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Google said on Monday that it will change the name of the Gulf of Mexico to “Gulf of America” in Google Maps once it is updated in the U.S. Geographic Names System.

Google Maps will also change the name of Denali in Alaska to “Mount McKinley.”

“We’ve received a few questions about naming within Google Maps. We have a longstanding practice of applying name changes when they have been updated in official government sources,” the company said in an X post.

But users in other countries will see both names displayed on the map in line with a long standing practice, the company said.

President Donald Trump ordered the name changes the day of his inauguration last week, making good on his campaign promise. The federal government has since formally implemented the directive to rename both.

The Gulf of Mexico change is new, but naming the nation’s highest peak has been a matter of debate for years.

The Obama administration decided to formally name it Denali in 2015, the name that local Natives once used.

Former President McKinley, for whom the mountain is once again named, never visited Alaska. His name was first used for the summit in an article written by a gold prospector in 1897 and was popularized after his 1901 assassination.
>>1378054 (OP)
Means nothing, end H1Bs
>>1378054 (OP)
Of all the recent policies implemented by the president, this one is the least significant.
Gulf of America, Amerigo Vespucci? WOGGISH name. Why not gulf of Saxony, York, some nice Anglo Saxon Aryan name that befits a white nat like yourself? Better yet. 1st nationer names, like gulf Connecticut, or the exterminated peoples of that area, like the golf of Commanche? But then, tRump would be very confused, " You mean North Dakota and Oklahoma are Indian names ". WOW, you just blew my mind JD!
Yeah there's more important ones like...

Trump pardons several January 6 rioters also accused or convicted of sexual offenses against children
I'm not fond of that either, but each of those are still relatively small-scale. The man's affecting national policy changes. Surely those are a bit more noteworthy than individual pardons or renaming geographic features?
You're "not fond" of him releasing child rapists from prison?
Yes, children are typically small scale. That's why you don't rape them
did he pardon them for those specific crimes? It sounds like they're still being charged.
and given that the Feds claiming they're guilty are the same Feds who said that trespassing is a violent deadly insurrection and coup attempt, I'm not inclined to automatically believe the charges.
>>1378054 (OP)
Just about as dumb as them changing the name from Turkey to "Türkiye". I don't even have a fucking "ü" on my keyboard, I had to copy that.
Happy Liberation Day anons!
Were any of them pardoned for their crimes against children?
>A Mint Hill man who was pardoned for his conviction from the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol attack was also arrested last fall on child pornography charges.

>According to the federal court documents, the FBI and Mint Hill Police carried out a search warrant in November 2023 for the home of David Daniel related to the Jan. 6 allegations. During the search on assault and trespassing charges, agents also recovered his iPhone and several other electronic devices.

but hooray trump and his merry gang of savages
Was he pardoned for child porn charges?
look at the mental gymnastics trumpfags exhibit
So they weren't pardoned for the crimes you are bringing up? Then why are you bringing them up?
Shut the fuck up tranny retard. Biden was doing catch and release with millions of rapist illegals
don't hurt any children ok projecting shill anon
this is simply not true. go to google maps right the fuck now and see for yourself.

>the absolute state of /news/
>Trump didn't pardon a violent child fucker of his child fucking charges, just for beating cops
So Trump approves of beating up cops, no opinion provided on how much he approves of fucking children.
Its not as big of a win as they're spinning
>Google said on Monday that it will change the name of the Gulf of Mexico to “Gulf of America” in Google Maps once it is updated in the U.S. Geographic Names System.
So basically if Trump actually goes through everything needed to officially change the name, Google will... follow the rules they always followed.
Its a big win, for ignorant MAGA retards, which is the whole point.
Now, will anyone other than Trumphumpers and official US documents actually use the name?
Probably not, and the next President will change it back because its causing confusion.
>next President
The Freedom Fries Gulf...

We won't get fooled again sang Murica. You got fooled quite a lot since then though.
>>1378054 (OP)
at least make something more creative you imbred goat fuckers. how about the trump gulf.
>>1378054 (OP)
Can't wait to drive a 2025 GMC Yukon Mount McKinley
>go to google maps right the fuck now and see for yourself.
You would have to go to the U.S. Geographic Names System first since google specifically said it isn't changing anything until they do.
>Khalif Rhodes says Daniel’s attorney could argue the pornography charges should be dropped since the images would have never been found if not for the Capitol breach investigation.
Go to Google maps
Search for Mount McKinley
(no results found)
Search for Mount Everest
(no results found)

Yeah I don't get it. I read
Just means they geo-change the name; China sees a nine dash line, everyone else doesn't, etc... But I'm in Indiana and it says Gulf of Mexico... So... Are they just lying?
It's Denali

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