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House Democrats pressured U.S. Capitol Police to provide special financial assistance and even a promotion to the officer who fatally shot unarmed protester Ashli Babbitt during the Jan. 6 riot, resulting in tens of thousands of dollars in taxpayer and charitable assistance not provided to other officers, according to internal emails reviewed by Just the News.

>justthenews dot com
>unarmed white woman gets shot by cop
>no riots
>black thief has a heart attack while resisting arrest
>the entire country riots for a year
She tried to climb through a barricaded window after cornering the senators present. There was ample fucking warning to those retards that they were backed against the wall and the only remaining form of defense would be lethal.
Funny how you're all for victim blaming when it's someone on the right getting shot, but when some dumbass black kid can't put the fucking gun down, can't stop resisting arrest, can't keep their hands out of their pockets, etc. you're all about how the cops did everything wrong and the poor, innocent minority that dindu nuffin was a target of systemic racism. Not one fucking word out of your whore mouth about these "retards" having "ample fucking warning", so shut the fuck up.
>The shooting occurred at the east entrance to the Speaker’s Lobby. After demonstrators filled the hallway outside the lobby, two individuals in the crowded, tightly packed hallway struck and dislodged the glass panels in the lobby doors and the right door sidelight. Lt. Byrd, who is a USCP commander and was the incident commander for the House on January 6, 2021, shot Ashli on sight as she raised herself up into the opening of the right door sidelight. Lt. Byrd later confessed that he shot Ashli before seeing her hands or assessing her intentions or even identifying her as female. Ashli was unarmed. Her hands were up in the air, empty, and in plain view of Lt. Byrd and other officers in the lobby.

>Lt. Byrd, who is a USCP commander and was the incident commander for the House on January 6, 2021, shot Ashli as she raised herself up into the opening of the right door sidelight.… Not one member of Congress was in the lobby, which was guarded by multiple armed police officers. Additional armed police officers were in the hallway outside the lobby and/or on the adjoining stairway. Ashli could not have seen Lt. Byrd, who was positioned far to Ashli’s left and on the opposite side of the doors, near an opening to the Retiring Room, a distance of approximately 15 feet and an angle of approximately 160 degrees. Sgt. Timothy Lively, one of the armed officers guarding the lobby doors from the hallway, later told officials investigating the shooting, “I saw him . . . there was no way that woman would’ve seen that.” Lt. Byrd, who was not in uniform, did not identify himself as a police officer or otherwise make his presence known to Ashli. Lt. Byrd did not give Ashli any warnings or commands before shooting her dead.
Ashli Babbit was murdered in cold blood. Her murderer was not punished, but instead praised for his crime, and all over the internet bloodthirsty, inhuman scumbags cheered for her death and defended her murder.
Full article https://www.judicialwatch.org/wrongful-death-lawsuit-babbitt/
>Gets pulled over and killed while literally doing nothing
>Breaks into the capitol building with a horde of other people
We literally have video of the horde of magats crowding around the door to get inside. The fuck was he supposed to do? Let her get in and THEN shoot her to protect his charges? They were already trespassing, making threats, and destroying shit beforehand.
>Gets pulled over and killed while literally doing nothing
>this NEVER happens
>Not one member of Congress was in the lobby,

>Lt. Byrd later confessed that he shot Ashli before seeing her hands or assessing her intentions

>Sgt. Timothy Lively, one of the armed officers guarding the lobby doors from the hallway, later told officials investigating the shooting, “I saw him . . . there was no way that woman would’ve seen that.”

>Lt. Byrd, who was not in uniform, did not identify himself as a police officer or otherwise make his presence known to Ashli. Lt. Byrd did not give Ashli any warnings or commands before shooting her dead.

You're right. We did see the video. Funny how only one cop in that room decided to draw and fire.
>>Gets pulled over and killed while literally doing nothing
Like when Michael Brown was literally doing nothing?
Or Floyd?
Or Dresjon Reed?
Or Jacob Blake?
Or Stephon Clark?
>Funny how only one cop in that room decided to draw and fire.
Funny how it took only one retard getting shot for the rest to realize they shouldn't force their way through the broken window.

Also, nice whitewashing. We literally have multiple people who were there confirming they yelled "Get down, get out of the way"
1. Anon, none of those people did anything to warrant the death penalty. And for the ones who had a warrant: innocent until proven guilty, and still doesn't mean they should've been killed.
2. We also have:
>Andre Hill: Shot for walking out of his garage with a phone while in the vicinity of a cop on an unrelated call
>Breonna Taylor: Shot for sleeping in the same home as someone police thought MIGHT be selling drugs.
>Atatiana Jefferson: Shot for peaking out of a window after someone reported her door being left open.
>Philando Castile: Shot for telling a cop he had a legal concealed carry gun on him after being pulled over for having a vague resemblance to a robber
>Julian Lewis: Shot for trying to avoid a pull over for a broken tail light, after having been rammed into a ditch.
>Roger Fortson: Shot for answering the door with a (lowered) gun after thinking the knock at his door was someone trying to break in, after police got a vague call about some people possibly arguing in his apartment two weeks prior
>Deravis Caine Rogers: Shot for trying to go around a police car that pulled out in front of him looking for a suspicious person.

I can keep going. For every case with some kind of extraneous circumstance you can use to justify an execution, there's at least two more where the people involved did literally nothing and got killed anyway.
>1. Anon, none of those people did anything to warrant the death penalty.
You are a fucking retard. Michael Brown struck a cop and tried to take his gun away from him so he could shoot him. That's death penalty worthy.
Floyd wouldn't have died if he wasn't a fucking drug using retard that was resisting arrest.
Dresjon Reed - here's the fucking cherry on top for how much of a dumb motherfucker you are, and you legit need to kill yourself - Dresjon Reed SHOT AT COPS with the same fucking gun he used the night before to livestream on facebook him pulling a drive-by at night at a random neighborhood.
Jacob Blake (still alive by the way, you dumb fuck) kidnapped two kids, was resisting arrest, was tased twice, had a fucking knife and was shot as a last resort before he could get back into the car with the kids he kidnapped inside.
And Clark was running from the cops, in the middle of the night, holding an object in front of his hands while cops were yelling at him.

Dumb. Fucking. Moron.
>Floyd wouldn't have died if he wasn't a fucking drug using retard that was resisting arrest.
He wouldn't have died if they didn't pin him to the ground by the neck for five minutes straight. This was literally proven in court.
>Jacob Blake kidnapped two kids
Incorrect. There were 0 kidnapping charges, the kids involved were his, and he was trying to break up an argument between the mother of his kids and a few others. Resisting arrest also doesn't warrant being crippled for life; it should warrant a taser. Something ALL these cops would've had access to and should've used instead.
>And Clark was running from the cops, in the middle of the night, holding an object in front of his hands while cops were yelling at him.
He had a phone in his hand. They yelled at him to turn around, then shot him for turning around.

Oh, and do you have a response to the 7 different cases I brought up or do I have to bring up more? Being able to produce a handful of cherry picked cases ranging from semi-justified to still not justified isn't a very good example. And shockingly, people don't believe cops even when they tell the truth on account of how often they fucking lie about what happened when they shoot someone, hence why these got protests too.
>He wouldn't have died if they didn't pin him to the ground by the neck for five minutes straight.
He wouldn't have died at all if he didn't resist arrest. But to you he's a good boy who dindu nuffin. Fuck you.
>Resisting arrest also doesn't warrant being crippled for life;
It does when you have a fucking knife in your hands, are fighting with cops, and are getting closer to two kids that cops suspect you of kidnapping. Also
>it should warrant a taser.
>was tased twice
Apparently you can't read.
>He had a phone in his hand.
In the dark while running from police and trying to break into shit. Sorry cops don't all come with built-in night vision. No wait I take that back, I'm not sorry because the most logical common sense action would've been to drop the fucking phone, keep your hands up and stop running from police in the middle of the night. You criminal loving simp.

>Oh, and do you have a response to the 7 different cases I brought up or do I have to bring up more?
Oh you don't have anything to say about Dreasjon Reed or Michael Brown? Hands up don't shoot? If you want to go tit for tat I can give you examples all goddamn day of fucking retards that deserved to be shot by police - that cocksucking lying faggots like you will chimp out and riot over...

But none of that takes away from the fact that unlike dirty subhuman leftists like you, the right doesn't fuck up entire neighborhoods when one of ours gets shot.
Op is a giant unabashed faggot
>Well obviously if they just thought rationally while in a stressful environment, then they wouldn't have gotten shot!

Ok anon.
>the right doesn't fuck up entire neighborhoods when one of ours gets shot.
Yeah, sure. You just shoot up religious buildings and supermarkets. Not even because someone got shot, just because.

Oh, and... you know. That time you fucked up the entire capitol because you lost an election. The incident this thread is actually about. At least when the left protests it's because someone was killed. Right protests over losing elections and imagining strawmen to get mad about.

It's fascinating how you retards will go on and on about how the constitution is about deposing tyrants, then freak the fuck out when people actually get mad over repeated unfair treatment that has resulted in people being killed by officials who then get light punishments, if any.
>clearly the correct decision in a high stress environment is to keep doing things that will threaten the police (resisting, shooting at them, attacking them, etc.). That always works.


>Yeah, sure. You just shoot up religious buildings and supermarkets.
And the left just shoots up entire neighborhoods like Chicago. Just because. See Dreasjon Reed. (I can't believe you simp faggots rioted over that piece of shit)

>Oh, and... you know. That time you fucked up the entire capitol because you lost an election.
Yeah the one fucking time, I'm embarrassed to say, that we stooped down to your fucking level and used your tactics - and even then we limited it to government property without setting fire to anything. Y'know it's funny how we're such racists and yet you fucking faggots are the ones throwing molotov cocktails into minority-owned small business and executing black teenagers in your little CHAZ sedition zone.

>It's fascinating how you retards will go on and on about how the constitution is about deposing tyrants, then freak the fuck out when people actually get mad over repeated unfair treatment
>I'm mad that cops are so racist! So I'm going to burn down black-owned stores and kill their children! That'll fucking show those bigots!
>He wouldn't have died if they didn't pin him to the ground by the neck for five minutes straight.
He swallowed his stash of fentanyl and suffocated from an overdose.
We know this because fentanyl pills fell out of his mouth while they tried to put him in the police cruiser. We also know he tried to swallow his stash at a traffic stop eight months earlier.
He also threatened a pregnant woman with a gun, which alone justified his death.
>There were 0 kidnapping charges, the kids involved were his, and he was trying to break up an argument between the mother of his kids and a few others.
Plead guilty in court to beating a woman, kidnapping her kids. Also she said he raped her, but that charge was dropped on a plea deal.
>They yelled at him to turn around, then shot him for turning around.
Refused to comply with police orders following the investigation of a break-in, refused to show his hands.
>Oh, and do you have a response to the 7 different cases I brought up or do I have to bring up more?
>Breonna Taylor
Found a dead body in her car, roomed with a druggie who shot through the door in response to the police knocking at their door.
>Atatiana Jefferson
Was shot after pointing a gun at officers through a window.
>Philando Castile
One of the few legitimate dindu nuffins.
>Julian Lewis
Fled police by car after being prompted to pull over, police engaged PIT maneuver, endangered pedestrians.
>Roger Fortson
Two of two dindu nuffins.
>Deravis Caine Rogers
Fled police after given direct orders to stop.
>there's at least two more where the people involved did literally nothing and got killed anyway.
The number of unarmed blacks that are killed in confrontations with the police literally number in the double digits. Shit like the Floyd riots killed more minorities than the actual police did in the previous year.
>So I'm going to burn down black-owned stores and kill their children!
Actually, right wingers did that.

Oh and January 6th wasn't the only time. Just the one that immediately comes to mind. We also have:
>Unite The Right rally (1 dead and 35 injured after a right-winger rammed counter protesters with his car). Done because shitheads were mad their traitor statues were getting taken down.
>Malheur National Wildlife Refuge: 1 dead (shot while being arrested), attempted takeover of federal land so it would be transferred to private land
Oh, and the Boogaloo boys, who were the ones who were running around turning protests into riots.
>Also the retard up there
>He swallowed his stash of fentanyl and suffocated from an overdose.
He suffocated from the knee pressed to his neck. Again, proven in court.
>He also threatened a pregnant woman with a gun, which alone justified his death.
It justified being taken in for a trial, not executed in the street.

>Found a dead body in her car, roomed with a druggie who shot through the door in response to the police knocking at their door.
The car was used by her ex. She was living at his former residence with her new boyfriend. This doesn't justify her getting shot.
>Was shot after pointing a gun at officers through a window.
She was investigating some strange men outside her window, holding a legally owned firearm. She was absolutely in her rights as a US citizen to do so. It does not justify her being shot.
>Fled police by car after being prompted to pull over, police engaged PIT maneuver, endangered pedestrians.
All he did was not stop for a pullover. We have no evidence there was an active police chase, or even any reckless driving. After the PIT maneuver, the cop immediately shot him in the head. Nothing he did justified being shot.
>Fled police after given direct orders to stop.
The cop got out, told him to stop, and then immediately shot him through the window of his car. He had about 5 seconds to comply and was in the middle of trying to move around the car. This does not justify him being shot.

>Shit like the Floyd riots killed more minorities than the actual police did in the previous year.
There were 19 deaths during the 2020 riots, some of which were from cases like Rittenhouse. Of those, at least half weren't black. And several of the black fatalities were the result of counter protestors ramming cars into crowds. Police killed 250+ black men in 2019. 13 of them were unarmed.
You gotta love this argument that US citizens have to remain perfectly calm in the face of police, even when they take the form of sudden raids on their home that they wouldn't be able to tell apart from a burglar or gang, but police are allowed to shoot at the first sign of a threat.

Why the fuck do the civilians have to show more restraint?
John Solomon's blog isn't a valid news source
>Why the fuck do the civilians have to show more restraint?
Probably because those civilians you're so upset about are criminals?

Oh look here we go. Another round of 'no it was really boogaloo the whole time' bullshit that's on repeat. Keep fucking coping because leftist fucktards like you killed dozens of people and $1.6 billion in property damage, and you're so desperate to blame anyone on the right for your 'fiery but peaceful summer of love'.
judicialwatch is even worse than justthenews.com
It's really weird how you're up at 6oclock in the morning shilling 4 year old right wing think tank narratives
It's really weird how you can't explain how a handful of boogaloo boys caused riots throughout the entire country - for an entire year.
Probably because I'm not that poster
Well neither can that faggot explain it. You'd think the FBI would've noticed a few boogaloo men starting all those fires all over the country at the same time.
You didn't hear about it because you were too busy getting news from shit-tier news sources like John Solomon's blog justthenews.com and thinktanks like judicialwatch.
>disgraced former journalist John Solomon's blog
So provide a source then faggot. Show me how 5 proud boys, or whatever the fuck they are, caused the entirety of 2020 riots.

... Go ahead, I'll wait.
tell us where derek chauvin is.
Still waiting.
How much is Tom Fitton paying you to lie on a dead news board?
Good thread
How much longer are you going to keep me waiting?
Fuck off John
Literally 10000% true accurate tho
You don't live in an information vacuum like you are pretending. You could google it at any time you choose.
No one cares if an indoctrinated chud keeps waiting for facts everyone else already knows. Hold your breath until you get an answer.
>Fox News guests spread 'disinformation' – says leaked internal memo

>Among those named in document are frequent guests Rudy Giuliani, John Solomon, Victoria Toensing and Joe diGenova

>Solomon, a disgraced former writer for the Hill and a regular guest of Sean Hannity’s, comes under particular scrutiny. “John Solomon played an indispensable role in the collection and domestic publication of elements of this disinformation campaign,” the document explains.

>Much of Solomon’s “reporting” on Ukraine formed the basis of Giuliani and other Trump officials’ efforts to smear and oust the former US ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch, a figure seen as standing in the way of the president and former Ukraine officials’ shadowy machinations in the country.

>Among the allegations against Solomon noted are “non-disclosure of conflicts, use of unreliable sources, publishing false and misleading stories, misrepresentation of sources, and opaque coordination with involved parties”.
newspeak for "wrongthink"
>Probably because those civilians you're so upset about are criminals?
You mean like Breonna Taylor's current boyfriend? Or Philando Castile? Or Atatiana Jefferson?
>John Solomon got caught lying and got fired for spreading disinformation before, but this time it's totally fine guys I swear
Who is supposed to believe this?
see >>1366597
Wow, angry that people can talk about things you don't like?
Deal with it
You know by posting these hyperpartisan thinktank sources you're encouraging the leftists to post dailykos and mediamatters stories, right?
That's stopped them before?
Yeah so...
Taylor got shot because the police just had to riddle the place with bullets because a man took out a gun in response to strange men breaking his door down while he was sleeping.
One got shot because they'd heard strange noises outside their window and went to check it out.
And one got shot for informing an officer that he was carrying a gun after being pulled over for literally "hmmm, you look vaguely like this dude who robbed a store"

What crime did they commit? Dating a drug dealer a few years prior? Owning a gun?

And if the police were willing to lie and try and cover up their deaths, why should any community take their statements at face value the next time they kill someone? It's the boy who cried wolf in reverse; you can't keep doing brutality and then go "no but wait, THIS ONE was justified!" and not expect people to assume you're just fucking lying again.
Are there dailykos and mediamatters stories in the catalog right now? Are you hallucinating again?
Sorry this is the current mainstream news board not the right wing propaganda board.
Ashli Babbitt did nothing wrong and I can only hope her family can finally get some justice now that the dems will be out of power.
She got what she FUCKING DESERVED
>this is the current mainstream news board
Which is why we have ops article, and you just continue to huff your own farts and seethe
Who? You and the other paid thinktank shill?
"we" is the posters on /news/, esl foreigner
I'm not going to give you Breonna because that one was just shitty luck of being in the way of police return fire after her boyfriend shot a cop. The other two, like the anon said, were the only two on that list where someone was shot unjustly.

So two fucking people, out of how many people you fucks have rioted over? Maybe if you didn't cry wolf all the goddamn time (or cry hands up don't shoot).
Back to Facebook old man
Back to plebbit faggot.

>shot Ashli on sight as she raised herself up into the opening of the right door sidelight.
If *I* was charged with defending somewhere, there's obvious disorder, and I see someone entering via a method they shouldn't be - using violence - Then I'd probably make my first move to neutralise the target. On sight. You don't have time to ask their intentions, or if they are armed. They shouldn't be there it's your job to respond. Anyone not expecting an armed response to such actions are self-deluded.

>Funny how it took only one retard getting shot for the rest to realize
Lets pretend he didn't shoot - what happens next? The entire group gets through the door. Then you have to rely on peacful intent from the violent mob for the safety of your charges, your comrades, and yourself - or execute them all. In a room full of people with guns, this isn't an on-the-spot descision you want to force on people.

1) No-one made them invade a building full of armed guards. This is high in the list of things to do if you want to get shot. This isn't even a murrican thing, this will happen anywhere. Storm a .gov head office, expect a response. I'm suprised it was so light handed.

Please point out the geographic boundary applicable to 'news'. There is more than one place in the world, y'know?
You aren't a /news/ poster, you're a /pol/ poster who got lost and wrongly thinks this is /pol2/.
>He suffocated from the knee pressed to his neck. Again, proven in court.
The court's investigation and ruling was meant to appease the mob sitting outside of it. Because any other ruling would have inspired further race riots.
This is the same thing that happened during the Rodney King riots. Stacey Koon, Laurence Michael Powell, Timothy Wind, and Theodore Briseno were sacrificial lambs, in the wake of arresting a single black man who got high on PCP, drove 90 mhp through a residential neighborhood and attacked the police.
>It justified being taken in for a trial
No, he deserved to be killed. He received a slap on the wrist for what would have been a death sentence in any other time in history.
>This doesn't justify her getting shot.
No, the problem is that you belong in a subset of people who don't see the use of force in any capacity as ever being justified.
You're basically the same type of person who cries every time a criminal who was trying to beat someone's brain in gets gunned down, who cries about the concept of shooting an intruder on your property, who sobs and whines that someone might own and carry weapons for their own personal protection.
You're not rational, at all.
>sobs and whines that someone might own and carry weapons for their own personal protection.

>Carries firearms for my own personal protection
>Hears someone break down my door
>Immediately goes for gun, thinking I'm about to be robbed
>Open doors
>Several armored men with guns are there, I try to use my gun to defend myself
>They gun me down
>Killers face zero charges because it was "self defense"
>They had the wrong house

Or alternatively
>Open fire on the armed men that just broke into my house
>They're cops
>I spent 8 years in prison without trial despite the fact they had the wrong address and I was completely innocent

Source for both (in addition to the others)

The irony is you don't actually have a right to bare arms if baring arms is enough justification for police to kill you and get off light.
>"As the officers were leaving, Dotson opened his screen door armed with a handgun."
>"Guy fired out the window at what he told the Washington Post podcast Broken Doors he believed were intruders attempting to rob or kill him."
The police can use force too, dickass.
Motherfucker this guy has been a criminal since 1984. I haven't even been alive this long and he's already a fucking felon, got busted in 1997 for felon in possession of a firearm, and in spite of that still got a fucking gun to shoot and murder a cop with when they were raiding his apartment on a drug suspicion. I'm not feeling sorry for this piece of shit. Video fucking related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJF-wVW1F2o
>“I’ve spent my whole life in prison,” Guy said, in the 58-second clip.
See this is the fucking shit I'm talking about. You motherfuckers will chimp out and burn down multiple buildings over a piece of shit like this. Every fucking time. EVERY. FUCKING. TIME. It's always some fucking career criminal, or some dumbass thug with a record, doing stupid shit that gets them into more trouble - and you fucking people will defend them.
>felony possession of a firearm
so you're a hypocrite? thanks for letting us know, /news/ schizo
He had no drugs and was completely justified in shooting what he thought were intruders. They nonetheless effectively imprisoned him for 8 years without trial and deprived him as his rights as human being and american citizen.

Also, being a criminal doesn't mean you deserve to get extrajudicially executed. I don't know why this is such a hard concept to understand.
I love how right wingers will claim up and down that any past crimes justifies police brutality but will lose their fucking minds over shit like Waco and Ruby Ridge.
when you base your identity on hating a color it tends to make you unreasonable
>so you're a hypocrite?
Faggot point to a post I made where I said felons should be allowed to own guns.

>He had no drugs and was completely justified in shooting what he thought were intruders.
No he wasn't because was a FUCKING FELON IN POSSESSION OF A GUN! Fuck you people.

>but will lose their fucking minds over shit like Waco and Ruby Ridge.
And I defended either of these where?
so you don't believe in the second amendment after all? interesting
>so you're a hypocrite
>so you don't believe in the second
>still can't refute that Guy was a felon, shooting at cops with a gun he wasn't supposed to have
the shill is broken
is firearm possession being "a career criminal"?
>has a criminal record going back to 1984
>includes things like bank robbery
>what do you mean he's a career criminal?
i hope you have fun pretending to be a white american today anon, but i'm exiting this conversation now
>ITT: HE A GUD BOY HE DINDU NOTHING the meme in it's purest form
I have never seen a bigger simp for criminals in my life. Guy could rape your whore of a mother and you'd be outraged if the cops stopped him.
>No he wasn't because was a FUCKING FELON IN POSSESSION OF A GUN! Fuck you people.
The law agrees with me. He never received a trial, and when his case was finally put up for consideration he was cleared of all charges. He spent 8 years of his life in holding for no fucking reason other than cops being angry he killed one of them for breaking into his house.
>found guilty of murder
>Status: Incarcerated
>The law agrees with me.
and didn't George Floyd have ample fucking warning that he should stop resisting arrest, should show his hands, should stop OD'ing on fent, and stop using counterfeit bills?
isn't chauvin in jail
Oh nvm, he got sentenced to life for this. I was getting him confused with the WHITE guy who did the exact same thing and got cleared for murder charges in spite of actually having drugs in his house.
This actually makes this whole situation even worse. White guy with no prior conviction but was actually growing pot: no murder charge. Black guy who had no drugs in his house but had prior convictions? Murder charge and life sentence.

Almost like we have some kind of unequal system here. Perhaps we should complain about it in some public way...
>1. Anon, those people should have been allowed to murder police officers
stopped reading there. You're either an NPC who is so far brainwashed that you don't know the basic facts of the cases you commented on, or you think that it's okay to murder cops.
>Almost like we have some kind of unequal system here.
How do you figure? You just outlined how the cases weren't the same, one had no priors, one had a whole bunch of them and a legal requirement not to own a firearm.
Actually anon, white guy also had priors. Neither of them were allowed to have a gun, which doesn't matter because castle doctrine covers any means of defending your home regardless of whether the method was legally obtained. It should've only resulted in a gun charge after the fact, and for the white guy it did. Meanwhile the black guy gets stuck with a murder charge and a life sentence because of it.

Literally exact same circumstances, exact same state, but the somehow the one who actually had drugs got off without a murder charge and the guy who didn't is in prison for life.
>White guy with no prior conviction
Gonna stop reading right there. I'm not even going to look this up. I'm betting this white guy did NOT have a criminal record - especially a violent one like Guy did.

How'd I do? Correct?
>Almost like we have some kind of unequal system here. Perhaps we should complain about it in some public way...
Yeah because throwing molotovs into brown stores was really getting people on your side. What's that? Kamala lost the election? How the fuck did that happen?
Incorrect. He actually did have priors, and he actually had drugs in his house.

And regardless you can't use previous records to justify ignoring the fact someone was fully within their rights to self defense... which applied for the white guy, but not the black one. Interesting how that works out.
didn't Joe Biden win the election right after that though? Or oh wait, he cheated because you live in a world where you're never wrong and if you are it's because someone must be deceiving you.
Hello newfriend, welcome to /news/! I hope you will like this website better than you liked reddit. In the future, you should paste the article text in your threads. Failure to do so instantly outs you as a newfriend from reddit (since literally the only anon who refuses to do this is a confirmed redditor)
So Ashli Babbit's death was justified then, right?
Yes, unironically.
>let me just trespass on federal property and try to bypass several barricades
>my motives are entirely unknown, but there's a gallows outside the capitol and a riot right behind me
>hey, I know you're pointing a gun at my face and you guys are currently blocking my access to the evacuation route of several politicians, bu-ACK
Fuck around and find out you stupid cunts
Based Dems. The tragedy of that day is that more of those retards didn’t get shot.
I forgot how butthurt you all sounded here
To leftists, yes. Because she was a conservative. They'll use weasel words to act like it's something else, but the truth of the matter is leftists want to genocide everyone who doesn't think like them.
Reddit is a lefitst website. The lefty push to try and make it seem like non-leftists love Reddit has to be the most hilarious of your gaslighting attempts.
I would honestly respect leftists more if they would just pull something like J6 in their protests. But no, they just bitch on reddit and attack small business owners.

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