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A weirdo went to a Texan hospital and was absolutely horrified when then asked him what "what gender were you assigned at birth" he states he has no idea why that should matter to a doctor. He literally almost killed himself needing to admit he is a biological male.
Patient Checks Into Texas ER, Horrified Over the 2 Questions She's Asked

Apatient who checked into the emergency room of a Texas hospital has gone viral on TikTok for sharing the questions they were asked when they arrived.

Gin Rogers, 30, recently returned to her home state of Texas after living in different areas of the United States for the past 12 years. But a recent experience at the Houston Methodist Hospital left Rogers, who is non-binary and uses both she and they pronouns, feeling "very uncomfortable."

"These questions were asked without any privacy barriers and where they could be heard and observed by a good portion of people in the waiting room," Rogers told Newsweek. "Between the two people staffing the desk and anyone in the waiting room within view and earshot, there was a small audience."

Rogers shared a video to her TikTok account @dualityofgin on November 11 where they said they "feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone."

In the clip, Rogers said the receptionist told her they "legally have to ask this now," and asked if Rogers was a U.S. citizen and "what gender was I assigned at birth."

Rogers clarified they understand about having to "protect the border," but asked: "What does that have to do with hospital, medical care? If a human being is hurting and they need to receive care so they don't die?"
Weird how the troons are silent on this
The troons living rent free in your head never shut up.
>Troons never shut up
>transsexual means you changed your sex...
>Doctor asks which you changed to...
Maybe try posting on /lgbt/ instead of the mainstream news board
The problem isn't that the hospital asked, it's that they asked in the waiting room where other people are in earshot.

This might be an overreaction but they absolutely shouldn't be asking for personal information beyond name where other people can overhear. It's a privacy violation.

>a story about a shitty nurse trying be shitty twords one person in public for having a different sexual identity.


Because it's not unusual for boomers to try and use every chance they can to make life just a little bit worse for someone who had a different life experience than them. Especially if they know they can get away with it easily.
He only typed that because >>1363944 made him seethe
by your standard you couldnt even ask their name... Thats sensitive information!!! Its not like you could look at someone and just know what their name is...
You need to give them your name so they can call you retard. And there's nothing stopping you from giving them a fake.
forget it. you are arguing with someone who sees troons in "his" sleep.

This is a simple breach of HIPAA privacy that would not be tolerated in any medical setting outside of Texas. It's simply political posturing for the morons who live there.

No medical information ever needs to be discussed in public at a medical setting, ever.
except having genitals is not a medical condition. Wanting to chop them off however, is.
Ok anon would you prefer the doctor ask "have you been circumcized" at the door too?

Keep anything relevant to the person behind closed doors.
If i was asked, i wouldnt throw a tantrum because im not a mentally unstable he/she
Circumcision is probably only relevant to very few medical conditions.
Biological sex, however, is basic information necessary for every doctor to have.
In the context of physical medicine, it literally does not matter whatsoever what social role someone likes to larp as because they have mental problems, what matters is biological sex.
Thank you based enforcer of biological sex dogma.
>Biological sex, however, is basic information necessary for every doctor to have.
Keyword there: DOCTOR. Not the fucking receptionist and not the random people in the wait room.
No you'd throw a tantrum over seeing a pronoun field on a sheet of paper.
According to whom?
>Medical staff can't ask you for medical information!!!!?!!?11!!
Holy fuck anon. Huge fucking cope.
Biological information is between you and the doctor. The tiktoker is overreacting but it's also unusual and annoying to have questions that are only relevant to the doctor asked where others can overhear.

The citizenship question is required by Texas law to be asked (but not answered) and is similarly retarded.
Anon, don't act retarded. receptionists ask why you are coming in (if it's not a pre-scheduled appt), they ask your birthdate, they ask you about pre-existing conditions, allergies, current pregnancies, mental health, etc.... All this shit is either asked In person, or as a form you fill out and hand to the receptionist.

If you have a pre-scheduled appointment with your primary care, you have already filled out all of this information upon your first visit.

Don't act retarded like all this shit is provided to the doctor themselves behind a closed door. It's literally standard sop when you walk in unannounced for care
>where they said they "feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone."
These people are so insane to believe that giving basic information about yourself to your doctors office is somehow twilight zone.
They are so far off the deep end, it's no wonder they lost this election
Anon, they look like womyn, but they have these yuge throbbin' penises. BLEEEECH,!!!
Anon that is NOT what the fuckin receptionist asks you when you go to the doctor. At most they're supposed to give you a forum to fill in with those things. Most of those questions get asked when you actually meet the nurse/doctor.

I have never seen or heard of someone who had to audibly list those things in the waiting room. And for good reason; it's a massive privacy violation.
>professional victim plays victim for an audience
you're all morons.
Trannies shouldn't be allowed access to healthcare.
>He should have had to write the answers rather than speaking them
There you go, after three turns of conversation with you saying retarded shit, you finally made a valid argument.
I agree. This would have been better as a written questionnaire than a verbal question.
Yeah anon the whole issue is that this was given verbally and thus could be overheard by others.
I can see you've never been to a doctors office in America.
Notice that these articles never provide a link to the actual EO?
A little research would show you that the EO does not require this information (citizenship, I couldn't find an EO about gender assigned at birth) be asked at reception and given verbally. The EO only requires the information be acquired then reported annually, starting March 2025. https://gov.texas.gov/uploads/files/press/EO-GA-46_HHSC_Alienage_Data_IMAGE_08-08-2024.pdf.
Is it possible for the hospital to have purposefully chosen to verbally ask this information then provide misinformation about why they are doing it in an attempt to cause controversy?
Good post
>libshits don't know why their angry, episode #12374842
Story as old as time.
No you motherfucker you
Leftist males went back to their safe space after seeing this.
Good. Things are heading in the right direction.
Hopefully they'll simply deport trannies to Canada for MAID someday.
Anon YOU have never been to an American doctors office. I cannot recall a single time I've had to give any information like that to a receptionist, at least not verbally. Their role begins and ends with getting a doctor for you.
I was I was just thinking about this sort of thing during my daily walk today
There’s 2 types of groups for simplicity sake. There’s activity groups and there’s identity groups.
In all groups humans strive to be in the inner circle and improve their standing within the group. It’s just human nature.

For activity groups, like sports or crafts, you gain clout by being better than other people. By focusing on improving you improve your standing as well, and the people who don’t have the time or ability happily settle on the outskirts because they’re aware of their limitations and just have fun while looking up to the people better than them.

For identity groups like the lgbt amongst other things, you gain clout by being more of a representative of the identity. The more you represent what the group stands for the higher you are in the totem pole, however because it’s easy to claim a binary it starts to become how extreme you can be and they start trying to prove their representativeness by pushing more and more extreme ideology. LGBT won’t back down because anyone who doesn’t represents the extremes is seen as someone not in the inner group and is looked down on by the others.
This isn’t unique to lgbt either, if you look at things like the waifu groups on /a/ you see similar ideology at a lower level. It’s not about being someone who has an anime waifu, it’s about who’s the most extreme example of an autist in loving their anime waifu.
actions like this... make people go full chud
no one else gives a shit what trannies do except chuds though
There's no story here. Why did this even become news?
It's illegal not to treat someone in an emergency room. And the article even states that the options are yes/no/refuse to answer style demographic crap.
Newsweek's resident doggo reporter is escalating the culture war shit fed by a tranny activist. And that pretty much sums up the state of MSM for the past decade.
>troonimmigrants getting buttmad that basic hospital protocols shatter their pretend fantasy world where they're a woman and not some male sex pest coomer in women's clothes
Good posts
It’s not the nurses fault, it’s the law
>"These questions were asked without any privacy barriers and where they could be heard and observed by a good portion of people in the waiting room,"
why do these faggots flip out when asked the same questions everybody else is asked?
It's the law to ask it in front of other people instead of in private?
Do share this law, please
They are mentally ill. According to statistics, it's a defining characteristic of the lgbt community and of the democrat community overall.
Nope. I go through this little song and dance every year as the practice makes sure it's records are up to date. These questions are routine. Only Karens get upset by them. Only tools carry water for Karens. Hope this helps!
Why are you so angry?
I'm angry because liberals and troons exist. Also I'm deeply concerned about what children see.
What does that have to do with my posting of a link to the EO?
I think you are replying to a samefag.
This anon: >>1364199 replied to me, and the person you replied to replied instead of me, making me think they may have replied to themselves
Well, I'm 1364199 and 1364300.
Maybe i have not read deep enough but i still have not come across the EO or law stipulating the requirement to ask about gender as mentioned in the OP
There is the EO about gender care for minors but the person in OP isn't a minor.
Quite likely there isn't a law, or if there is, it's being handled poorly by the hospital.
I would have no doubt there is a Texas law/regulation that requires health care providers to collect information on biological sex for aggregate statistics, just like pretty much every state does, and then this one hospital has shit policy and rather than giving the patient a questionnaire they ask these verbally
>Being a fag.
>Being ashamed to be a fag.
Seems like fags have poor processes to be honest.
>I'm deeply concerned about what children see.
Did you turn a little bit gay when you first saw a transexual?
>Personal Information
>anon discovers different hospitals have different practices
this post is a grooming tactic

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