighborhood are falling apart. Massive potholes mark the main intersection at Rock Dove Road and Scissor Tail Drive.

"It's continuously getting worse and worse, and as you can see, it is actually undrivable at this point," said Woods.

The neighbors keep hitting dead ends with every attempt to get the roads fixed. Each municipality in Texas has its own rules and standards when it comes to the construction and maintenance of public roads. This neighborhood is outside both Godley and Joshua city limits, so they're not responsible for servicing the streets. As it turns out, neither is Johnson County.

"Everyone says the county should fix it, but the county is saying the developer should fix it," Birchmeier said. According to the county, this problem falls on the developer, Silveroak Realty. County commissioners approved the final plat in 2018, giving Silveroak Realty the ability to start selling lots, with the caveat that streets were built to county specifications.
"So that's actually in the motion that yes, we're taking the plat for filing purposes only, and we're dedicating these roads for public use," said Commissioner Kenny Howell, who represents Precinct 2. "But in no way is the county assuming any maintenance responsibilities."

Commissioner Howell says the developer has to then submit a separate request for the roads to be added to the county maintenance program.

"But in this case, we never heard back from this gentleman," he said. "We've never received anything in writing. We haven't had a phone call."

Still, Silveroak Realty went on to sell the majority of lots to Carnegie Homes, and construction began. That doesn't sit right with homeowners.

"Why didn't [the commissioners] make them complete the roadway the way it's supposed to be before they completed the housing additions?" Woods said.

Commissioner Howell says the county's regulations are as stringent as possible, while still allowing developers to easily move forward with projects.

"You hope that everybody who comes in here, every developer who comes into this county is a good developer and has good intentions and wants to do their job," he said. "But that's not always the case."

[Silveroak Realty] was under the impression the home builder he sold the lots to would be responsible for maintaining the roads. That company is no longer in business.
As an average American, I want government $ for myself but not you.
>Self Reliant Texans
you mean lolbertarians
I was told all taxes went to roads. These people deserve roads. Roads that give us jobs at that.
Can Democrats explain why these people have no roads despite paying taxes?
It's hilarious you think Democrats are involved with this story in any way shape or form.
No free lunches. Government should not be in the business of helping or protecting people. If anyone gets help, it should be the businesses that drive our nations economic engines. You put a few dollars down for them, they pay out dividends in new jobs and markets.
Well it seems like they made promises, didn't keep them and it affected everyone negatively.
I didn't know if it gets more Democrat than that.
>In fucking Texas
Lol no. This isn't in Houston, the only color you have to blame here is Red.
that's not how it ever works. Take the next four years, when everything goes to hell. We have a right wing Supreme Court, bouth houses of Congress and the White House, and 90% of the media outlets will either blame Democrats or "both sides are to blame".

It's been that way since Reagan.
Yeah. Damn socialists. Alwas wanting to go places without having to spend out billions on infrastructure first, It should be like in all the civilised countries where everyone builds their own roads, door to door...

You understand this doesn't happen overnight? It's long term neglect. Possibly poorly engineered to begin with. Everyone passing the buck. No-one being responsible.

it's not a left/right thing - but a giving a grifter your money thing. Tho I understand with your subnormal intellect and political filterbubbling I can see how you can confuse that.

It's a good thing businesses don't equally benefit from roads. And there's no free lunch, roads are paid for. There's no magical road fairy that springs them up overnight.

>Government should not be in the business of helping or protecting people
That's precisely the government's main bread and butter. It's here to help. It has to think for you, because you can't be trusted. For your protection. But don't worry, the donald will soon remove that pesky 'for your protection' part via his circlejerk of yesmen then life will get so much easier.

That's the problem, right there. Slicing things down to us/them. Divided you are easily conquered, unable to work together to mount a feasible defece you're left with bending over and taking what comes.
Who is being divided? The area of Texas in question hasn't elected a democrat to any public office in over 30 years.
You, the people of america - that we lovingly call dumbfuckistan for the backwards thinking you seem determined to display on a regular basis. For an example, see the threads headline.

The division is apparent as *everything* -regardless of merit - is warped into a red/blue issue commonly filled with increasingly insane arguments and commonly irrelevent viewpoints.

Too eager to blame the other side to consider you'll need their help to change it. Well, in any meaningful or productive way. But throw enough shit at the wall some of it will stick? right?

Just remember: When you're done you've still got a wall covered in shit.
>That we
Who is this we? Leftoid faggots?
No. Folk in more civilised countries, where we're safe from your inbred spasticated floundering.
>Folk in more civilised countries
So, folk who are about to lose their socialized medicine once NATO kicks out the US and the US stops funding your national defense

>where we're safe from your inbred spasticated floundering.
>*gets stabbed by muslim immigrant and then jailed for tweeting about it*
Yeah thats much better. Lmao.
Oh by the way
>Folk in more civilised
It's spelled civilized*
Only there. Where you required to dumb down large swathes of the language, and still struggle.

For such staunt disbelievers in socialism as a concept, you do seem to all generally be jealous of the NHS. Which isn't funded by NATO btw, and neither is national defence. I'll concede there's various numbers at their lowest point for some time but realistically? We're at no threat of invasion any time soon. Most enemies too busy fighting each other. And don't think the shit up our sleeves ends with drone swarms. Your little brain would pop if you knew a few things.

>*gets stabbed by muslim immigrant and then jailed for tweeting about it*
Can't say I'm familiar with the incident. Or shocked it could happen, sadly. I could return fire with similar I can find in your country, after all, you've based your legal system on ours. But beyond proving that's a consequence of people and not geographic happenstance, what would that gain me, or the argument?
>Only there.
Mmm no, it's spelled civilized. Your backwards yuropoor country adding extra/wrong letters doesn't change that.

>you do seem to all generally be jealous of the NHS.
No we're not. We're making fun of you for being welfare leeches on the US's dime.

>Which isn't funded by NATO btw
No one said your NHS was funded by NATO. NATO helps fund/train military so that you don't have to, which allows you to spend it on the NHS. And both your military and the NHS still suck. So good job.

>and neither is national defence
Defense*. And yes it is.

>Can't say I'm familiar with the incident.
Thats because you're stupid and angry and can't spell words correctly, because you're a filthy retarded yuropoor who owes his existence and lifestyle to the US and NATO
By " backwards yuropoor country adding extra/wrong letters " you mean the creators of the language, which is literally named after the f'kin country that created it, right?

>No we're not. We're making fun of you for being welfare leeches on the US's dime.
You may be. You may be indeed. The laugh's on you as you show yourself to be retarded yet again by failing to realise the NHS isn't funded by US at all. They might buy things from you - but generally your competitors are more competative, lower prices and higher quality - but this is transactional and you can be assured you're getting yours. On our taxpayer dime. You're welcome.

>No one said your NHS was funded by NATO.
You literally said that our NHS is dependant on US participation in NATO. National defence and NHS isn't paid outta the same kitty. Spending more on one has no impact to the other. You can think the NHS sucks. Most other people think otherwise but you're possibly so used to this it's meaningless. You can think our military sucks too, which will explain the effort spent in copying it. And, again, upgrading our defence always has and always will be a priority. There's just a lot less dance about it. You worry about you. You'll try to catch up once you see it deployed.

>Thats because you're stupid and angry and can't spell words correctly, because you're a filthy retarded yuropoor who owes his existence and lifestyle to the US and NATO
Shit like that makes me angry. That people like you are stupid enough to think that the minor influences your society and disproportionately 'culture' impacts to my 'existence and lifestyle' are anything but detrimental. That you genuinely are unable to think through the logical consequences of your own actions, and that I share this defect. Other than that, I'm laughing real hard at you spastics and doing stupid shit like using labels like 'socialist' as an excuse to throw hate for someone expecting the road they're driving on ... to be a road.
>By " backwards yuropoor country adding extra/wrong letters " you mean the creators of the language,
No, I do not.

> which is literally named after the f'kin country that created it, right?
English is Germanic, meaning it originated in Germany and other Germanic areas. Not England. Idiot.

>The laugh's on you
It's not, yurpoor.

>failing to realise the NHS isn't funded by US at all
For (incorrectly) claiming to live in the country that created English, you have a very poor grasp of it. The US does not fund the NHS, it funds your military which allows you to fund the NHS with money not spent on your military. This is not the same as saying NATO or the US funds the NHS.

>You literally said that our NHS is dependant on US participation in NATO.
Yes, because it is.
>National defence and NHS isn't paid outta the same kitty.
You're actually retarded. You fund your NHS with money you're not spending on your national defense (defense is spelled with an S, not a C, get it right yuropoor), because the US/NATO helps fund your national defense.

Please understand English better, fucking ESL faggot. You're drifting away from the point of the conversation spending half the time talking to yourself about shit no one is saying.
>English is Germanic, meaning it originated in Germany and other Germanic areas. Not England. Idiot.
Some part root to germanic, some others franc. More latin. And of recency the intelliwebs.
None of this detracts from the fact it orginated and developed as a written language in medievil England. Hence the name of the language. Odd that, isn't it?

>(defense is spelled with an S, not a C, get it right yuropoor)
Orly. Well, as that sounds like something I once stepped in, lets fact check. I'll pick the Oxford English Dictionary - the very literal definition of English and possibly the earliest dictionary: "OED's earliest evidence for defence is from around 1325, in Chronicle of Robert of Gloucester." So... Yeah. it's only spelled this way in dumbfuckistan where it needs to be rendered in a fashion the stupid fucktards can begin to wrangle the language instead of their pretty cousin.

Please undersand English better. It'll assist with not making yourself look like a dribbling mongaloid. You're the one keeping 'me' the subject current. I'm here to laugh at you. Notably I'm only responding to the barely coherent drivle you're providing so if the focus of conversation is on me - ask yourself how that happens.

Just like how the consequences of your stupidity *will* manifest in ways that mean a rapid decline in your quality of life, your posts seem to rapidly escape the point in hand: Money lost to grifter instead of a road, local authoritah doubling down on that. Remind me again, how did NATO or the NHS come into this? And again no amount of NATO dictates what we spend on defence. Or the NHS.

As for the poor... I have problems describing myself as 'rich'. But I don't struggle any. When your largest issue is sometimes you have to wait for weed, complaints seem difficult. I wager your situation is already worse. My money already goes further than yours, and your economic suicide isn't going to adjust that in a way that hurts me.
So you can't answer the question.
Fine. You can be safe from us buying shit you make and our military keeping your borders secure while we're at it.
I think you meant you'll enjoy paying 20% over the odds for buying shit we make - which is probably going to be cheaper than learning how to do it yourself. Don't worry, we'll still be the fintech capital of the world whilst you're struggling to afford bread. And the only danger to that is china - because you allowed them to kick your back door in and just walk off with your shit.

Your military does little to secure our borders. We lease some bases to you - because we don't really need them, but you do. That's about as close as that gets. Remind me which hostile entity we share a border with that we're so desperate for you to protect us from, again.

In a thread about road quality or lack therof.
Good point. It's time to stop protecting them from Russia.
Please do. I'm sure the fleet of submarines with nuclear missiles will be completely a ineffective deterrent.
Six boats does not a fleet make.
Didn’t Trump even say he’d encourage Russia to attack them if they didn’t pay their dues?
No but it does make an effective first strike and counter-strike capability.

And ofc would be bottom of the bag shit, the easy shit would get thrown in first. Then the shit you haven't even heard of. Stepping up as needed.

It's quite laughable you think you can be protection from anything? To hear you tell it you can't even protect your own borders - when was the last time you won a war, again? The last few dozen you've been starting 'em too so even picking on the weak kids in the class you still end up snivvling as you run home... Yeah. Sounds like we need lots of that. Would now be the time to point out we play 'wargames' together? Look into how many times you've nuked us, vs how many times we've nuked you.
So you freely admit you want the US to close all it's military bases in Europe and the Navy should only bother protecting shipping to or from the US, since everyone else is perfectly capable of taking care of themselves. Good to know. We'll just stop sending money and weapons to Ukraine then, you guys sound more than capable of picking up the slack.
To be fair, the US military is really good at destroying other countries, not insurgencies. If they were doing old school conquer, loot, and kill everyone (what Russia does), they’d be pretty good at it.
>developer agrees to build roads to standards
>doesn't file the right paperwork to get roads added to the county inventory
>sells houses to another company
>doesn't elaborate
>county commissioner said he's now going to "look into" stricter rules for developers now
The county that's supposed to represent them fucked them over with lax regulations.
Find pride where you can I suppose.
Unfortunately, I don't think that'd still actually shut you up on the matter. And I think you're confuddling pulling weight with throwing it around. When all it is, is flubber, it's somewhat nausiating.

With regards to weapons » ukraine ... With a handfull of our near-end-of-shelf-life weapons they've made a 'three day operation' expand past three years. I'm sure we can cope without your patriot missile systems with flakey firmwares open on the internet between us and russia. No big loss.
Finally - someone on /topic.

Are you feeling okay?

On a more serious note: If that's the sate of the road - and it's consequence of substandard practices that are in legitimate code - then what about the houses? These folk double-screwed.
>The county that's supposed to represent them fucked them over with lax regulations.
It's Texas. The lax regulations represented what they want. Else they wouldn't live in Texas. People should take responsibility for the society they build and call home.

If they weren't working to add regulations before, they have no right to bitch.
>I was told all taxes went to roads.
Don't be ridiculous. Your tax money goes to traffic cops so they can ticket you to pay for more traffic cops.
Johnson county went +50 to Trump on the last election so it seems like they’re getting what they voted for.
That was extremely boring and not worth telling a global audience.
This is commie cope. This has nothing to do with the state. The building developer and the city inspector just fucked up. Going to the state to remedy the situation is the correct protocol. It's just a localized corruption and incompetence issue. I can pull up dozens of similar stories in California. Making this about Trump is retarded and that one cuck in this thread talking about his third world yuro shithole need to stop huffing copium
>This has nothing to do with the state
This has everything to do with Texas having shitty regulations that allow companies to build a crappy road, dissolve their company, and leave home owners on the hook.

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