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A longtime Donald Trump adviser and Elon Musk had a “massive blowup” in front of Mar-a-Lago guests last week, the latest sign of “tensions” between the men.

The incident broke out after a “heated discussion” led Musk to accuse Boris Epshteyn of leaking Trump’s cabinet picks to the media, Axios reported. Epshteyn is said to have responded by telling Musk he “didn’t know what he was talking about.”

That encounter, also described as being a “huge explosion,” reportedly occurred at a dinner table inside Trump’s club. The president-elect’s transition team and Musk declined to comment to Axios. Epshteyn, the longtime coordinator of Trump’s legal defense, referred the website to Trump’s transition team.

Axios’ report did not specify if Trump was present for the argument.
>lose presidency
>lose house
>lose senate
>lose popular vote
>lose innumerable state level seats/offices
>lose next 1-2 SCOTUS picks

>only recourse is to go full yellow journalism and push garbage articles as cope

TheDailyNog piggybacking off of Axios now because 99% of the TDN staff killed themselves after Trump won bigly
Bro he's melting down he just made 3 threads in 15 minutes with 2 more likely incoming lmao
Yeah but Trump would've won without any help from Musk or Twitter. Musk is trying to trick everyone into believing he was the reason Trump won.

Lies. Trump won easily. Trump did not need Musk at all. He doesn't need Musk right now or going forward.
Honestly considering Trump hates being told not to do something and Musk has a psychological need to have control of everything he has any say in, it's only a matter of time before they have a massive public fallout. It's two people whose egos won't allow them to budge working together. The second they disagree there's gonna be blood.
*fart huffing intensifies*
Sound about right.

What's he saying?
>he's proud of being a fascist

Republicans dont know what yellow journalism is because thats all they consume, use a different buzzword to manipulate them how you want them to think
Which threads?
And soon they'll lose everything else. We're on our way to finally eliminating the democrats for good. Republicans will be in control for the next hundred years.
seeing the lefty meltdown in these threads has been fascinating
There are no leftists on this board you retard.
Musk will have his revenge in 4 yrsbif tRump isn't dead of heart disease
True. Democrats are totalitarian progressives aka national socialists aka Nazis.
yep. and they're currently imploding
In Soviet America, Don Old Fart huffs you
>sources say
>Republicans are totalitarian progressives aka national socialists aka Nazis
Disagree and the only ones imploding are you Trumptards that want a totalitarian that wants to control women's bodies. Ban abortion. Just as Nazis did. You rightards in /news/ = Nazis.
But you can always agree that what the Nazis did was wrong, thus become anti-Trump, thus anti-authoritarian. Pro-choice. Even the Catholic Biden was pro-choice. Another Austrian, Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger, is pro-choice. He's the paradox for you: superior to an authoritarian Austrian several decades ago.
Don't forget: Hitler was authoritarian. Controlled women's bodies. Anti-abortion. Anti-abortionists = Nazis.
OK, go ahead. Make America great. Go on, do it. Btw see you real soon at the next elections after you destroy the economy lmao
You must be very new indeed not to recognize the "nazis were actually leftists and socialists" guy.
You already destroyed the economy.
lol we used to just call it fake news
Nice imploding neonaxi socialist. You even focused on killing babies as a positive.
Implode for me. And remember, the country just took a vote and your politics are unpopular.
>>1363315 the nazi will implode when his politics become unpopular
Maybe. Time will tell.
What kind of stupidity is this? Hitler was anti-smoking, are you? Not everything about everyone is the same all the time. Nazies seized industries like the left wants to do. They indoctrinated kids from a young age like the left pushes for. Will you ever denounce those ideas?
>Will you ever denounce those ideas?
Will you denounce a Republican party that is authoritarian and wants to have control over women's bodies? And is anti-abortion?
Ask again when a baby is a part of a woman's body. Thanks.
Stop falling for his baitposts. Your butthurt kneejerking is the reason why he loves this board so much.
Ok boss. I won't be docked any pay for falling for it will I?
Without that poster it would be just you here talking to yourself.
Cool story, bro. If there's something to talk about it will be spoken about. Recommending shit posting to stir the pot is retarded.
>Recommending shit posting to stir the pot is retarded.
How many mental gymnastic routines is this?
But users jump in and comment about how posting this article means someones a sore loser or a neolib. Someone who supports Trump bit dislikes Musk is who posted this, not a lib.
Are you telling me some of you retards are literally Democrats with the most ridiculous opinions?
I could see trolling, or collecting a paycheck as th motive for some in of the posts on this board, but never did I actually believe there were huge retards without the ability to think for themselves posting here.
I'm pretty sure you're full of shit
Some of the lefties on here are reasonable. The ones that post most frequently though are the dumbest people on this board.
> that is authoritarian and wants to have control over women's bodies?
You cannot cry about this and also believe certain vaccines should be mandatory, lest you be sent to an unvaccinated holding camp.

Believing in bodily autonomy means believing in the right to refuse vaccines, full stop.
This sounds like leftard cope
Many such cases. 4 more years of similar behavior is ahead.
Pregnancy isn't contagious anon. Your bodily autonomy starts infringing on mine when you get people sick.
>Believing in bodily autonomy means believing in the right to refuse vaccines, full stop.
Prove to me that vaccines/medicine do the shit that they do and don't cause autism or rewrite your DNA. They should be banned, and RFK and Trump agree with me.
It's been proven over and over. You're literally just so convinced of it you don't care it's physically impossible for them to do both of those things, because you're convinced it is and everyone saying it isn't is just lying to you.
>RFK and Trump agree with me.
Didn't Trump literally fund the creation of the same vaccines you're rejecting?
enjoy your polio shoes
No one does that. It's literally only in your head.
You people think anyone who posts an article mentioning Trump are "leftists", which is why no one takes you seriously.
When you've been indoctrinated by the far right for the last 10 years, most things are going to sound leftist to you.

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