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This is probably the one time Democrats hate it when someone transitions
Trump has successfully negotiated with the white house to maintain his previously filed ethics plan, and will be paying himself for the cost of the transition into the white house.
Trump teams deal to end transition standoff with the Biden White House

Incoming White House Chief of Staff Susie Wiles (pictured) announced Tuesday that the Trump team had signed a 'Memorandum of Understanding' with President Joe Biden 's White House to get the presidential transition rolling after a three-week delay.

The announcement ends the stand-off between the outgoing and incoming administrations, but Trump's team indicated they will not be handling the transition in the traditional fashion. They will not sign a separate MOU with the General Services Administration, which has office space and secure IT support at the ready.

They vowed to abide by their own pre-existing 'Ethics Pledge' and will continue to use private funding for the transition efforts - but said they would disclose the names of donors to the American public - claiming 'we will not require additional government and bureaucratic oversight.' 'The Transition will not utilize taxpayer funding for costs related to the transition, which is consistent with President Trump's commitment to save taxpayers' hard-earned money,' the announcement said.

The White House confirmed to DailyMail.com that the MOU had been signed, but expressed reservations. 'While we do not agree with the Trump transition team's decision to forgo signing the GSA MOU, we will follow the purpose of the Presidential Transition Act which clearly states that "any disruption occasioned by the transfer of the executive power could produce results detrimental to the safety and wellbeing of the United States and its people,"' said White House spokesperson Saloni Sharma.
She added that the Biden White House felt they had little choice but to go along with the wishes of the incoming president's team. 'The fact is that on January 20 at 12 p.m., President Trump and his team will be in seat,' she said in a statement. 'We have 2 options. Option one is no transition, potentially risking the security of the American people and our country. Option two is conduct a smooth transition with safeguards in the White House MOU to protect non-public information and prevent conflicts of interest,' she continued. 'Option two is the responsible course and in the best interest of the American people,' she added.

Trump's team was supposed to sign three agreements to kick off the traditional transition process - one with the White House, one with the GSA and a third with the Department of Justice so that the president-elect's Cabinet picks could get vetted by the FBI, which has historically been needed for Senate confirmation. White House officials said Tuesday that the DOJ MOU 'is not signed but progress has been made towards an agreement.'

The DOJ is 'ready to process requests for security clearances for those who will need access briefing materials and national security information once the MOU is signed,' officials said. Trump has long been skeptical of the so-called 'deep state,' and has suggested that his many indictments were proof that Biden's DOJ was after him - so it's not surprising that there was reluctance to sign an agreement with the Justice Department.

But one of the crucial findings of the September 11 attack's report was that the drawn-out 2000 election - and delayed transition - contributed to President George W. Bush's team not being prepared for the Islamic terror threat. One of the biggest reasons to get the transition moving is to allow Trump's people access to vital national security information so they're prepared on day No. 1
Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren (pictured) called attention to this issue in a stern letter to the GSA last week, asking the agency to articulate the serious problems that could crop up from team Trump's refusal to sign the agreements. 'President-elect Trump is undermining his administration’s ability to manage urgent national security threats, health and safety threats, and serious conflicts of interest starting on day one of his presidency,' she said.

In a follow-up statement provided to DailyMail.com, Warren said Tuesday's announcement 'fails to answer key questions about national security threats and FBI vetting of nominees, and increases concerns about corruption.' 'There appear[s] to be serious gaps between the Trump transition's ethics agreement and the letter of the law,' the Massachusetts Democrat said. 'The reliance on private donors to fund the transition is nothing more than a ploy for well-connected Trump insiders to line their pockets while pretending to save taxpayers money.'

White House officials said Tuesday that the MOU would allow incoming Trump officials to access non-public information, but it also provided guardrails. 'In the event it is necessary to share classified information with a transition team member, the relevant government agency must establish that the transition team member has the security clearance necessary to have access to that information, the requisite need to know, and has signed the requisite non-disclosure agreements,' officials said.
>would disclose the names of donors to the American public
democrats btfo once again on their "secret donors" conspiracy theory.
>they actually trust Trump to do the right thing
>no oversight whatsoever
>Israel, China, and Saudi Arabia will be paying for Trump's administration
You poor deluded bastards get exactly what you deserve.
>There's a massive international conspiracy secretly helping trump pay for a white house transition!!
Leftshit headcanon is wild.
You realize he could have got the public to pay for it with everyone's taxes and not paid a dime of it himself at all, right?
hey anon why did Trump's son in law receive 2 billion in "advising fees" from Saudi Arabia right after he left office?
Nobody's gotten paid 2 billion dollars in advising fees from any Saudi prince.
But you people like to take truths like "a Saudi prince opened an account at an investment firm" and twist it with your shitty lies into "2 billion dollars in advising fees"
Trump is a big fat doody-head. Only slack-jawed yokels voted for him.
>a wild liberal appears
>It begins huffing it's own farts
>It's super effective
he's right you know
Holy crap you people are still trying to damage control away Kushner's billions?
Where's the headcanon? Everything you replied to is 100% real.
>'The Transition will not utilize taxpayer funding for costs related to the transition, which is consistent with President Trump's commitment to save taxpayers' hard-earned money,' the announcement said.
Then stop sending money to Israel!
Tell that to biden
You just proved exactly what I said. No advising fees were paid. A rich person opened an investment account.

Well, any advising fees were probably paid on a percentage of earnings like most investment banking models, but it definitely wasn't a $2b "in advising fees" unless kushner turned the $2b account that was opened into $200b, in which case he deserves every penny of his fees.
Typical libcope
>Well acksually
Meanwhile, the war in Ukraine is only happening because Biden was blackmailing them into paying his son to smoke crack and kill hookers
> and will continue to use private funding for the transition efforts - but said they would disclose the names of donors to the American public
Just like he said he would release his taxes and the doctor’s report for his ear
>Doctors report for his ear
Who the fuck cares you libshit conspiracy theoriest
Coming from the same party that insisted Paul Pelosi was attacked by his gay lover?

Meanwhile, Trump's ear is like, visibly unchanged compared to before the shooting.
your rubles are more worthless with each passing day (((((
He was though.
Why does this Chinaman always think everyone's Russian?
By what metric would his ear not being hit make the event less of an assassination attempt?
you know that's not the preferred nomenclature right pathetic shill
You people are fucking insane. The Democrat voters are mentally ill.
I'm not saying the assassination attempt was fake or even staged. I'm saying his story of getting hit in the ear by a bullet is bullshit; even the smallest graze would've taken a chunk out we could plainly see now.
>The assassin was staged
>There was no bullet
>Ok there was a bullet but he got hit by a teleprompter
>Ok there was a bullet but he never got his and the blood was staged before hand
Have you ever fucking realized, as your huffing your own farts and going comatose smoking fentanyl while circle jerking your conspiracy theories, that cosmetic surgeons actually fucking exist and it would probably not be too tough to fix a nick on an ear?
The guys who claimed the laptop was fake and the diary want their proof now, huh?
wow anon, look at all those things I didn't say.

I'm not saying anything was faked. I'm saying Trump got cut on some shot-out glass when he was tackled by the secret service and has been claiming he got shot ever since for the sake of public image.
>I'm saying Trump got cut on some shot-out glass when he was tackled by the secret service
Well the FBI disagrees with you and they actually investigated it. They reported he was struck by a bullet.

Keep on huffing your own farts tho
mhmm i'm sure that's why Kamala got endorsed by bill gates, george soros, richard spencer, diddy, vast majority of hollywood pedos.
but keep going on about some foreign government wooooo. you fucking nutjob.
Also trump could be the next hitler for all I care, I just want people like you gone for the last 8 years of garbage you've spewed on the world.
so you're a conspiracy theorists thinking you're better then the FBI. Yes glass in the middle of a fcking rallyspeech that tore through the upper part of his earlobe and covered his right cheek with blood.
Please just go fucking kill yourself for how stupid you sound.
FBI also raided his fucking house so clearly neither of you retards care about them unless it suits you.
We know the FBI is biased against him, retard.
The point being made was that even the FBI, the organization that used op-ed research to wiretap his phones at the behest of the Obama administration, thinks you're full of shit.
You people are insufferable.
Good post
>FBI good when it agrees with me
>FBI bad when it doesn't
>lessens security right before shooting
>head of chief forced to resign and goes on a media tour
>constantly in interviews talking about how horrible trump is
wow its almost like the FBI under biden are trying to destroy the opposition.
Daily Mail? More like suck for com.

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