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tranni bois btfo'd
And that's a good thing
OP, She looks something like a womyn, but she has a YUGE THROBBING PENIS!
it's an offensive caricature of a woman
>cons try to bait a response by doing the bathroom thing
>the tranny says something along the lines of "this is a pointless distraction so they can steal your tax money"
>Americans ignore this and encourage Congress to continue being this petty
Yeah we're pretty much done for, hope you guys didn't really care too much about social security.
Toxic masculinity loses again chuds.
Well it would be nicer to have my own money to save, but I doubt Social Security is going away.
I actually thought it was pretty cool that congress stood up to tranny terrorism.
Now they need to boot the mentally ill man out for being unfit for office due to verifiable mental illness.
>Rep. Nancy Mace, who spearheaded the initiative to bar McBride from women's restrooms, went on Fox News on Sunday and referred to McBride as a man.
Blame it on Johnson. It was a biocunt that started it.
Biocunts don't want men in dresses in the women's restrooms. I wonder why.
Also, he is a man.
>nobody wants trans faggots in female bathrooms, lockers, showers, etc.
No the real distraction is democrats seriously complaining about things like "the cost of living for our constituents" - that they DOUBLED since Biden took over - actually picking the pockets of everyone in the nation, in order to distract from the very clear message Republicans are sending: get your own bathroom freak.
you're literally hyperfocused on, at most, 1% of the population. In this case, literally dedicating yourselves to inconveniencing ONE PERSON in an assembly of 200+.

Meanwhile, your grocery bill is due to double.
>Meanwhile, your grocery bill is due to double.
Thanks to democrats. But please keep trying to distract from that with the 'QQ y u so mean to 1% of population' bullshit line you just spewed. Failed attempt at deflecting away as if two things can't be true at the same time:
>1) dems are responsible for the hyper-inflation and fucked up economy we have right now
>2) trans-faggots will never be a woman, and hence aren't allowed in bathrooms
the shill isn't american, that's why he's pretending tariffs will somehow be good for american consumers
>Meanwhile, your grocery bill is due to double.
Wasn't it Nanci Pelosi who said we would gladly eat the cost of inflation to fight Russia?
>you're literally hyperfocused on, at most, 1% of the population
All pedophiles are LGBTQ+.
>Thanks to democrats.
no matter what, if something is wrong, you will blame democrats. you're in a cult.
I'm sorry, when did inflation spike again? Oh right, when Biden took over. So explain to me how this is GOPs fault... Go ahead I'll wait.
Ready for 25% increases under Trump anon?
Like we had to endure in 2019? Oh wait...
Anon don't play dumb. He's made his new tariffs very clear. His first round cost us a few thousand jobs, and likely the only reason we can't link it to more is because of covid. Now, he's putting 25% tariffs on our two closest trading allies. Tariffs are a tax on consumers anon; things are going to cost 25% more.
If Democrats had balls, they would take charge of this issue and install a security guard at the bathrooms who refuses to let anyone unless they provide a chromosome/hormone test from a doctor. Then the Republicans would see how retarded this policy is to implement.

And if they jump on board to own the libs anyway, it's extra ironic considering how vehemently they were against people showing proof of vaccination.
it's amazing how chuds took over not only the right wing but also the left...
Maybe we'll get development and cheap goods from literally any other poor country.

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