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NYC is blaming mental illness, while at the same time trying to lynch that marine who killed that mentally ill violent retard on the subway in self defense.
Zoomers, it hasn't always been like this. NYC was safe under Rudy Giuliani and (((Mike Bloomberg))) because they used to have the NYPD go around and send the homeless to concentration camps outside the city and the NYPD also used to stop and frisk every black and hispanic man. This was caused by the democrat policies of Cuomo, Hochul, de Blasio and Adams for getting rid of the camps, ending stop and first, legalizing weed and other drugs and generally ending all the anti homeless laws that were highly effective in the 90s and 2000s
OP, who is a raging homosexual, is angry that more New Yorkers weren't killed with an assault weapon because it proves gun laws work.
how many Americans do you think are killed by "assault weapons" every year, fagito?
>thank god they are only dead to stabbing and not guns.
that sounds retarded
Blaming mental illness? That is another way to say democrats. Mass trepanation of leftists can solve that problem.
stop engaging the actual topic of OP's threads. He is a troll from r*ddit, tell him to fuck off and nothing else
fuck off back to r*ddit, samefagging newfag
wow, you are one angry reddit tranni boi, you know that, fagito. weren't you going to kill yourself on account of harris lost?
>because it proves gun laws work.
So that's why the overwhelming majority of gun violence occurs inside blue states with strict gun laws or overwhelmingly inside democrat-controlled cities in red states with high concentrations of African Americans.
gun rights are never going to be human rights
It's been proven that fascists have a much higher rate of homosexuality
its fine they're solving the problem for the world.
must be why anti gunners like >>1363267 are such huge faggots
gun rights always have been and always will be, human rights
What we need is common sense immigration control
>Haven for illegals
>Violent ethnic street gangs
>Corrupt government
>Streets rife with the homeless
This retard: Obviously, this was all the weeds fault!
we withdrawal literally causes violence, tranni boi
weed* withdrawal
> NYC was safe under Rudy Giuliani

Minus the whole 911 thing..
Having to pick an outlying event is admitting you have no counter argument.
please explain how the mayor of new york is at fault for 2 planes originating from boston that were heading to LA? literally what could he have fucking done?

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