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Americans have spent the last few years complaining about inflation. But price rises in Russia are eye-watering by comparison – and just one symptom of an economy that is overheating.

Butter, some meats, and onions are about 25% more expensive than a year ago, according to official data. Some supermarkets have taken to keeping butter in locked cabinets: Russian social media has shown stocks being stolen.

The overall inflation rate is just shy of 10%, much higher than the central bank anticipated.

Inflation is being driven by the rapid rise in wages as the Kremlin pours billions into military industries and sends millions of men to fight in Ukraine. In the middle of a war, companies outside the defense sector can’t compete for workers without paying much higher wages. In turn, they charge higher prices. So the spiral continues.

“Prices are rising because of the war,” Alexandra Prokopenko at the Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center in Berlin told CNN. “Demand in the economy is distorted in favor of unproductive spending. Wages rise because employers have to compete for labor.”

Other economists dub this as growth without development. National income grows, but there is no broad improvement to health, education, technology and infrastructure.

In an effort to cool inflation, the central bank raised its key interest rate in October to a record high of 21%. But an influential group of Russian economists said on Telegram this week that “increased inflationary pressure will not only persist but may even increase.”

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin said earlier this month that the Russian economy needs nearly 1 million new workers because of an unemployment rate of only 2.4%, or “virtually no unemployment,” as he put it.

Putin described Russia’s labor shortage as “currently one of the main obstacles to our economic growth.”

The rest here: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/11/18/economy/russia-inflation-new-heights-intl-analysis/index.html
Skill issue.
Hold on Russia, we’re coming. Trump will open trade with you and it’ll be like rain in the desert. With all the prime farm lebensraum from the Ukraine you’ll have (and future conquests, I hear Poland has some riches), you’re set for a rebound.
ChyyyNa butter aka soybean oil don't taste so good on progress.
Progress ○○○ps...perogies
Not with the import tariffs you won’t.
>Putin described Russia’s labor shortage as “currently one of the main obstacles to our economic growth.”
Well dang vlad, where's all of your working age men? Surely you didn't send ALL of them into the grinder to become fertilizer for Ukrainian soil...
There were plenty who fled rather than be drafted. Putin actually conscripts mostly from the boondocks or oblasts who aren’t as loyal to Moscow too. The core regions haven’t really felt the war outside of economic impacts.
Russia has had a long time to perfect the art of conscripting foreigners. There's plenty of people lined up who just can't wait to join the fun. I heard there's a lot of economic opportunity in the motherland right now.
They’re a bit too ethnonat to do that. Hell, a lot of them don’t even consider Ukrainians and Geordians to be close enough racially for their ingroup.
That doesn't stop the Russians from luring foreigners into forced conscription using jobs that don't exist, but yes you are right about the ethnic purity aspect. China is the same way.
Kinda, kinda not. China’s perspective is that all Asians are Chinese. Like most communist/left aligned authoritarianism, it’s very inclusive and more oriented around culture than ethnicity. Hence why when they move in, they set up reeducation camps and attempt to annihilate the local culture in favor of the monoculture. Russia’s authoritarianism is exclusive, which is why they’ll try to force out groups to stay out (or dead) rather than force them into the ingroup.
>$2 thing is now $2.50
i never understood this
>next year 3.13
>next year 3.90
>China’s perspective is that all Asians are Chinese.
I don't have personal knowledge, but this is in direct contradiction to what I do know about China. My understanding is there's a huge population in China without birth records, because they are not Han Chinese. They're not considered Chinese citizens and they were exempt from the one child law, as they essentially don't officially exist.

My understanding is there's a large culture inside China that 'obtains' foreign women (North Korea is a popular spot) and smuggles them into the country and forge their identity to appear as Han.

If China really did feel like anyone who appears Asian is actually their property, I feel like they wouldn't be trying so hard to pretend all these foreign women they have been forced to import (due to one child policy) are natives.
You don't understand how price increases lead to people not being able to afford something? Lucky you, hope that silver spoon is still in your mouth, cupcake
get a fucking job
Learn to understand things.
don't call me cupcake you old loser. i work 50 hours a week so my life savings has more than 4 digits, i don't need a retarded boomer telling me about my privilege
Look, 25% inflation is painful for anyone, especially when it goes on for a few consecutive years. See:>>1363268
Giga inflation devalues your work you put in the past. It wouldn't take long before your savings would be worth less than the savings a minimum wage retard would make if they had normal inflation.
Stop shitting up the board
you post here 50 hours a week? no wonder this board blows
Leave this place and never come back
I'm workplace harassing you

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