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Crazy how out of fucking nowhere there's heavily armed terrorists in Syria about to overthrow it right? Wrong. Turns out biden's using Ukraine as a proxy to funnel us weapons to Syrian terrorists in a last ditch effort to overthrow their government.
Syria hasn't had terrorists this well armed since... Obama. I'm honestly surprised Biden hasnt just dug out the CIAs heart attack gun they used back in the 70s.
Iran Blames US and Ukraine for Syrian Rebels' Advances

Iran has blamed the United States and Ukraine for recent advances made by Syrian rebels in a surprise offensive against the Syrian government.

On Friday, the Iranian-state affiliated Mehr News Agency reported that Mojtaba Damirchiloo, an aide to Iran's foreign minister, criticized Ukraine and the U.S. for supporting "terrorism" in Syria.

In particular, the report outlined how the Iranian official condemned "the illegal trade of weapons received from the United States by some Ukrainian officials and Ukraine's support for listed terrorist groups in Syria."

Referencing the use of Takfiri—or foreign militant groups—to operate in Syria against the Assad regime, Damirchiloo condemned the deployment of these fighters, which he said was leading to the destabilization of the West Asia region. He described this approach as an unethical policy that violates established principles and norms of international law.
The report stated that Damirchiloo called these actions "a blatant violation of international commitments related to the prevention and combat of terrorism and called for their immediate cessation."

Newsweek has reached out to Damirchiloo for comment via email.

Syrian Rebel Advance
On Thursday, Syrian insurgents seized control of the central city of Hama after government forces retreated, marking another significant setback for President Bashar al-Assad. The advance comes just days after opposition fighters captured most of Aleppo, Syria's second largest city. Syrian military deployed additional troops and carried out airstrikes to regain control.

The offensive, spearheaded by the jihadi group Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army, has reignited the long-stagnant Syrian civil war. Their swift takeover of Aleppo, an ancient commercial center in the north, delivered a shocking blow to Assad's forces and handed a major victory to his opponents.
"Any level of Russian political, economic, or military bandwidth which is diverted from the conflict against Ukraine is beneficial to Ukraine," said William Freer, a research fellow in national security at the U.K.-based think tank, the Council on Geostrategy.

"The impact however will likely be extremely limited," Freer said. "The fighting in Ukraine is too important to the Kremlin."

Hamas Vows Not to Take Sides
A senior Hamas official told Newsweek on Thursday that the Palestinian group would not take sides in the renewed battle between the Syrian government and a coalition of insurgents while other factions backed by Iran pledged their support for Assad.

"This is not our battle," Hamas spokesperson and Political Bureau member Basem Naim told Newsweek. "Our battle is with the Zionist occupation, and our first goal is to liberate our country from colonialism."
Is Biden using Ukraine as a funnel for arms, or is it just corrupt Ukrainian officials selling US weapons to the rebels
I don't see the point in the US sparking off Syria again
>I'm taking the Iranian's word for it because I'm an idiot
Got it
It's because they're not. Newsweek has been reduced to clickbait status and OP fell for the bait.
This is CIA dirty work . You 2 halfwits together still don't make a whole wit.
I think you'll find the negatives stack, not the positive. They just cancel each other out.
>On Friday, the Iranian-state affiliated Mehr News Agency reported
Into the trash it goes!
To be fair democrats have been doing this sort of thing for about 2 decades now.
I remember when trump won in 2016, suddenly all the fighting in Aleppo pretty much disappeared, somehow around that time the supply of american arms going to terrorists dried up
Is there any significant difference?
nice headcanon
OK yeah but why?
I wouldn't put it past Biden on his way put to try and make a power play in an attempt to coup a government that's been friendly towards Russia.
The same Biden that told Putin to attack Ukraine to hide evidence of his corruption?
Why would he do that to his ally?
Where do you people get this shit from?
To be fair, the CIA have been doing this sort of thing fo about 8 deacades now...
They have a bucket. They drop it into the well of their insanity and provides them with a constant supply of rediculously stupid things the math could never work on.
Based. War is good
Truthful Biden supporter
Pretty much. Except for a single period of 4 years that happened in very recent memory
Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Biden is responsible for Romania cancelling their own democracy when voters chose to elect a right wing candidate.
Romanian suddenly cancelled the entire round of voting, said all of their citizens votes were going to be thrown out, and blamed Russia for influencing people

Sounds literally like a democrat concocted plot to throw out an election result they don't like
I hear much shouting about how this is going to downsize, that's going to get cut, etc.

Bets on the dirty trixxx departments remain untouched, nay. Expand?
I dont believe trump has a high opinion of the FBI and CIA
But he will use these tools.
Surely in two weeks
Why is are Democrats so obsessed with overthrowing the legitimate Syrian government though?
Also remember the billion dollars worth of military equipment they left behind at Afghanistan?
Its totally normal to just leave ready-to-fly helicopters and enough weapons to equip 3 rebel armies behind lmao.
Where does this meme come from? (inb4 russia)
What bait though? Weapons and equipment have been vanishing since the start of this retarded war.
And they haven't been turning up in Sweden so its safe to assume they've been stockpiled and now used by CIA spooks.
Because functional countries scare the shit out of Israel.
>Cruise missiles fired at Syria: 2017
Was this on Biden's watch? If not, then all your opinions are destroyed, Trumptards.
No. Every instance of US funding Syrian terrorists tho have either been during Obama or biden's terms
Oh man speaking of bombing Syria, the US just did a major bombing campaign against the terrorists in Syria they didn't arm, ensuring they would stay in power.
Lmao. Not only are we arming one terrorist group, we are blowing up all of their rivals for them
Biden didn't send anything to Syria during his term that wasn't leftover from Trump pulling most of the troops out. Mostly just a relatively small group of US soldiers to make sure ISIS stays down.
According to news, the terrorists who overthrew Assad were using American weapons
Ok and? The US is the world's biggest exporter of arms by a massive margin. Not a massive stretch they just bought the weapons off someone we sold weapons to in the past. An armed group is literally more likely to be using US-made guns than non-US made guns.
Trump didn't pull most of the troops out. What source are you people getting this idea come from?
He didn't fund and arm terrorists though
Yeah I guess he didn't give anyone on J6 money or weapons.
>Trump didn't give anyone on J6 money or weapons.

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