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President-elect Donald Trump has chosen John Phelan, a businessman and investor with no military experience, to become the next secretary of the Navy.

Phelan, if confirmed, would be the first person in 15 years to lead the Navy without having served in any branch of the armed forces.

He told NBC News on Wednesday that he was “greatly honored” to be selected by Trump, and confirmed he has not served, but declined to comment further.

In a statement Tuesday night, Trump touted Phelan’s “record of success” and said Phelan has “excelled in every endeavor,” including founding and leading Rugger Management LLC, a private investment firm based in Palm Beach, Florida.

He also said the Harvard Business School graduate’s “intelligence and leadership are unmatched.”

“John will be a tremendous force for our Naval Servicemembers, and a steadfast leader in advancing my America First vision,” Trump said. “He will put the business of the U.S. Navy above all else.”
As the 79th Navy secretary, Phelan would oversee more than 900,000 people and an annual budget of more than $210 billion.

The last eight people who have held the title since 2009 had served either in the Navy, Marine Corps, Army or Coast Guard, according to their Naval History and Heritage Command biographies.

Twenty out of 26 people to be confirmed as Navy secretary over the last 70 years were veterans, the Military Times reported.

Carlos Del Toro, whom Phelan would be replacing, had served in the Navy for more than 20 years and had done several tours of duty at sea, his Navy biography says.

On Nov. 12, Trump announced he would nominate Pete Hegseth, a combat veteran and former Fox News host, to be the secretary of defense. Hegseth was a captain in the Army National Guard and served overseas in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.
>first person in 15 years
Not that long ago!
The specific details of any organization are minor compared to the ability to manage and inspect the organization's compliance with US law and federal administrative policy. Yes those specifics matter a little, but organizations are people.
I admit I'm out of the loop when it comes to issues facing the US Navy today but somehow I don't think compliance with US law is one of the major things the Navy is worried about.
In his picks, at least tRump is thinking outside the straight jacket.
>would be the first person in 15 years to lead the Navy without having served in any branch of the armed forces.
...so since Obama?
The gentleman's name was Ray Mabus and he was the Governor of Mississippi.
>served as the 75th United States Secretary of the Navy from 2009 to 2017.
How many secretary of Navy's have we had since him? 1? 2?
The "no military experience" thing seems to be kinda normal of the last guy was just 15 years ago and served for 8 years
I'm pretty sure this will be the first wall street fat cat appointed to a military position in quite a while if that's what you mean.
>wall street fat cat
Nice buzz words.
I prefer a businessman over a hawk. Simple as that
>I don't think compliance with US law is one of the major things the Navy is worried about.
you're out of the loop.
I don't care how good of a businessman he is; I wouldn't trust a stock trader to perform surgery on me, the same way I don't trust an investment banker in charge of a military force.
>I prefer a businessman over a hawk.
Businessmen are the hawks, Anon, war is great for business.
this. Someone with actual military experience can recognize what a war costs on a human level. Someone like Phelan can only recognize what it could get him on a financial level.
This argument is retarded because we currently have mentally ill trannies in government and Pete Buttgay in charge of transportation. Blow it out your ass commie
Forever seething
Enjoy the next four years
Both more qualified for their positions that an investment banker is to head the navy. Are we forgetting both Buttigeg and Levine both actually have decades of experience in administration and healthcare respectively?
You know Trump appointed a homosexual to be Treasury Secretary, right?
So is Buttgay responsible for the Ohio train incident and how it was so poorly mismanaged that people died?
All trannies are pedophiles, but not all homosexuals are
I hope he picked an alternate for when the SoT is caught raping his adopted son.
Why would that happen?
Because the man is a fag. Weren't you following the comment chain?
You don't make any sense at all.
Tell us how underaged are you Anon?
the attorney general and secretary if health don't do surgery. secdef doesn't manage armies, they manage the generals, their missions and their budgets. secretary of education isn't teaching.
What does that have to do with appointing a teleprompter-reading TV host to any of those positions?
If his leadership is unmatched he should be president. Is he going to kill Trump? Is Hunter Biden's laptop going to be the murder weapon?

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