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It's that time once again where we return to Alabama and react to their new execution method of strapping someone to the death row table but rather than a lethal injection or even going back to the good old electric chair, hanging or firing squad, they get fitted with a respirator mask and get their lungs filled up with nitrogen gas instead. The execution takes place just after 6pm.

>An Alabama prisoner convicted of the 1994 murder of a female hitchhiker is slated to become the third person executed in the U.S., and Alabama, by nitrogen gas on Thursday. The United States Supreme Court denied a final petition to halt the execution Thursday afternoon, paving the way for it to go ahead as planned.

>Alabama this year began using nitrogen gas to carry out some death sentences, the first use of a new execution method in the United States since lethal injection was introduced in 1982. The method involves placing a respirator gas mask over the person's face to replace breathable air with pure nitrogen gas, causing death by lack of oxygen.

>Alabama maintains the method is constitutional. But critics — citing how the first two people executed shook for several minutes — say the method needs more scrutiny, particularly if other states follow Alabama's path and adopt the new execution method.
Why use nitrogen when you can use carbon monoxide which masks the feeling of suffocation so people suffocate without feeling like they're short of breath. This is a well established phenomenon of carbon monoxide poisoning.
>Symptoms are often described as "flu-like" and commonly include headache, dizziness, weakness, vomiting, chest pain, and confusion
That won't work. Also people tried it before to off themselves.
>Kevorkian assisted others with a device that employed a gas mask fed by a canister of carbon monoxide which was called "Mercitron" (mercy machine).[1] This became necessary because Kevorkian's medical license had been revoked after the first two deaths, and he could no longer have legal access to the substances required for the "Thanatron". It was a rudimentary device consisting of a canister of carbon monoxide attached to a face mask with a tube. A valve must be released to start the gas flowing. Depending on the person's disability, a makeshift handle may be attached to the valve to make it easier to turn. Or, with the valve in the "open" position, a clip or clothespin could be clamped on the tubing. Pulling it off allows the gas to flow. By Kevorkian's estimates, this method took 10 minutes or longer. Sometimes he encouraged people to take sedatives or muscle relaxants to keep them calm as they breathed deeply of the gas.
im gonna get the whippets out and laff my ass of over this. i hope i dont overdo it and suffocate myself with the nitrous oxide
If I ever get executed I want the firing squad. Most dignified way to go I think.
It's an execution. It doesn't need to be painless. It just needs to be cheap.
>It's an execution. It doesn't need to be painless
only good post in the thread. The only downside of firing squad is a little bit of damage to the wall behind and cleaning up the mess of blood. We don't execute criminals who commit victimless crimes.

I'm not for torture. but a few minutes of pain isn't torture, that's just dying. Pain has a maximum and when you stub your toe you literally can reach that maximum.
as someone who's been cut open, the maximum of pain starts roughly where you pass out. stubbing your toe isn't even remotely comparable to having your organs rearranged and having drainage tubes removed from between your ribs with no anaesthetic. I'm glad for you anon but please know it gets so, so much worse than stubbing your toe
Gotta commit a capital crime in Utah then

Shit, that's wild. Are you okay? Hope so.
you didn't contradict anything besides asserting that surgery recovery is more painful than stubbing your toe.

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