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Sound suppressors, often called silencers, help protect gun owners’ hearing. That’s the conclusion one of the largest ear-doctor organizations, with more than 13,000 members, reached this month. The American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS) issued a position statement backing the use of the noise-reducing devices. It pointed to three different studies that found suppressors help prevent hearing loss.

The backing of a major medical organization could help boost the use of suppressors among gun owners. It could also lend support to efforts to reform the laws governing their purchase and possession. While the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) has opened up online suppressor registration and increased the speed they process those registrations, the devices remain heavily regulated under the same federal law that governs machine guns.

“My personal hope is that this represents maybe a change of heart for at least one small part of academic medicine. Academic medicine has a very long way to go to climb out of the credibility gap that they have created for themselves in the public eye because they’ve been pretty much taken over by a lot of social and political crusades going way back to the late 1980s” said Dr. Timothy Wheeler, a board-certified otolaryngologist and AAO-HNS life fellow. He emphasized the AAO-HNS statement doesn’t advocate for any law or policy changes. “It’s purely a scientifically based observation,” Wheeler said. “They are saying nothing beyond what’s in the statement.” The group’s statement also recommended that firearms suppressors be coupled with ear plugs or ear muffs to ensure the best hearing protection.

I recommend filters on cigarettes to reduce harm
School shootings ended in 2024 when Democrats abandoned the unpopular position because Kamala carried a gun as a prosecutor who put blacks in jail for weed.
Or was it because the Internet started noticing every mass shooter had some psychosexual dysfunction like trannism or faggotry?
Either way, there's no need for these threads at the present time. Your guns are safe.
based, good thread OP
false equivalent, retardo. reducing gun shots to hearing safe levels makes them not dangerous for hearing. in most of yurope the use of suppressors is mandated for certain activities
you are a retard and a tranny
a. we need a thread every time the dems try to ban something or deny gun rights.
b. this thread isn't about that. its about how suppressors were federally regulated in 1934 and are outright banned to probably at least 1/3rd of the population when they are medical devices that could save people's hearing
"False equivalent". Kudos to you anon for getting my propaganda shillery, another argument iq here is 100. You're still a consumer of BBC trans porn though.
having trouble linking posts there, retard? the only one looking at black troons, is you, fagito.
cigarettes are dangerous because they give you lung cancer and the filter doesn't stop the harmful chemicals from getting into your lungs. suppressors reduce the sound of guns to the point they are at or near hearing safe so they don't damage your ears at all. you are gay and retarded, as seen by the fact you can't link posts and because you like black troons
>medical device
holy fucking cope. If you need a silencer for your gun to stop hearing loss you're better off just staying away from guns.
just wear earpro like a normal person, ya dingus
the military adopted a new gun with the goal of putting a silencer on every rifle to stop hearing loss. most yuropean nations require suppressors at certain locations/activities to prevent hearing loss. guns are still loud with ear pro, especially at indoor ranges.
there is literally no negative to deregulating suppressors
>Registration became mandatory under the National Firearms Act of 1934, and 2.66 million suppressors sold between then and May 2021. In the above-mentioned three-year period [May 2021 through July 2024] another 2,193,123 sold.
they have become common to the point the ATF was forced to streamline their approval process and nothing bad happened. just like how constitutional carry caused the murder rate to drop.
we need to end regulation of suppressors and instead increase regulations on abortions, fags, troons and voting without an ID
Wear earmuffs you retard. It's more protection and doesn't let people get away with shootings.
>Wear earmuffs
I do you fucking cocksucker. I wear ear plugs with ear muffs and I'd still like a suppressor because shit can get loud especially over concrete
>It's more protection
ear muffs + suppressor is more protection than ear muffs alone
>doesn't let people get away with shootings.
got any evidence for this you dickless retard? surely you would have evidence since 2 million suppressors have been sold in the past 2 years, plus countless illegal chinese suppressors that you can buy on amazon
shit like this is why I don't give fuck about the GOP banning your abortions, illegals, weed and sodomy. If you aren't willing to compromise on the smallest gun thing, why should I give you any policies that you want?
Anon anything that makes a shooting less audible is a threat to everyone around even a responsible gun owner. If you're firing a gun everyone around you should be absolutely aware of it.

Also, ear muffs are cheaper than a silencer. You're literally advocating for guns becoming more expensive.
>Anon anything that makes a shooting less audible is a threat to everyone around
it clearly fucking isn't or you would have data showing the yuro mandates and 2 million legal suppressors the last few years and who knows how many chinese fuel filters were sold made shootings worse
> a responsible gun owner.
muh no true scotsman
>If you're firing a gun everyone around you should be absolutely aware of it.
people can still hear a suppressed gun, it just makes them safer to hear
>Also, ear muffs are cheaper than a silencer.
>You're literally advocating for guns becoming more expensive.
suppressors aren't built into the gun. this law isn't forcing people to get suppressors. someone could just buy one and put it on whatever gun they want. people literally put AR suppressors on .22s and .308 suppressors on ARs. There is literally a yuro rim fire suppressor for 70 yuro bucks
the prices are only artificially high due to the NFA. If you could buy them off the shelf like barrels then they would wear faster and be cheaper
there is no reason to support any liberal policy. there is no reason to be against any violence or tyranny trump and the GOP inflict on the dem
>I just want more cool attachments for my toys!
>It's not my fault I've fired too many guns without ear protection and now I can't hear!
>L-look at the Yuro statistics!
It's not even a crime thing. It's a matter of retards (presumably you) using them in places they shouldn't and making it harder to tell when someone is shooting nearby. If it's suppressing it enough to stop it from causing hearing damage it's enough to potentially cause someone to not hear it, or at least not recognize they're in-range.

Literally just pay for the extra certification or wear your ear muffs. A suppressor is required for nothing other than to protect your hearing from your own poor practices at the gun range.
this is what you sound like whenever you bitch about trump or the GOP doing anything
>>I just want more cool attachments for my toys!
guns aren't toys, faggot. if you think they are toys, never own one
>>It's not my fault I've fired too many guns without ear protection and now I can't hear!
you can do permanent damage in just one or 2 times if say someone broke into your home and you had to shoot them, faggot
>>L-look at the Yuro statistics!
cool, so you have no argument and got btfo'd
>It's not even a crime thing. It's a matter of retards (presumably you) using them in places they shouldn't and making it harder to tell when someone is shooting nearby. If it's suppressing it enough to stop it from causing hearing damage it's enough to potentially cause someone to not hear it, or at least not recognize they're in-range.
then why isn't this an issue in yurope retard? why isn't this an issue with the 2 million legal suppressors sold in the last 3 years or the countless illegal chines suppressors on the market
>Literally just pay for the extra certification
Can't, state ban on NFA items, faggot
>or wear your ear muffs.
I already fucking do, queer
> A suppressor is required for nothing other than to protect your hearing from your own poor practices at the gun range.
hunting, home defense.
abortions are required for nothing. gay marriage is required for nothing. narcan is required for nothing. being a tranny is required for nothing.
this shit is why I support all policies that would make the lives of anti gunners materially worse
>then why isn't this an issue in yurope retard? why isn't this an issue with the 2 million legal suppressors sold in the last 3 years or the countless illegal chines suppressors on the market
Europe also has regulations for suppressors for the most part. The countries that don't have stricter rules for guns in general than the US does.

>hunting, home defense.
Anon if you need a suppressor for home defense you have bigger problems to worry about.

You say you don't treat guns like toys but you certainly act like they are and throw a little fucking tantrum whenever something gets in the way of you using them recreationally.
>Can't, state ban on NFA items, faggot
41 out of 50 states have a legal way to get suppressors and all of the exceptions are blue. Just fucking move out of the dem states you keep complaining about if you're gonna keep bitching about their regulations. It'll probably be cheaper anyways.
>Europe also has regulations for suppressors for the most part.
>The countries that don't have stricter rules for guns in general than the US does.
and they have less restricted suppressors and its expected for most of the shooters to have suppressors
>Anon if you need a suppressor for home defense you have bigger problems to worry about.
that isn't an argument. that is you just being a retard and saying word salad. guns are lowered when shot indoors and your family might not have hearing pro in a home defense scenario
>You say you don't treat guns like toys but you certainly act like they are and throw a little fucking tantrum whenever something gets in the way of you using them recreationally.
its a fucking medical devise as per The American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS) you cocksucker.
this is why I voted trump and I'm for any policy that makes life for dems appreciably worse
>41 out of 50 states have a legal way to get suppressors and all of the exceptions are blue. Just fucking move out of the dem states you keep complaining about if you're gonna keep bitching about their regulations. It'll probably be cheaper anyways.
14th amendment. the state government is denying me my rights. just like alabama can't have slavery. suppressors need to be deregulated. they should do that and ban narcan in the same bill
>and they have less restricted suppressors and its expected for most of the shooters to have suppressors
And they have less shooters.
>guns are lowered when shot indoors and your family might not have hearing pro in a home defense scenario
I'd worry more about their immediate safety than a possible hearing loss. Actually firing a gun in home defense should be a last resort. It also makes your gun harder to store, and makes it harder for neighbors to know you're in trouble.

Also there is some massive fucking cope in saying "Ban narcan" and "Unban suppressors for medical reasons" in the same post, holy shit. Your priorities start and end where in how it affects your abilities to use your toys.

>14th amendment.
Suppressors aren't covered by the 2nd amendment retard. You don't need one to use a gun.
France: silencers for rimfire pistols are sold without government oversight in France.[39]
Norway: not regulated and can be purchased by anyone for any firearm. No licence or permit is necessary.[74]
Sweden: Since 1 July 2022, silencers are regulated the same way as ammunition. Anyone who has the right to possess a certain weapon for shooting may possess silencers that fit the weapon.[80]
United Kingdom: Sound Moderators are regulated as controlled components and require an entry on the owner's firearm certificate (FAC). It is generally taken that good reason to possess the firearm "should normally imply "good reason" to possess a sound moderator".[81] In 2024, the U.K. Government undertook a consultation on removing sound moderators from licencing controls entirely.[82]
so less regulated than the US.
>they have less shooters.
not an argument, they have fewer people and don't have these made up issues you are making up. also fewer, not less, ESL.
>more about their immediate safety than a possible hearing loss.
a suppressor does not reduce safety
>firing a gun in home defense should be a last resort
and yet it happens because criminals try to break in. a suppressor doesn't change the rate people shoot
>makes your gun harder to store,
it literally would not affect my ability to store my guns in any way
>harder for neighbors to know you're in trouble.
nope. suppressed gun shots are still loud enough for people to hear
>cope in saying "Ban narcan" and "Unban suppressors for medical reasons" in the same post, holy shit.
drug addicts aren't people.
>affects your abilities to use your toys.
guns aren't toys, faggot. if you think they are toys, never own one
>Suppressors aren't covered by the 2nd amendment retard. You don't need one to use a gun.
suppressors are prima facie covered by the second amendment faggot. per miller, arms used for militia purposes are covered and the US army is moving to suppress all guns
>quick let me put on my earmuffs before grabbing my gun during a home invasion
Fucking retard.
>this fucking retard watched John Wick and now thinks all silencers = Hollywood levels of quiet

Hey dumb faggot, just because a weapon is suppressed doesn't mean you can't fucking hear it - especially indoors!
>>I just want more cool attachments for my toys!
Tell me you're an anti-gun faggot without telling me you're an anti-gun faggot.

>using them in places they shouldn't
Like during a home invasion? Stupid cocksucker.

>and making it harder to tell when someone is shooting nearby.
1) good luck not waking up your neighbors shooting .300 blackout even if it is supressed
2) so fucking what?
>Anon if you need a suppressor for home defense you have bigger problems to worry about.
And another anti-gun faggot that wants to tell gun owners what they NEED. Hang yourself.
>how dare you not want to blow your eardrums out during a home invasion where you have, at best, 3 seconds to wake up and shoot.
>Actually firing a gun in home defense should be a last resort.
>It also makes your gun harder to store
kek what? It's on the night stand.
>and makes it harder for neighbors to know you're in trouble.
Again, WHO - GIVES - A - FUCK? You're assuming they'll give a shit, or that neighbors live close by to hear anything even if it was unsupressed. What is this dumb fucking argument you keep making where 'if you shoot a gun that's silenced, nobody else not involved will know'? I fail to see your point, even if this was true (it's not by the way).
>Your priorities start and end where in how it affects your abilities to use your toys.
And there it is again with you being such an uncontrollable homosexual. Why don't you go shove your own 'toys' up your ass again.
Can't believe I missed this part:
>Suppressors aren't covered by the 2nd amendment retard.
>You don't need
good posts. to them its a feature. they want innocent gun owner to die or end up in jail and for home invaders to be able to rape, rob and murder since most democrats are criminals
>good post anon shows up to samefag again
Dems have no fucking right to cry about gun laws they put in also applying to them. It's hilarious how many times we see this. Remember 2020 when blue state first-time buyers found out that they couldn't get a gun in places like IL or NJ without a license?
>w-whuh-what do you mean I can't buy a shotgun? It's an emergency!

Your shitty deflection aside, tell me more how suppressors aren't covered by 2A. Faggot.
anon didn't you literally just admit to living in a blue state.

Also, suppressors aren't required for a gun to function.
A third of all the posts ever made on this board are him shitposting and trying to bait imaginary democrats.
>anon didn't you literally just admit to living in a blue state.
No you dumb fuck. You realize there's more than one person in this thread?

>Also, suppressors aren't required for a gun to function.
So fucking what?
dickless retardo, you haven't given any rational arguments. you've just based your retardation off james bond and john wick films. suppressors are only regulated because FDR and the dems were worried about people poaching during the great depression because FDR and the dems wanted people to starve to death. lack of regulation and even mandate in yurop along with medical groups saying they are needed shows you are a retard
They always were. Now we're getting rid of the existing laws.
In some european countries you can buy them over the counter and it's considered polite to use them.
Solid counter-argument to anything I said bruh. 10/10

Now let me know when you want to argue how suppressors aren't covered by 2A, faggot. Stop wasting my precious time.
>So you think we should follow European gun laws?
no, yuros are slaves, but they are correct in that suppressors should not be regulated
>If you listened to medical groups, you'd
post medical credentials, tranni boi
Hearing damage is cumulative and suppressors don't make guns as quiet as a hollywood movie. Massachusetts' retarded legislators made the same argument when they had a hearing about this 2 years ago.

>bad faith argument
am i doing it right?
Does United Healthcare endorse the use of silencers? lol
anti gun tranni boi got his posts deleted
100% chance CIA was involved. last time a suppressor deregulation bill came up in congress some black guy shot a news reporter. not saying the CIA did the shooting, just found someone who wanted to do the shooting and helped arm him

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