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The jealousy bone might appeared to have bitten Elon Musk Wednesday, as he reportedly crashed the widely publicized dinner between President-elect Donald Trump and Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos.

Trump’s Mar-a-Lago hosted the dinner dinner for the politician and billionaire, but the two didn’t have privacy for long before Musk appeared. According to the New York Times, the X CEO “was not initially expected to be part of the dinner but joined as it was underway.”

Reactions online to the apparent power move were swift and cutting, with late night hosts and social media commentators mocking Musk as “deranged” and “creepy,” among other unflattering conclusions. The tech mogul was dragged up and down, with many saying it seemed like he was worried about his ongoing “bromance” with the president-elect.

“This two-week bromance is going to fall apart more spectacularly than any in history,” journalist and author Seth Abramson wrote on Bluesky. “Elon Musk is so deranged and creepy — and such a clueless stalker — that he actually crashed a private dinner between Donald Trump and Musk rival Jeff Bezos. I can’t imagine how livid that made both Trump and Bezos.”

He continued his post: “What it also confirms is that Musk not only has no boundaries and believes himself Trump’s superior but has no intention of permitting any other plutocrat to squeeze more juice out of Trump than him. Showing up at that dinner uninvited is a power play intended to cow both other oligarchs and Trump.”

Musk’s choice to crash Trump and Bezos’ meal was a dinner bell to the various late night hosts out there, as well. Just about every single one of them had a joke or two to crack at Musk’s expense this week, with Seth Meyer’s warning Trump he got “‘Cable Guy’-ed” – a reference to the 1996 Jim Carrey stalker comedy.
oh gee who could've imagined that two people with massive egos were eventually gonna step on each others' toes.

This shit was destined to go to shit.
Thing is that Bezos and Musk were allies back in the day. You can even find photos of them hanging out from like 20 years ago.
Yeah but Trump probably hates this little manchild interfering with his meetings and undermining his authority.
Bezos & Musk, 2 intellectual giants, one in internet banking, the other in online merchandising. And they did it all without the benefit of being Jewish.
>and believes himself Trump’s superior
Tho, to be fair, there's things floating on top of ponds that are superior to trump.

The fact you consider either of them to be 'intellectual' is incredibly telling of your own abilities. Out o the two o 'em, bozo at least did something, that wasn't just throw munny at it.
Imagine if Soros just showed up at a bunch of Obama parties.
What happened to Skibidi Elon's hair?
>>The fact you consider either of them to be 'intellectual' is incredibly telling of your own abilities.
The fact that you didn't clue into my Sarcasm of the abilities of these 2 self-aggrandizing twits is a clue into your mediocre intellect.

Guess they used an old photo of Elon. Looks like the one from when he was at Paypal with Peter Theil. Elon was balding for a while until he got hair transplants.

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