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>“First Buddy” Elon Musk joined Donald Trump and his family at Mar-a-Lago for Thanksgiving – with footage showing a seemingly “embarrassed” Barron looking on while the two men danced to YMCA.
>The president-elect was surrounded by friends, family and the now ever-present tech billionaire at his Palm Beach, Florida, resort on Thursday evening.
>Video reshared by Musk online shows Trump sitting between his 18-year-old son and Musk, with his wife Melania next to Barron, in the ballroom.
>In the video, Trump’s campaign anthem is heard blaring in the background, prompting an in-the-seat jig from both Musk and Trump.
>The incoming head of the Department of Government Efficiency is seen gently nodding his head while Trump belts out “bam, bam, bam” and smacks the table in tandem.
>After spotting Musk’s more measured moves, the president-elect gave him a few taps on the shoulder prompting the Tesla boss to thrust his arms into the air.
>Barron appears to look on awkwardly as his dad turns to him and laughs.
>Social media users were quick to comment that Barron looked “uncomfortable” and “embarrassed” during the encounter.
>“Wow. Elon Musk couldn’t get a single family member to spend Thanksgiving with him other than his mom who relies in him,” one X user wrote. “And Trump paid his 3rd wife to join. Even Barron looks embarrassed for them. What LOSERS.”
>Another person posted on X: “Barron looks uncomfortable. The body language of everyone at that table is weird.”
>“Barron’s like ‘Okay have we had enough of this song yet father,” a third person chimed in.
>“Elon’s been adopted by the Trump family,” added another.
>Trump’s daughter Tiffany, son Eric, daughter-in-law Lara and Musk’s mother Maye also joined the Trumps for Thanksgiving.
>Hollywood actor Sylvester Stallone – who recently called Trump “the second Founding Father” and likened him to George Washington – was also seen at the holiday party, speaking to Trump and Musk.
>Musk has become a fixture at Mar-a-Lago in the weeks since the election, with even the president-elect joking that he “can’t get him out” of his Florida home. The tech billionaire has joined Trump on phone calls to foreign leaders, while the president-elect accompanied Musk to his SpaceX Starship rocket launch in Texas.
Doesn't Musk have 12 kids? Why was he spending Thanksgiving at the Trump house.
>Man celebrates thanksgiving with his friends and family
>Democrats continue to seethe and ragepost in X
Who cares
>This is completely normal
>they're average american family men
What flavor is the kool aid this week?
Trump is normal. Musk on the other hand has 12 kids and spent his thanksgiving with the guy about to install him to a corrupt position.
>Hollywood actor Sylvester Stallone – who recently called Trump “the second Founding Father” and likened him to George Washington – was also seen at the holiday party, speaking to Trump and Musk.
wait what?
Because he's a deadbeat dad
I want video so badly. FUK text board.
he's a faggot
Grrnold Dump :)
I can attest thatvitcis fun to stay at the ymca. Better than a bath house.
he's living the american dream, cumming inside people but never needing to take responsibility for it that's why libshits hate him. He's their idol and they're immensely jealous
Because Melania doesn’t want to be the First Lady anymore
Dipshit dems once again proving how out if touch they are.
>richest man in the world is average
What is wrong with you exactly?
>two gay threads about Trump

it's damage control for the Destiny leaks.
>out if touch
Dipshit republicans once again proving how illiterate and inferior they are. Out of touch with reality.

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