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Donald Trump has chosen former WWE chief executive Linda McMahon to be his secretary of state for education - a department he has vowed to abolish.

Mrs McMahon, 76, swapped her and her husband's wrestling empire for a career in politics in the early 2000s - twice running for the Senate before focusing her efforts on getting Mr Trump into the White House.

She has donated millions to his presidential campaigns and was given a key business role in his previous administration.

In a statement, Mr Trump promised she will "empower the next Generation of American Students and Workers, and make America Number One in Education in the World".

But he has also vowed to dismantle the Department of Education - handing powers back to individual states - and taking federal money away from "any school pushing Critical Race Theory, transgender insanity, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children".
Isn't she literally under investigation for trafficking young boys back in the 80s and knowing about all the shit her husband was up to?
Another billionaire in the cabinet. That makes two.
She'll mandate school vouchers to privatize the public system. The old commiepublic system has to go. Please get basic education and middle class up get education to further our great corporate capitalist system.
Plebs get basic education.
They will make America great again for the working class. Why else would the working class vote them in? Stop being so paranoid.
The working class didn't vote.
Not for Democrats, they didn't.
The reason why they're getting rid of affordable education is because the upper class desires it. The big push in the 80s-10s to get a college degree was because of the tech boom. Now that that's done with, they're back to wanting lower educated people, as they're usually more malleable and willing to accept lower pay. They want us to all be peasants to lord over.
They didn't vote at all.
And now they will never vote again.
Can someone who never existed actually actually even be considered a real voter?
If you look at the actual numbers you'll see Trump somehow managed to gain voters despite democrats getting more votes than they did in 2020 for a lot of states. Trump's votes are more suspect, especially considering his public statements of "I don't need your votes" and partnering with Elon Musk, who said it would be incredibly easy for someone in his position to hack election machines. The same election machines Trump allies spent the last few years constantly "inspecting".
I think the
>I don't need your votes
stuff was made with respect to Georgia, where /hispeople/ are the vote counters. Trump seemed as surprised as anyone else when he won the election without any need for ratfucking. There are some anomalies with the voting such as the bomb threats and the amount of bullet votes in swing states in comparison to other states and the historical records of those states, but that could be explained by Elon and Trump engaging low info voters (who wouldn't even bother to bubble in a party line vote down ballots). All in all, it would be difficult to fuck with the ballot in one county. To do it in hundreds of counties across multiple states without being caught is preposterously unlikely.
Did Sidney Powell ever release the Kraken?
If they existed, they realized they were retarded after the Bidensaster of Bidenflation they voted for.
That doesn't matter
kek, before >>1363402 I thought you were being sarcastic
Maybe the real kraken was the friends we made along the way destroying Democrats in the 2024 election which hopefully puts the retards on the path to failure for the next 2 decades so the country can heal from their disastrous management that made them extremely unpopular to the point where their 2020 voters completely abandoned them.
I was being sarcastic
Did her husband shit on her?
Both Rudy and Sidney Powell pled guilty though

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