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tl;dr 80% of memphis is an evil piece of shit. all 3 unconstitutional ballot measures passed by 80%. all 3 measures are dickless and unenforceable because the state of Tennessee doesn't grant cities the power to create gun laws and cities are a creature of the state and only have powers granted by the state or the state constitution
democrats are pieces of shit and we should take their gay marriage and abortion away to punish them
Tennessee is solidly republican, faggot
We told you Trump is a gun confiscator.
Get psychiatric help
memphis, retardo.
Memphis is 61% black (only 24% white). has a black far left communist democrat mayor. last had a republican mayor in 1973 and leads the nation in murders per capita https://www.actionnews5.com/2024/08/14/national-crime-stats-show-memphis-leads-nation-homicides-despite-overall-decrease-crime/
because it is run by and full of communists
>loses argument
>immediately pivots to racism
like clockwork
get help
>>loses argument
>>immediately pivots to racism
>like clockwork
>get help
nooooo you don't get it, this city that hasn't had a republican mayor in 50 years and voted for harris os really republican and pro trump
holy shit you are retarded and not American
Good post
>os really
>>1362860 is really retarded, and has an inferior education
You clearly have no discipline considering how retarded your English is.
hey crackhead bot. I thought you were going to kill yourself because harris lost and you are a tranny and all
turn your monitor on, illiterate retard
Good post
Why are you linking random posts?
So based Democratic policies are reducing Republican-driven gun crime? Ya love to see it.
The sole purpose of an assault rifle is to kill indiscriminately en masse. There's no scenario in which a private citizen would be justified in killing indiscriminately en masse. Therefore, any sane individual would vote to ban assault rifles from private ownership.

Banning assault rifles does not in any way inpinge upon the right to own a conventional gun for hunting, target practice, or personal safety.

Although the second amendment is largely considered necessary to keep the government fearful of the citizens, in modern times it no longer serves this purpose. If an insurrectionist or terrorist were to barricade themselves in some fortified position, the FBI would keep sending agents until the individual ran out of bullets.

Your outrage over this issue is juvenile.
>There's no scenario in which a private citizen would be justified in killing indiscriminately en masse.
Pretty sure the 2020 riots proved you wrong on that front.
>The sole purpose of an assault rifle is to kill indiscriminately en masse.
> There's no scenario in which a private citizen would be justified in killing indiscriminately en masse.
a. snuck premise
b. when a blm lynch mob tries to kill you, like what happened to kyle
> Therefore, any sane individual would vote to ban assault rifles from private ownership.
AR-15s are explicitly protected by the second amendment, reddit spacer, because they are in common use for self defense and militia purposes
>Banning assault rifles does not in any way inpinge upon the right to own a conventional gun for hunting, target practice, or personal safety.
hunting isn't in the bill of rights. the 2nd amendment protects personal defense and militia purposes. it only protects target shooting for militia training. AR-15s are explicitly protected by the 2nd amendment
>Although the second amendment is largely considered necessary to keep the government fearful of the citizens, in modern times it no longer serves this purpose. If an insurrectionist or terrorist were to barricade themselves in some fortified position, the FBI would keep sending agents until the individual ran out of bullets.
is this the same government who unconditionally surrendered to the taliban, or the one who waits in the parking lot during school shootings? plus the bundys won their standoff with the government
>Your outrage over this issue is juvenile.
you are not American, you have no dick and you lost, bruen is the law of the land, there are over 20 million AR-15s in private hands you will never ban cope
kek, this one really got the 'cord chirpin'. good work.
>most per capital murders in the nation and well over state average
more like dems are doing crimes and dem policies cause murder
why are you linking random posts?
>>1363021 the assault rifle 15 is the worst. i think we can stop with that one
They're Americans who voted on a law in their American city in America.
You're just seething because you don't like how they voted. So much for respecting people's rights, faggot. Funny how you're more of a commie than you claim them to be, calling them unAmerican cause they don't vote how you want.
"the majority only counts when I agree with them"
the thread.
nah, its just another 'gun schizo rants at clouds' thread
>Tennessee is solidly republican, faggot
Did it never occur to you to question why all the gun violence in these "republican" states are heavily concentrated in democrat-ran cities like Memphis? Or Birmingham? Biloxi? New Orleans? Atlanta? I wonder why that is.
Anon the main population centers for those states are in those places. There's no one to shoot elsewhere.
>So based Democratic policies are reducing Republican-driven gun crime? Ya love to see it.
St. Louis leads the nation in gun violence and bans the carrying of guns (except licensed CCW) within city limits despite the state allowing open carry without a license.
>The sole purpose of an assault rifle is to kill indiscriminately en masse.
Wrong. You can use it for hunting, home defense, target shooting, etc.
>There's no scenario in which a private citizen would be justified
I'm going to stop you right there. Kyle Rittenhouse. If he did not have his AR-15 that day he would be dead. Let me remind you that he was ambushed by Rosenbaum and the Ziminskis after he extinguished their dumpster fire that they tried to push into a gas station - with Rosenbaum promising to 'cut his fucking heart out'.

The rest of your post is typical garbage.
Actually their crime rate has been going down in the year since they implemented the gun ban. By all appearances the gun ban is actually working.
>Wrong. You can use it for hunting, home defense, target shooting, etc.
Anon genuinely when would you need rapid fire for any of those things.
Who would've thought that the party who is most catholic is the one that endorses the most dangerous instruments.
There is no doubt in my mind that republicans are the actual devil worshipers.
So you would be in step with most Americans in the 1920s over the subject of African American rights?
>Ok but what if, hypothetically, an armed gang came to my door?

This is like the kid who isn't allowed to have scissors at school arguing he should have them back because he could sneak up on a school shooter with them. It's just fantasizing.
It's already happening in liberal hubs.
NIMBY faggots are unironically killing America.
>the odds of you needing a gun for home defense are so rare we might as well take them away
>pay no attention to all those news articles of home invasions
Suck my dick.
>amendment 14, section 1
>No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
nonAmerican communist pieces of shit do not have the power to deprive others of their god given right to keep and bear arms. if you disagree you are saying you are fine with red states banning gay shit, jews, blacks from voting and going to school and trannies
why are you still having trouble >(you)ing posts, crackhead bot?
good post
that shouldn't affect percapita numbers, but these blue cities usually have higher per capita numbers than the rest of the state
>home defense
If there is more than one person retard, hell if there is one person its better to have rapid fire so you can hit them twice. plus, due to the bolt moving, semi auto guns have less recoil than manual action guns. my AR-15 has substantially less recoil than my pump action shotgun
> target shooting
NRA/CMP high power which is the most popular or second most popular target shooting sport (not sure if small bore is more popular) has a round where you rapid fire 10 rounds in 60 seconds while sitting and 10 rounds in 70 seconds while prone.
you sm lik a fucking retard
cool story bro
these are all good points. anti gunners are so fucking retarded and disingenuous. I blame the corporate left wing media for lying about guns
it isn't a hypothetical, its actually fucking happening, its on video you fucking retard. there are migrant gangs in the US. there were BLM lynch mobs in 2020
>>Ok but what if, hypothetically, an armed gang came to my door?

I can keep going.
There is a zero percent chance that constantly fighting for weapons of terror is the right thing.

All you're doing is making rich weapons contractors richer.
NTA all you're doing is getting innocent people killed. You can't name one gun free zone that has ever worked.
>reddit spacing
>retard take
name a more iconic duo. Dems fund the MIC war machine by sending arms to ukraine and israel. me buying guns is a drop in the bucket compared to that. and you aren't going to gaslight me into saying I own and support weapons of terror when you and the dems are doing genocide in palastine and the dems put Americans in concentration camps during WWII
I don't think republicans are the problem, I think Americans are. You're too stupid, and get upset whenever you see a /n

Your guns have been plaguing this world as early as the cold war. Republicans were the first war mongers, but honestly, there are no good guys. Americans have always been the problem with this world.
>I don't think republicans are the problem, I think Americans are.
tranni boi admits to not being American, you can't make this shit up
>You're too stupid,
she says, on an American message board, on the American internet in the American language.
remind me again, who went to the moon, tranni boi?
>Your guns have been plaguing this world as early as the cold war.
lol no
>Republicans were the first war mongers,
war mongering predates the US, retardo
but if you want to keep score
injin wars were Jackson, a dem.
Mexican American war was Polk, a dem
Civil war was confederate democrats
banana wars were wilson, democrat
wwi was wilson, democrat
wwii was fdr, democrat
korean war was truman, democrat
vietnam was kennedy and johnson, democrate
hell, obongo and biden did genocide in the middle east and Trump started no wars
>Americans have always been the problem with this world.
lol no, you are thinking of your own shithole country, fagito
>Look, if I post about individual home invasions spread across an entire country, it justifies my paranoia and hero fantasies!

You're literally more likely to shoot yourself by accident than heroically swoop in to stop the evil armed gang from terrorizing your neighborhood. Stop larping like you're a comic book character waiting to heroically turn the tables on the bad guys.
Thank you for dodging the implied question: name a gun free zone that worked.
>You're literally more likely to shoot yourself by accident
there are fewer than 11 fatal gun accidents per state per year
stop trying to deny Americans their basic human rights because you want the democrats to re open their concentration camps.
Keyword is fatal retard. You don't have to shoot yourself in the head or chest to fuck up your body. Literally shooting yourself in the foot is more than enough to give you a limp.
still waiting for that citation on gun accidents being common, tranni boi. but we both know you pulled it out of your ass on account of you are a gay retard
Sir, I am a man. I know your country is obsessed with fluid gender science, but my country doesn't practice your satanic rituals. I identify as a man.

In case you have trouble reading the above, that's understandable, half of your country is illiterate https://map.barbarabush.org/ (I believe that 54% is the proportion of Americans that voted for Trump as well, right?)

In case you have problems controlling your anger, please refer to this https://www.apa.org/topics/anger/index.
>all 3 measures are dickless and unenforceable because the state of Tennessee doesn't grant cities the power to create gun laws and cities are a creature of the state and only have powers granted by the state or the state constitution
democrats are pieces of shit and we should take their gay marriage and abortion away to punish them
no capitalization, no punctuation. OP is just rambling at this point. I thought his mental breakdown was due to the election, but Trump won and his mental health is still deteriorating.
Yes, it would be a net positive is abortion and gay marriage would be banned, if it means that guns would also be banned or more heavily stricted. Glad we agree on this.
Which is the keyword. Perfectly describes >>1363288
>reddit spacing
>admitting to not being American
>having an opinion on American politics despite not being American
we have been to the moon, you have not. we have nearly all the top raking colleges in the world, you eat semen and seethe about how much better the US is in every way
America invented penicillin, the internet and space travel
yurope invented homosexuality and being a tranny
hey crackhead bot, you sure seething. did you not kill yourself on account of harris lost, yet?
nah, guns are good and should not be regulated at all. also you are gay
>posted from the 7Eleven I work at, on my lunch break

I'm not American, but I work for an American company making 6 figures :)
you work for 7-11 tranni boi? and they pay you 6 figs in monopoly money? what is that $5,000 USD? must be why you eat semen and human shit
I'm not the one seething over another country having rights, that would be you, tranni boi
Good post
>nonsensical schizo ranting continues
Schizo, non-4chan r*ddit piece of shit on /news/ overwhelmingly makes shitposts

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