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Why are leftists so obsessed with this issue? Why do they care so much about getting men to play in women's sports?

New York roller derby league loses bid to temporarily block ban on trans athletes


NEW YORK (AP) — A New York roller derby league has lost its bid to temporarily block a local ban on transgender female athletes.

Nassau County Supreme Court Judge Bruce Cozzens on Tuesday denied a request by the Long Island Roller Rebels to prevent Nassau County from enforcing its ban while its lawsuit is considered by the court.

In July, local lawmakers in the suburban county east of New York City banned transgender women and girls from playing on female sports teams at the county's roughly 100 parks and recreational facilities.

The judge determined the new law does not exclude transgender women and girls from public facilities based on their gender identities as they can still play in coed sports leagues. He said allowing transgender women to play in female sports creates additional risk of injury and potential liability for the local government.

“There can be no question (even without discovery) that a biological male regardless of transitioning would be possessed of greater athleticism and speed, strength, muscle mass, stronger hearts and greater bone density," Cozzens wrote. "The goal of the local law is to provide a safe environment for individuals who are born female to play.”

The roller derby league and the New York Civil Liberties Union, which filed the lawsuit on the league's behalf, said they were disappointed by the ruling and intend to appeal it while their litigation proceeds.

Gabriella Larios, a staff attorney for the NYCLU, called the judge's ruling an “outlier” that is inconsistent with other court decisions, and state laws protecting human rights and civil rights.
>>1376546 (OP)
“At a time of rising anti-LGBTQ+ hate and violence across the country, keeping this ban intact is not only cruel, but it is also dangerous,” added Amanda “Curly Fry” Urena, president of the Roller Rebels. “We hope that New York’s courts will ultimately strike down this unlawful ban and acknowledge it for what it is — transphobic and unjust.”

Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman, in a statement, applauded the decision and called it “common sense.”

The Republican had initially imposed the ban through an executive order last February, but that was struck down by the court after the roller derby league and NYCLU challenged it.

The county’s Republican-controlled Legislature then passed a local law to enshrine the ban, prompting the latest round of litigation, which also includes a legal challenge from Democratic New York Attorney General Letitia James.

“They have a competitive advantage,” Blakeman said, referring to transgender athletes. "It’s unfair, and it’s also unsafe.”

The ruling comes after President Donald Trump, on his first day in office Monday, signed an executive order rolling back protections for transgender people. The order, among other things, declares that the federal government would recognize only two immutable sexes: male and female.
>>1376546 (OP)
>pic not roller derby
OP loses again
there are so many examples of trannies dabbing on real women that we lose track
You talk like a tranny
>>1376546 (OP)
>Why are leftists so obsessed with this issue?
Imaginge being so clueless. OP talks, & talks & talks about ladyboys, and then asks why leftists do it. Projection 101. Might it have something to do with those big bulges in their front, even though they look like girls! N'yuck N'yuck too easy
Yeah. I'm not sure the exact sport is important for the purpose of this topic wrt the op image
>leftists: obsessively whine about how men should be allowed to play women's sports
>rightists: "it's weird that leftists want men to play women's sports"
>(you): "LOL why are rightists so obsessed??"
leftists are the ones who started this
there's like, one or two per sport. And none of them hold any records either.

Almost like you only care when they win and don't when they lose.
which leftists?
Why is the world (mostly US) obsessed with trans people in general? They're literally less than 1% of the population, but we constantly hear about them. It's almost as if culture war bullshit is supposed to distract you from the fact you're a wageslave under the tyranny of the rich.
>leftists are the ones who started this
And only a very few "rightist" care about the topic
Ma & PA Kettle don't care about the bulge in that girls swimsuit. Seems only a certain type if "rightist" does. Democrats lose elections not because of these cultural issues, but because people want a house. And when Republicans fail to deliver, and just concentrate on bikini bulges for the next 4 yrs, Dems win, then the Dems do the same thing, and back & forth. It's all distraction to keep the plebs from sharpening the pitchforks. The Republicans have nothing but the bikini bulge, because tRump WILL give tax breaks to Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg, etc, and when it's the Democrats turn, they will throw a few peanuts to the mob
Welcome to the new feudalism, where you pay your land(liege)lord the right to exist on his property, the right to see a doctor, the right to use a bus instead if irn a car.
You're off the rails. Certainly with your own obsession with the subject matter, or you wouldn't be remotely interested in such and would ignore those you're obsessed with. Freud would have a field day with you.
>>1376546 (OP)
transgender is an issue exclusive to pampered privilaged rich assholes who want to pretend they're a victim class. They want to be able to invade female bathrooms, they want to be able to assault females, compete against easier competition and act like deranged weirdos around kids.
there are probably some that do genuinely need the operation, but they're overshadowed by the vast swarm of clout chasing privilaged predators co-opting the movement.
the vast majority of your country's blue state assholes with social media.
look at the profile of those people and you'll notice they just co-opted the movement to have an excuse to assault people, and are largely made up of privilaged generally white middle-upperclass trustfund narcassistic babies who want to pretend they're good people.
>Why do you care about trannies being shoved in your face 24/7 despite being less than 1% of the population!!??
>You can only do one thing at a time!!!
Tired argument belongs in the shit, tranny faggot.
90% of the time I'm hearing about trans people it's because republicans are blaming them for something.
90% of the time you're hearing about trans people it's because Democrats made it an issue. Like here, everybody agreed that men cannot play women's sports until Democrats decided to make an issue out of it and say that men should get to play women's sports. The Republicans said no, so Democrats sued over it. And then Democrats lost that case, which is what this thread is about.

This thread wouldn't exist if Democrats weren't obsessed with wanting men to play women's sports.
>>1376546 (OP)
>Why are leftists so obsessed with this issue?
Theyre not. Didn't Trump make a speech about it today? Biden never did.
>lost that case
They didn't lol. The only thing that happened was the court ruled the ban was in effect while the lawsuit is under consideration.

BTW most countries just have a testosterone limit, instead of a blanket ban that disregards actually analyzing physical advantages in favor of discrimination. Probably because the same "fairness" this enforces basically means any cis woman with naturally high testosterone can get an even greater advantage with no oversight.
>90% of the time you're hearing about trans people it's because Democrats made it an issue.
*100% of the time.
I've never seen Republicans talk about trannies in any context except when Democrats made it an issue first. If it were up to Republicans, nobody would talk about something as ridiculous as whether a man in a dress is somehow a woman.
Please define a woman.
Trump literally gave a speech today about it.
A female human.
>Republicans trying to ban trans people doesn't count
>Who cares if they're the ones objecting first
Most people actually have no problems with trans people. Republicans will see one doing anything and start screeching.

There's a reason you only ever see laws being passed against them.
>Most people actually have no problems with trans people.
Wrong. Most people think it's weird as fuck.
Most people think Republicans are weird as fuck.
We took a vote just a few months ago.
Black tranny faggot weirdos lost.
Trump didn't even get to 50% of the total vote. And most non-MAGA Trump voters find him weird, they just agreed with his policies more than Biden.
Source and peer reviewed study on this, please.
Explain why only a female can use she/her pronouns.
Cope level
Over 9000
While a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, a huge pile of shit by any other name would smell as shitty.
Fuck off, queer.
Adult human female.
he never would have made that speech if leftists didn't insist that men in dresses are women.
those laws only exist because of Democrats though. Like imagine going back to the 50s and a bunch of conservatives saying "We should make a law that says if a man wears a dress he's still considered a man!" It never happened because there wasn't a need for those laws, until Democrats started saying that if a man puts on a dress he magically becomes a woman.
A female human *adult. You gotta remember that part, a female human child is a girl not a woman.
So not even the bare minimum for 50%. You'd need to round up and even in that case, 50% of the US didn't vote for Trump.
Yep, only 49.80%.
100% cope.
>A female human *adult. You gotta remember that part, a female human child is a girl not a woman.
You gotta remember your mom is black.
>Claims majority
>Can't even get to 50% without rounding up
Actually back in the 50s people didn't insist on checking your privates before every sport.
>Trump is WEIRD and Kamala is BRAT!!!!
how did that work for you?
FYI most people don't think men should play women's sports and it's not even close:
>Nearly 70% of U.S. adults say transgender athletes should be allowed to compete only on sports teams that correspond with the sexes they were assigned at birth, Gallup found

also this:
nobody actually thinks a man becomes a woman just because he wears a dress and lipstick. That includes you, when you look in the mirror you see a man's face. Deep down you know you are not and will never be a woman.
>Actual age demographic playing against trans athletes has 41% approval
>Plus no opinion got excluded
So the majority of people opposed to this literally have never actually played against a trans person. Or even knows one, as per this report.
>how did that work for you?
Republicans convincing themselves they won on culture war issues instead of economic ones is going to result in the funniest midterms of all time. You didn't get elected to fuck over trans people, you got elected to fix inflation (and by only 1% popular vote at that). And if you don't make that happen, you're getting shown the door.
>Republicans convincing themselves they won on culture war issues instead of economic ones
Idk where you get your information from, but "culture war issues" is a decidedly left leaning term when discussing this stuff.

The postmortems I've read tribute it more along the lines of:
Trump having strong positions on policy issues and Harris having weak or non-existing policy, focusing mostly on Trump
>>1376546 (OP)
Wokeism isn't part of the Left. If anything, it would be non-violent Fascism, or a degeneration of Liberalism, and both are Right, not Left.
>Woke is right
>ummm actually it's the right that thinks men can become women
kek. The left has completely given up on defending their positions and instead just has to gaslight everybody.
Like when you claimed Harris was actually pro-gun. Or when you claimed Biden was tough on immigration. Or when you blamed conservatives for lockdowns. Your entire ideology has been exposed so all you can do is pretend you never believed any of the shit you believed.
Anything to do with anti-LGBT policy is a culture war issue. Keep fuckin coping.
>he never would have made that speech if leftists didn't insist that men in dresses are women.
pure conjecture.
Why did the LGBTs start this culture war then?
by existing?

Remember kids, if I punch you for no reason, you actually started the fight by making me want to punch you.
Fags weren't as retarded in the 50s.
>by existing?
Well, sure. Men existing in women's spaces has generally been unacceptable for a long time.
So if you want to act like these weirdos are simply sitting around existing normally, then fuck off.
The trans woman trying to just use the bathroom is making less of a fuss than the asshole screeching about a man being in there. Except whoops, that wasn't a trans woman. That was just someone with short hair, and now you've ruined the space for everyone.

Stop policing peoples genitals you fuckin weirdo. It takes nothing to just not ask.
Explain to me why you think a women's bathroom exists in the first place.
Then explains women's sports.
Then tell me how a man is a woman.
Tell me how you'd react if someone you accused of being trans was actually just a cis woman. I'm curious; would you double down and insist they show you their vagina, or would you awkwardly apologize?
If trannies ever passed this would be an issue.
Since "You shall not pass!" is the law of the land, you've made up a problem that doesn't exist.
I also think it's horrible the mainstreaming of trans has negatively affected ugly, masculine women.
No one ever questioned whether an ugly masculine woman was a woman until dress up chunibyos ruined it for them.
>If trannies ever passed this would be an issue.
Spoiler alert anon, you've probably passed a trans person passing just fine and not realized it. You've also probably seen someone and went "ew look, a trannie" and they were actually completely cis.

Only way to test is to demand to check their genitals. Why don't you do so more often if it's such a massive problem?
I'll just check the state issued ID in most states.
No need to look at a dude in a dress's cock.
He'd probably enjoy it anyway.
Most people's first impression of another person is not to check their genitals, no.

All this means is you've become so obsessed with trans people you can't see anyone who dares to look slightly off of the gender binary without assuming they have the opposite genitalia. As opposed to just not thinking about that at all.
Bring your birth certificate, fag. No one wants to look at your extra junky junk.
State issued ID goes with gender anon. it changes when their presentation does because it's pretty fuckin useless otherwise for confirming their identity.

Again, are you going to demand a genital check? It's the only way for you to be sure.
You know asking someone for their birth certificate is also pretty fucking weird. And actually even harder to produce than genital check.

It's incredibly easy to just, you know, do nothing.
Only the gay faggot states allow that. Those are the states where not allowing illegal immigrant, vegan fags in dresses to rape women is a hate crime.
>You know asking someone for their birth certificate is also pretty fucking weird.
My shit-blue city asks me for it all the time. What's weird about it?
Weird is being a dude in a dress. That's weird. Especially considering normal women remain women even when dressed in women's clothing.
There's no trans-fairy. Men are men, and women are women.
How do you know they didn't get their ID there?

And spoiler alert anon, but if your response to seeing someone you consider 'weird' is to demand their ID, you're actually the fuckin weird one.
Ok, go ask a bunch of women on the street for their birth certificates then. Or a bunch of guys. Any strangers you don't know really. See how well that goes.

BTW gender and pronouns are a social construct. There is no biological reason for he/she or any clothing style, and we have evolved as a species to the point we can modify our bodies however we want. Sucks to suck.
>How do you know they didn't get their ID there?
Alright, euro-fag. Time to fuck off.
>And spoiler alert anon, but if your response to seeing someone you consider 'weird' is to demand their ID, you're actually the fuckin weird one.
The cops do it all the time.
Are you sure you're a living human being over the age of 18? You believe in the trans-fairy. You think men are magically women once they put on women's clothing. How's Narnina, n-, uh faggot.
You do have to be 18 to post here, you know.
>Or a bunch of guys. Any strangers you don't know really. See how well that goes.
How about we contain asking for such things in the context of playing sports, and using restrooms in schools and such instead of indulging in your argument from absurdity?
>BTW gender and pronouns are a social construct.
Every single word ever created is a social construct, a contract in which we use these socially constructed sounds to describe things so we can explain then so others can understand.
Being a (non-trisomy) retard is also a social construct and there's little use for it. If I wanted to continue to call everything red "blue" you'd tell me to fuck off, most likely, and wouldn't agree.
All of your points of attack on this issue are literal idiocy. Why not just shut the fuck up?
And now the social construct has deemed otherwise. Sorry you can't accept that even though it affects you in exactly 0 ways.
>The cops do it all the time.
Please, I'm begging you. Next time you see someone on the street, demand their ID. By your own standards it's a perfectly normal thing to do and they should have no issue doing so.

>using restrooms in schools
If you demand you inspect my child's genitals or get their ID just to use the bathroom, I'm smashing your jaw.
>Please validate my Reductio ad absurdum!!!
>And now the social construct has deemed otherwise.
No it hasn't. Not wanting to argue with mentally ill weirdos in public has continued.
>And most non-MAGA Trump voters find him weird, they just agreed with his policies more than Biden.

Indeed, like Trump's policy that trannies are weirdos.

The Left-Dems are so out of touch with Average Americans that they lost the White House, Senate and House of Reps. _because_ of their insistence on promoting deranged social issues like this.
keep convincing yourself you won on anything other than the economy being shit, and be surprised when Repubs get fucking slaughtered in midterms when it turns out Trump couldn't fix the problem either.
2024 proved that voters were done falling for Democrat propaganda and cons.
Keep convincing yourself Demoncraps don't suck beyond repair though.
Barely a week in, and there are already Trumpists having voter's regret. They now realize they were conned by Trump.
But you keep convincing youself that all those who voted the way you wanted will continue the same way in the coming 24 months. Things get worse economy-wise. Those previous Trumpists get wise. The midterms. Revenge Voting.
The Democrats thank you for the lame duck a l'orange that makes things worse for you & the Rethuglicans and better for them.
>Barely a week in, and there are already Trumpists having voter's regret.
We regret nothing. Nice coping though.
Because that's what the word is for.
Explain why only a male chicken can be called a "rooster"
Trans women have the same kind of ban as their fellow males. No males should compete in sports with women. Trans women are always welcome in male sports. smh
>explain language
Zoomer moment

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