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>>1377893 (OP)
tRump's living the good life now, golf 5 days a week, travel on his big private jet, once a week. Have diet coke and bib macs with shaved truffles every day. Humiliate Zuck, and have him orally massage his anus the 1 say left over each week. Ahhh, the good life. Worth it when the knives come out on the
When the knives come out on the Ides of March, 2029. In 44 BC, it became notorious as the date of the assassination of Julius Caesar, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ides_of_March
>>1377893 (OP)
It’s hard work signing a bunch of executive orders that he didn’t write or read and were given to him by Heritage Foundation ghouls.
>>1377893 (OP)
OP mocked for being a newfag from r*ddit

are you a different newfag r*dditor though? The usual r*ddit newfag is pro-Trump. But he's also a schizo so maybe you're just a new personality of his.
>>1377893 (OP)
Working hard on lowering those egg prices huh?
Its widely known that Trump is broke, he needs to keep up the grift and overcharge his mandatory SS detail for hotel rooms at his own properties.
He's stolen more money from the US than Hunter was ever accused of taking, but MAGAfags cheer it on.
>>1377893 (OP)
>doing anything other than having the best interests of his voters
You made your bed Trumptards, he'll piss on it.
>>1377893 (OP)
>gets free time because he works 5 times as hard as any other president and gets everything done way faster
Libtards everyone.
Where were these left fags reporting on biden's 532 days he didn't work while he was in office and the country went to shit.
Oh wait that's right, they ignored it and this is just TDS rage bait
Considering Trump spent all night Sunday night folding up Gustavo Petro like a chair and getting him to accept every deportation flight the US sends his way, I honestly don't care he took a Monday to golf.
If the news has told us anything this last week if that Trump has been extremely busy enacting his agenda that Americans voted for
Trump is literally the only politician in my lifetime who is worth a damn. If he were younger, I'd support him being president for life.
We could make Baron president eternal. Greatness is in the blood, and Baron has the look of eagles about him. We can't let the movement die with Trump. He's the healthiest 78-year-old in history, but he's still 78. Maybe he might live until 120, so we'll see.
The leftist assassination attempts against him kinda changed his demeanor quite a bit honestly.
He acts like he's quite done with the bullshit. His attitude has become "move follow or get out of the way" and he's not hesitating to move people out of the way if they're not going to follow.

As far as removing presidential term limits go, I'm more in favor of extending them to 4 terms (and enforcing term limits on Congress)... There's a lot of advantage to having stability amongst executive leadership so that long term strategic goals can be realized rather than initiated and then dumped 4 years later half way thru by someone from the other political party

As much as China is not on our side, they have benefitted greatly from having one dude call the shots for as long as he has been able to, it's really paying off now for them
First, we must clean up the country. Secure the borders. No one in. Next the enemy within. Half the country are enemies within. They did not vote for Trump. They are enemies. Something must be done! Then we must secure resources. This is why we need to take territory from Greenland Canada Panama and Mexico by force if necessary. Then we make deals with Russia and Hungary so they will have our back when we go to war with China and their Europoor bitchboys. Finally we will be great again and Trump will solidify his legacy as the greatest president in history.
>>1377893 (OP)
In 2019, the Government Accountability Office reported that four such golfing trips early on in Trump's presidency wasted $13.6 million in taxpayer funds, or about $3.4 million per trip. That figure should be higher now due to inflation.
>>1377893 (OP)
>Works 5 times as hard
We know from his first term that he maybe did like an hour of work a day
>The leftist assassination attempts
TIL I learned Republicans are leftists
everyone in the US knows trump, knows all the stories, all the history of the guy and well, we love him for it, and we hope he gets a third term, obviously that assumes civilization last that long or that the prophet Trump isn't called upon to usher in the Second Coming of our Lord and celebrating his return with a hail of fire and brimstone upon the unrepentant.
>>1377893 (OP)
It was the weekend
>He's the healthiest 78 year old in history
How can we reason with people when they're so delusional they believe this?
Interesting hill to die on, given the literal corpse the democrats ran in 2020
>>1377893 (OP)
as opposed to 4 years of nap time for biden
>he was asleep the entire time
republitards can never make up their minds. The schrodinger's box of retarded conspiracy theories.
>B-b-but what about Biden!
Kek. Every time.

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