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So far has kept scores if not hundreds of promises and this started on day 1.
The fact that one or two things that require longer term solutions haven't been accomplished yet doesn't bother anyone except contrarian leftfags

Op is a salty faggot.
>>1378101 (OP)
Does trump think he's an alchemist? How the fuck does he think drilling for oil will lower egg prices? Is he going to transmute oil into eggs? Are republicans really stupid enough to believe drilling for more oil will lower grocery prices?
>has to sign an executive order for California firefighters to put out fires
Why didn't trump sign an executive order to lower the price of groceries?
>Trumptards thinking their orange cult leader is god: or they would only think of that thing as a retard that never had the right to be trusted in the first place
>their orange god proves he's an untrustworthy lying retard or he would be able to do the impossible immnediately within hour one of day one if he had the best interests of his voters at heart. only retarded cultists would think of posting the retardation that is >>1378102
>the retard that is >>1378102 doesn't like it when his precious orange god is called out on its failings or would agree with its critics that Trump is a retarded failure if it wasn't a cultist
No >>1378102, you are the salty faggots.
And then this Trumptard was a Egyptian river-dwelling zombie.
His EO did nothing lmao. Bro tried to say the military came down to give water to California from the north when in reality... it fucking rained.
>>1378101 (OP)
>dems under four years of Biden: The economy is doing great!
>dems one week into Trump presidency: WHY AREN'T YOU FIXING THE ECONOMY BIDEN GAVE YOU?!?!?
Trump put out the fire he started with the Jewish space laser with the weather machine.
>increased oil supply
>equals lower gas prices
>equals less cost to ship goods from producers to stores
>equals lower prices
I know it's a hard concept to understand, but trust me we did this before in 2019 when the cost of living was the lowest it's been in a decade.
Well, why are you republicans fixing it? Trump said he'd fix it day one, instead it's been a week and he's fucking around at Maralago.
>Bro tried to say the military came down to give water to California from the north when in reality... it fucking rained.
So there weren't C-130s used to fight fires in California?
Lol that's quite the reach. Republicans are experts in reach arounds.
>Well, why are you republicans fixing it?
It's in progress. Turns out it's kinda hard to reverse four years of fuck ups by democrats.

Y'know on a related tangent, it's fucking beautiful how you cocksuckers were gaslighting us about the economy, about gas prices, fucking "oh we're drilling more oil now than ever!", - and now you can't wait for prices to go down everywhere. The same fucking faggots like you that were telling us everything is going great and we just don't understand how the economy works are now screeching how the economy doesn't work and why isn't Trump fixing it. Why weren't YOU saying shit two years ago to Biden?
Good post
>It's in progress
What's in progress? Really though what? None of the executive orders Trump signed had anything to do with groceries. Nothing congress has passed this term has had to do with groceries. So again, what are they actually doing? And don't gimme more vague run around bullshit.
>And don't gimme more vague run around bullshit.
You don't get to make demands, you lost. You get to sit and wait.
>increased oil supply
A trade war with Canada doesn't increase our oil supply.
First step that Trump took was his EO revoking Biden's EOs that were harming our economy with his climate change bullshit, as well as other EOs dealing with economy, energy, technology, etc. The motherfucker is at work signing dozens of EOs his first day in office, but because he doesn't have an EO that specifically says "groceries" in the title you think he isn't doing anything about it. Shut the fuck up faggot. We wouldn't even be in this mess in the first place if retarded trannies like you didn't put Biden in office four years ago.
We all get to sit and watch grocery prices go up while Trump does nothing to help
All of the executive orders are orders on the government. The price of eggs is controlled by the private market, not the government. Unless the government gives the private companies subsidies.
* and then gaslight us about the economy, "oh it's doing great! Best economy ever!" just like you did with Biden's mental state, "Oh he's totally capable to be the president and isn't showing signs of dementia." Shut your fucking mouth.
will you be dead before you realize you're praising billionaires for stealing from you
>We all get to sit and whine
FTFY. When groceries are inevitably cheaper this time next year, we look forward to your DRUMPH DIDN'T DO THAT THAT WAS BIDEN cope posting
>will you be dead before you realize you're praising billionaires for stealing from you
vaxxoids succumbing to vaccine induced myocarditis while Pfizer execs do coke and fuck prostitutes with their tax dollars
Fuck buying eggs. I keep chickens.
Trump is a senile old faggot who replaced Biden, another senile old faggot. The USA is being run by a retirement home kek.
Love my country hate my government. That's what any American should believe.
Trump could have signed an executive order nationalizing the egg industry. What is he sitting around letting eggheads price gouge?
>>1378101 (OP)
Eggs? Is this the attack you tards can come up with? Big TWO SCOOPS energy with this stink piece. Kinda pathetic desu.
just admit you were lied to anon. trump already admitted to lying to you
>>1378101 (OP)
Food prices have dropped. Egg prices have increased due to bird flu and culling chickens because of it. Try again
How about you admit that Biden fucked up. Did Biden fuck up the economy? Yes or no.
Wow from "2 more weeks bro!" to next year lol. Trust the plan!
are you a lying faggot? yes. you'll never admit it so i did it for you
lol you can't even admit it. You're bitching about Trump not fixing the economy and you can't even admit who broke it in the first place. What a dishonest shill faggot.
you're assuming i'm the person you were just arguing with. i don't argue with faggots
Trump promised to fix it day one. Why didn't he bring down grocery prices day one? Is he a liar or just incompetent?
Who broke it?
who was president when covid devastated america
Trump broke his promise
Probably not, but drilling for oil ourselves does.
See? They can't do it. They want to bitch about Trump not fixing it but they CANNOT admit that Biden broke it. It's impossible! Dem faggots like this CAN NOT admit that their guy fucked everything up. They can not do it. They CAN NOT accept responsibility for voting for an Alzheimer patient to run the country into the ground for four fucking years. They can't do it.
Trump fucks up the economy, dems can't fix it before trump comes back, trump promises to fix it but doesn't because he's a liar.
your fake outrage is boring and you still haven't admitted that you're a lying faggot. come clean
Yeah funny how the economy was actually going great until COVID hit. And then Biden takes office, pushes even more draconian COVID measures, makes inflation skyrocket, attacks our domestic oil production, makes green energy deals that contribute fucking nothing, and throws money at Ukraine - all the while left-wing faggots like you try to convince everyone that everything isn't shit - and now you're here blaming all of that on Trump and bitching at him for not fixing it all this week.

Again, it's incredible how you fucking subhuman retards were going on about how great the economy is, but now that you're whining that the economy isn't getting fixed now, when pushed into a corner and forced to admit that Biden fucked our economy, you can't do it and are now trying to blame Trump for the SAME ECONOMY YOU TOLD US LAST YEAR WAS GOING GREAT!

I swear to God democrats are not human.
is russia winning
Trump was president when covid hit, retard. And he fucked everything up.
Biden isn't the one who attacked domestic food production, is putting tariffs on our primary trade partners, and suspending every bit of government funding he can find. Usually it takes a president a few years to free themselves from the economy effects from the previous administration, but fuckass Trump has found a way to make immediate negative impact with his extreme measures, so we get to feel the pain immediately instead of it trickling in over time.
>And he fucked everything up.
And last year you homosexual monkeys were telling us that Biden fixed it.
>durr Biden added 15 million jobs
>hurr lowest unemployment rate
>derp derp derp Biden gave more drilling permits and we're producing more oil than under Trump
And now that Sleepy Joe is out of office, now we get to the truth that the economy isn't as good as you made it out to be when he was in charge. But you can't admit that he fucked it up, oh no! You have to keep blaming Trump for something that you told us was working great under Biden. Fucking incredible.
>Biden isn't the one who attacked domestic food production
>From April 2021 to April 2022, prices for meats, poultry, fish, and eggs increased 14.3 percent, the largest 12-month percentage increase since a 19.5-percent increase in May 1979.
Let me guess, that was Trump's fault right? Fucking faggot.
you aren't american
Biden isn't the one who suspended all function of the CDC, FDA, and NIH on the eve of a major bird flu epidemic that's driving up the price of eggs.

Biden isn't the one who's threatening massive tariffs on our main trade partners, including most recently an absolutely retarded tariff on Taiwan's computer chips even though we rely on them for pretty much our entire electronic industry.

Biden isn't the one putting forth such draconian deportation efforts that entire farms are now without workers, meaning produce is rotting in the fields.

Biden isn't the one who's about to suspend literally all federal funding for (AT LEAST) a week and cause a massive shockwave through every single financial sector.

I didn't think Trump would fuck things up this bad. I thought it would be a slow, trickle effect. Like prices slowly go up and we're paying more and more by next year. Instead, he surpassed expectations of incompetence; his policies are directly resulting in price increases within a week of taking office. He's fucking us up faster than I thought physically possible.
Here's a left-wing article that I found that I can't help but share it, it's fucking hilarious.

>The economy is hot, but the people are bothered. Americans think the country is in dreadful economic shape despite strong wage growth, low unemployment, and steadily declining inflation.
Right there. All this bullshit gaslighting about how the economy is going great under Biden. But the SECOND Trump takes office, now we get to hear about the cost of eggs in faggot OP's fucking picture.

>How quickly we close the rest of the gap may hinge on how long it takes Americans to stop pining for 2019 prices that are never coming back.
Yeah, and in the last week eggs jumped by 50%. Trump has been in office literally a week and a day and he's done more damage than RECORD HIGHS.

How are we supposed to address the problem with no communication allowed from the CDC or FDA, and no research from the NIH? Culling populations only helps so much without proper vaccination and recalls, especially if this bird flu jumps species. Trump didn't start the fire, but not only is he blocking anyone from putting it out, he's dumping fucking gasoline on it.
You can't argue with the shills on this board.
Best case they'll call you a retard.
Worst case they'll call you a tranny and disappear for 5 minutes to relieve themselves of certain urges.
Trump isn't the senile retard that fucked our domestic oil production.
Trump isn't the mindnumbingly stupid democrat that pushed green energy deals that went nowhere.
Trump wasn't the mental patient that made inflation skyrocket.
And Trump wasn't the traitorous cocksucker that threw money at foreign countries because he doesn't give a fuck about the people who voted for him.

And you can't even admit who did this shit. Go fuck yourself.
>Trump wasn't the mental patient that made inflation skyrocket.
>And Trump wasn't the traitorous cocksucker that threw money at foreign countries because he doesn't give a fuck about the people who voted for him.
But these two are 100% real
Why are you deluding yourself?
I'm sorry, who was in office on May 2022 when inflation hit 8.6%?
i know you're supposed to demonize ukraine as part of your job but it completely gives away that you're a shill
>no trust us Anon. Giving Ukraine $100 billion is actually GOOD for our economy
>Also the economy sucks under Trump. Why hasn't he fixed it yet?
What does inflation hitting a specific point have to do with the growth rate of inflation?
What does it have to do with buddying up to foreign enemies and providing them with US secrets?
How does your tranny diseased brain work, shill?
Trumps shitty policies caused a recession, and inflations been plaguing the country since.
He's desperately trying to figure out how to give trillions of tax dollars to the rich to make the problem worse.
you're a faggot with a humiliating job. is russia winning?
>domestic oil production.
Oh no, Biden didn't greenlight companies to fuck over private land despite them having dozens and dozens and dozens of open oil permits they hadn't started using yet

>green energy deals that went nowhere
Oh sweaty, the current shill line is that green energy is good because it'll help the AI deal. Try to keep up.

>Trump wasn't the mental patient that made inflation skyrocket
lmao, his halving the corporate tax rate kicked it off

>Trump wasn't the traitorous cocksucker
Says the faggot with Russian cock in his mouth

2/10, go back to your containment board and get better lessons in shilling
>What does inflation hitting a specific point have to do with the growth rate of inflation?
Look at this shit deflection. A few minutes ago it was
>But these two are 100% real
Implying Trump was the mental patient that made inflation skyrocket. Then when you actually look at the number and notice FUCK TON of inflation in May 2022, then we get the typical
>wuh-w-what does that have to do with anything????
You fucking faggot.

Then we go to.
>What does it have to do with buddying up to foreign enemies and providing them with US secrets?
Trying to move the goalpost from
>threw money at foreign countries
As Trump is cutting foreign aid as we speak.

>How does your tranny diseased brain work, shill?
I can ask you the same thing faggot.

>Trumps shitty policies caused a recession
Oh really? That's why everyone misses the cost of living we had in 2019? You stupid homo. Tell you what, name the policies that caused a recession - and then tell me honestly (which you can't do) how Biden's policies didn't fuck our economy.
Good post. Accurate
>Oh no, Biden didn't greenlight companies to fuck over private land despite them having dozens and dozens and dozens of open oil permits they hadn't started using yet
>what do you mean oil companies don't want to spend billions developing new infrastructure while Biden is in office. It's not like he can shut down major projects on a whim - oh wait, he did that already.
Dumb fuck.
Moving the goal posts from "I'll fix it on day one" to "uhh next year, maybe, trust the plan!"
you aren't american and we all know, faggot.
>That's why everyone misses the recession
What a faggot, trying to brag about the recession
Followed by a shill self bump >>1378200
Oh lord, she's rageposting >>1378201
I'll accept your concession, next time fit it into one post instead of having to add on two more times at the bump limit
Honestly it's probably for the best that trump fuck up everything as fast as possible. Americans have to short of an attention span, and if he did it slower they'd forget about it.
>>That's why everyone misses the recession
>What a faggot, trying to brag about the recession
We had a recession in 2019? What? I must've missed that. In fact looking through articles I see a lot of warnings in 2019 about the US heading for a recession, or worried about a possible recession, yet for some odd reason I'm not seeing a recession in 2019. Can you show me where that happened? I mean if you've got time, if you're not too busy swallowing Biden's old cock.
i forgot time stopped in 2019. you're a faggot with talking points that were exhausted years ago
>Then when you actually look at the number and notice FUCK TON of inflation in May 2022, then we get the typical
COVID you fucking retard. That inflation was world-wide.

Honestly Biden actually handled it well. Projections had us in full on recession.
That's what I thought bitch.
you thought time stopped in 2019? you sure are a dumb asshole
>COVID you fucking retard. That inflation was world-wide.
That happened UNDER BIDEN. Not Trump. Stupid fuck. You can keep trying to blame Trump for the dumb decisions Biden made while he was in office all day long, I'll just keep calling you out for your bullshit.
who was president in 2020 anon. don't change the subject
Who did Covid start under? Who made most of the decisions about it during the beginning stages? Who decided to downplay the threat until it was too late?
Trump was. Now who was in charge when inflation Skyrocketed in 2022?
here' the part where you ignore that biden's economy was functioning better than expected after the pandemic that trump botched
Oh shit the GOD EMPEROR got stumped by eggs on day ONE? Next you'll be telling me he couldn't build that wall, lock her up, drain the swamp,
So the answer is Biden then? Yes? No?
as expected, you are a faggot. if you don't get a real job you're going to be miserable forever anon
As expected, you can't even answer a simple question. Democrats are the like the jews that /pol/ complains about all the time, how they'll cry out as they strike you or whatever. Same fucking thing; they demand honesty from you but can't answer a simple question or be honest for ten seconds. Even something as basic as 'who was president in May 2022' they can't answer because they can't defend the creepy grandpa they voted for.
do you wish you were american, shill anon?
Stop engaging the shill.
Russian shills are dedicated to pretending that inflation is 100% tied to global oil levels, because releasing Russian sanctions is the quickest way to restore supply.
Real Americans already know that inflation is mostly being caused by large corporations price fixing, which started under Trumps term with the Tax Cuts that he's desperately trying to extend.
The shill will try to downplay this while ignoring that corporations have been reporting record profits the whole time Real Americans are struggling.
he'll just respond to himself if you don't make fun of him. it's my day off, i figure it's my civic duty to castigate the dipshit who's here lying every day
>Russian shills are dedicated to pretending that inflation is 100% tied to global oil levels, because releasing Russian sanctions is the quickest way to restore supply.
It's because the value of the dollar is tied to oil you mongoloid.
>noooooooo you gotta understand libshits
>inflation peaked under old senile biden
>ignore that it started under Trump
>ignore that it just went up while Trump was president
>ignore that Trumps policies made inflation worse
>it PEAKED under Biden
>ignore that peak implies that it started going down during Bidens admin
Shills are pretty pathetic
>ignore that Trumps policies made inflation worse
And for some odd reason I still haven't heard what these policies were. I've already listed some of the policies and decisions Biden made that fucked our economy. At least one of us is being honest here.
>It's because the value of the dollar is tied to oil
Maybe the Russian Ruble.

We've explained why you're incapable of tying inflation to Trumps policies. You just keep ignoring the explanations because they demolish your shill points.
cope and seethe harder
hey faggot. you've lost all credibility in this thread of yours, you should probably just start a new one
>We've explained why you're incapable of tying inflation to Trumps policies.
All you've done is gone on about muh COVID - as if Biden's COVID policies weren't harsher and didn't last longer than necessary. Other than that, what policy did Trump put out that caused inflation to spike? I'm still waiting.
i wonder how much the shill gets paid
pat of butter and a pat on the head
The butter is super expensive in Russia right now, so its a better deal than it sounds
Republitards and shills itt trying to do anything to distract from Trumps broken promises and idiocy
Yeah I guess I'm not getting an answer anytime soon. Just more DURR URA SHILL MUH RUSSIAN SHILL (because I don't want billions going to a foreign country) REPUBLICAN SHILL (as if you're not simping hard to defend Biden). Typical non-answers when you have nothing. I rest my fucking case.

Democrats are scum that were going on about how great the economy was when Biden was in office fucking it up, but now that he's been out less than a month they want to cry the loudest because Trump can't Thanos-snap Biden's terrible decisions away and bring us back to the actual good economy we had during his first term. It's a waste of time dealing with them.
Cool story, shill who refuses to read
We'll be here when you want a conversation, when you're off-duty
Trump promised a "Thanos-snap" (you a giant faggot for making a Marvel reference btw) to fix all problems and he didn't do it. He doesn't even have a plan, or concepts of a plan.
>if I respond to my own posts, it'll look like there are more than one retard shilling in this thread
Only Republicunts care about Hillary anyway, its a solid giveaway for shilltalk
You aren't arguing with a rational person. You have to remember, Democrats hate Russia because they made anti-hillary memes in 2016 and Democrats have never forgiven them for it.

These people are mentally ill, they are literally programmed to believe that if you don't agree with them you are some sort of foreign secret agent
they know we know they're lying, but they still lie
Go ahead and reply to all the posts you think that are me and I'll screenshot it and share it with you.

Liberals are twice as likely to have been diagnosed with a mental illness in the United States than the general population. I honestly hope that at some point in your life you can manage to deal with your struggles and become a normal person. I don't mean that as a shitpost, I really do hope you're able to find a way to manage whatever it is that makes you the way you are, so that you can normalize yourself.

My heart goes out to you anon, it really does
>My heart goes out to you anon, it really does
Is this the new white supremacist dog whistle?
>Liberals are twice as likely to have been diagnosed with a mental illness in the United States than the general population.
Shills love touting this one out, ignoring the survivorship bias formed from schizo right wingers refusing mental health care entirely.
Lol yeah. If they can't see it, it doesn't exist. Rightwingers struggle with object permanence.
It doesn't matter that you hate reality, it's a fact that liberals are about twice as often diagnosed with mental illness as the general population, including centrists
you're suffering right now, it's not our fault you raw dog schizophrenia
And she even posted a link to another link describing the study, because like most shills she needs at least 3 people telling her what to think.
Pretending that a one month, self reporting metric means what they think it means is hilarious.
I'd be more interested in seeing how many right wing retards
A)Actually get evaluated by Mental Health professionals
B)Would admit to a poll that they were diagnosed

The local shill is a great example of an actual schizo that wouldn't ever get diagnosed so they can pretend they're still sane.
I see you keep focusing on conservatives despite the study showing that centrists also have roughly the same mental health illness rate as conservatives.

The odd group out in the study are liberals. I know you're crazy and you probably deal with mental health issues, but just take a breath here and think for a moment
>centrists also have roughly the same mental health illness rate as conservatives
They didn't vote for an orange bag of Alzheimer's, so they can't have mental illnesses. Unlike the mental cases that did. And as a result they'll be going even more mental when they can't buy groceries because they cost even more than before.Self-inflicted financial pain. And it's all their fault: allowing wrong opinions to exist in their retarded minds. When all they had to do was not think the way they do. Be normal sane humans.
Rightist Retardation. Not even once.
>They didn't vote for an orange bag of Alzheimer's,
NTA, oh the irony. Imagine claiming that Trump has Alzheimer's but Biden doesn't. Please elaborate on that one faggot.

Maybe you'll answer that, since your stuttering monkey ass can't answer anything economics related.
a fascist faggot with mental acuity issues isn't better than a regular person with mental acuity issues
Lmao. Imagine being a mentally ill liberal, hanging around all of your mentally ill liberal friends, and someone posts a study online showing that liberals are twice as likely to be mentally ill as the general population.

As the mentally ill liberal considers this, it doesn't make sense to them. All of its liberal friends are mentally ill as well, thus the mentally ill liberal arrives at the conclusion that everyone must be mentally ill, they just don't have adequate medical care to determine such
Lmao. Imagine being a mentally ill conservative, hanging around all of your mentally ill conservative friends, and someone posts a study online showing that conservatives are twice as likely to be mentally ill as the general population.
As the mentally ill conservative considers this, it doesn't make sense to them. All of its conservative friends are mentally ill as well, thus the mentally ill conservative arrives at the conclusion that everyone must be mentally ill, they just don't have the self awareness to determine such
Yeah yeah heard it all before. Go throw another molotov into a minority-owned small business again to show how outraged you are.
Its a self-report
Liberals are more likely to admit to mental illness than conservatives
Liberals are more likely to see mental heal professionals than doctors.
Your stat means nothing.
But you're still a schizo
Way to prove his point, retard
Lmao, I buttmangled much tho? Why does it anger you when he presents facts? Are you anti science as well?
>just change 'liberal' to 'conservative'
and that's all it takes to not only prove his retarded opinions wrong. Thus the point goes way over your head
>admit to mental illness than conservatives
That's because conservatives aren't human. Only humans possess self awareness.
Shill is stuck on the same talking points because he didn't understand the reply
>>1378101 (OP)
Biden literally genocided 10 million american chickens. That's why eggs cost so much. He made us dependent on foreign eggs, by lying about some chickens coughing.
New excuse drop
>Documented causes are excuses
>White House PS blames literally universal policy that Trump still has in place
It's funny how easy it is to manipulate the retarded.
>It's funny how easy it is to manipulate the retarded.
Does that explain why you shill for libshit causes on /news/?
Ok, if the cullings are so bad, why doesn't Trump EO them to stop? It's still policy under him, and it's still happening now.

I'll give you a hint; it's because they know this is the only way to deal with these kind of outbreaks. We figured this out not long after we as a species first started herding animals.
Republicans raised inflation by explicitly asking everyone to spend as much money as possible as fast as possible 2022 giving away hundreds of billions of dollars to business before (you) and today advocating for artificially lowered interest rates. Now this manufactured food and fuel crises.
You never explained who manipulated your retarded self into shilling for libshit causes on /news/
We're pro trump here. Trumps gonna fix everything in 2 weeks. Trust the plan! Where we cum 1 we cum all!
>Republicans are responsible for what happens when democrats are in charge.
Yeah kinda. Its a lot easier to break shit than it is to build shit. And Republicans like breaking shit and giving money to the rich.
You do realize how versatile eggs are and how much of a staple they are not just for breakfast but in many dishes, cuisines and baking right? Part of the appeal of eggs is how they're a cheap source of protein which even if you're super poor they're still an affordable resource.
>Its a lot easier to break shit than it is to build shit. And Republicans like breaking shit
Yeah all those Republicans causing $1.6 billion in property damage in just one year. They can't keep getting away with it!
derek chauvin didn't get away with it
>>1378101 (OP)
So where was this energy when it was rising last term?
>no argument
I see.
First post best post
>derek chauvin
true, although there is hope with new evidence.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMpawll-wa0 [Embed]
tldr; George had a tumor that gave him a heart attack under stress. Derek was not made known of this since the evidence was withheld. Said he would never have taken the plea. had he known
buy an ad
>>1378101 (OP)
Gas is more expensive too.

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