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Chilling bodycam video shows a Las Vegas cop shooting a man dead inside his house even as he wrestled with a woman who invaded his house. The man had called 911 for help after the woman tried to attack him.

The spine-chilling video shows police officers showing up at the home as sirens wail. The cops walk to the house and kick in the door. Instantly, they hear loud screams coming from a long corridor. Gun in hand, the police officer declares his presence before he finds a man struggling with a woman over a knife at the door of a room.

Panicked by the struggle, the cop swiftly fires a bullet that hits the man in the head as he collapses. The cop run over to the man's limp body and fires five more shots. (Also read: Las Vegas cop shoots dead man who called 911 for help amid home invasion)
Suspect survived

After the encounter, police discovered that the man they killed lived in the house and had called the police for help after struggling to fend off the woman who had broken into his home.

Brandon Durham, 43, had called 911 for help after he suspected multiple people outside his home were shooting inside and entered his home through the front and back doors. He locked himself in the bathroom and told the 911 operator that he was home with his 15-year-old daughter.

Police have arrested the woman, Alejandra Boudreaux, for home invasion with a deadly weapon along with assault with a deadly weapon, child abuse and domestic violence. Fortunately, she was not injured when the cop shot at Durham.
>hindustan times
Thanks Rajeet. Nice to see you didn't get laid off when the Kamalbux ran out
I tried getting a source from Breitbart, Newsmax and Fox News but none of them are running it for some reason.
I'm glad you were able to find it in your local news publication, based out of Delhi India
I'm not actually from India. I wonder why foreign countries are reporting on an American citizen being murdered by state thugs in his own home but patriotic news sources aren't thoughever.
They are reporting it, I'm sure whatever search engine you are using is just localizing results to your local geographic region https://www.fox5vegas.com/2024/11/12/las-vegas-police-shoot-kill-knife-wielding-suspect-near-eastern-avenue/
A local Fox affiliate isn't the same as being covered on Fox News' main site. Breitbart and Newsmax are also completely silent on this massive communist state overreach.
>Fox news isn't Fox news
Ok, Rajeet. Whatever you say
>Daughter clearly describes attacker as female and wearing red in 911 call
>"Ah! A man wrestling with a woman wearing red! Don't worry mam, I'll save you!"

I hope he faces charges for this. You can't even argue he just missed in the confusion considering how he unloaded into the poor guy's corpse.
Fox 5 Vegas, the local Fox affiliate is not the same as Fox News, the company's primary entertainment site. Hope this helps.
Yeah pretty much. 99% of the time when people are making a stink about a cop shooting someone the evidence shows the coo was completely justified. But this time he's either racist for assuming the black guy is the criminal or sexist for assuming the woman is the victim. Maybe both.
you're a retard who supposes MSM fuck off and kill yourself leftist scum.
mainstream publications ignore alot of news especially the ones that are politically inconvenient.
Imagine becoming this indoctrinated
>all news that isn't msm isn't credible or didn't happen
imagine being this cucked
>But this time he's either racist for assuming the black guy is the criminal or sexist for assuming the woman is the victim. Maybe both.
He's retarded for literally finding someone who fit the exact description given in the 911 call and deciding to shoot the person she was struggling with in the head, followed by unloading five shots into his corpse.
>goes to the MSM 4chan board
>hates the MSM
You're on the wrong board
Wasn't a squirrel so not news.
hahahahahahaha the leftwing cuck poster is indian and posting indian newspapers
Lurk more, faggot. You need to learn what those words mean before you try to use them.
lol you got proven to be nonAmerican
hahahaa, what a dickless, shit eating, communist homosexual
Do you think you're saying something here?
yeah, I am saying
>hahahaa, what a dickless, shit eating, communist homosexual

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