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Trump won Colombia folded like a lawn ch(...) 01/28/25(Tue)10:25:51 No. 1378107 Colombia is now using Colombian military jets to fly to America and pick up deported migrants. LMAO! A Colombian Air Force plane departed for San Diego Monday afternoon to bring back 110 Colombian citizens who were deported from the United States as part of President Donald Trump's sweeping immigration orders. Colombian immigration officials are on board the plane to "guarantee respect for the rights of citizens," the Colombian Foreign Ministry said in a statement. The country's decision comes after an agreement was reached on Sunday night regarding the return of repatriating citizens to Colombia from the United States. Conflict ensued earlier in the day after Colombian President Gustavo Petro blocked two U.S. military flights carrying undocumented immigrants from entering the country. In a retaliatory response, U.S. President Donald Trump posted threats against Colombia on his social media platform, alleging that Petro's decision "has jeopardized the National Security and Public Safety of the United States." Trump said in the post that he ordered his administration to place an emergency 25% tariff on goods coming into the United States from Colombia, and he threatened to raise it in a week to 50%. Additionally, he said that his administration would issue a travel ban and immediately revoke the visas of Colombian government officials -- and those of all of the country's allies and supporters. Trump further threatened to issue visa sanctions on all party members, family members and supporters of the Colombian government. Finally, he said that he would also enhance Customs and Border Protection Inspections of all Colombian nationals and Colombian cargo. Trump said he would use the International Emergency Economic Powers Act >>
OP IS A PIGEON turd 01/28/25(Tue)10:57:29 No. 1378124 Convincing a Trump supporter that Trump didn't get anyone to fold is like playing chess with a pigeon, they'll knock over the pieces, crap on the board, and strut around like they won. >>
Anonymous 01/28/25(Tue)11:05:37 No. 1378132 >>1378124 You posted this already, shill. How does it feel now that Colombia is using their own military jets to import their own migrants after you tards complained about military jets?>>
Anonymous 01/28/25(Tue)12:08:43 No. 1378155 >>1378107 (OP) >the REEEEEEEEEsistance collapses within the first hour Hear that? Is the sound of leftroons swinging from the ceiling. Lol.>>
Anonymous 01/28/25(Tue)12:10:12 No. 1378156 >>1378155 They aren't just accepting migrants, lol, they are using their own air force to fly into America to pick them up for us. Looks like they'll be returned home on military jets after all lmao>>
Anonymous 01/28/25(Tue)12:56:47 No. 1378173 >>1378132 This is actually the best outcome for US. Deportees are getting deported for cheaper now and we aren't wasting tons on the stupid military plane stunts. Better they're spending money on these than us.>>
Anonymous 01/28/25(Tue)13:52:48 No. 1378197 >>1378173 Where is the contrarian leftfag that was screeching about the cost of us military jets? Colombia's using their own military jets for us now, he should be happy!>>
Anonymous 01/28/25(Tue)14:13:32 No. 1378210 >>1378197 I was the one highlighting how stupid those flights were, and I am happy. This is the best outcome we could've gotten, assuming it lasts. Now the only problem is Trump is probably going to keep up using those flights for other countries, where they will still be a massive waste.>>
Anonymous 01/28/25(Tue)15:05:31 No. 1378235 >>1378124 Shills literally can't read>A Colombian Air Force plane departed for San Diego Monday afternoon to bring back 110 Colombian citizens who were deported from the United States as part of President Donald Trump's sweeping immigration orders. That sentence clearly states that Columbia flew 110 migrants back to the US after they were deported. You just have to frame it as a victory and cheer a bit, and the retards will pretend they won.>>
Anonymous 01/28/25(Tue)16:26:05 No. 1378257 >>1378235 >That sentence clearly states that Columbia flew 110 migrants back to the US after they were deported. >You just have to frame it as a victory and cheer a bit, and the retards will pretend they won. Re-read the article shill. It even has a footnote at the bottom telling you you're reading it wrong. The article makes very clear that Colombia is the one receiving Colombians>>
Anonymous 01/28/25(Tue)16:26:36 No. 1378258 >>1378235 It reworded it just for idiots like you because apparently people like you don't understand how to read and things need to be dumbed down "Amid Trump's tariff threats, Colombia sends plane to pick up 110 deported citizens">>
Anonymous 01/28/25(Tue)17:58:00 No. 1378288 >>1378257 >>1378258 >you're completely right, but we're paid to attack you anyway >>
Anonymous 01/28/25(Tue)18:04:44 No. 1378291 >>1378288 "Amid Trump's tariff threats, Colombia sends plane to pick up 110 deported citizens" You have to be some special type of idiot to read this as "Columbia returns 110 deported citizens to America">>
Anonymous 01/28/25(Tue)18:25:40 No. 1378296 >>1378291 >he didn't read something that wasn't in the thread until I posted it after he posted the thing I got mad about Shills get angry about the weirdest things.>>
Anonymous 01/28/25(Tue)19:36:51 No. 1378307 >>1378296 Hey, I'm not the one who can't read. Someone in this thread was stupid enough to think the article meant that Columbia was sending illegal aliens back into the US on Colombian Air Force planes. Everyone point and laugh at that retard>>
Anonymous 01/28/25(Tue)20:09:42 No. 1378316 >>1378307 >Someone in this thread was stupid enough to think the article mean No, you thought that because you can't read. Someone in this thread correctly pointed out the article said that Columbia was sending the migrants back, and two other people even confirmed that the article updated itself to correct the error. Maybe this will help you understand reality a bit better, you schizo retard>>
Anonymous 01/28/25(Tue)20:16:21 No. 1378317 >>1378316 No, retards just can't understand the title. Sure, it could be interpreted both ways, but reading comprehension of the article made it clear that the migrants were going to Colombia Leftfags can't read. They have no reading comprehension, their understanding starts and stops at the headline>A Colombian Air Force plane departed for San Diego Monday afternoon to bring back 110 Colombian citizens who were deported from the United States as part of President Donald Trump's sweeping immigration order >>
Anonymous 01/28/25(Tue)20:17:51 No. 1378318 >>1378317 >backpedaling this hard lmao, I'll accept the concession>>
Anonymous 01/29/25(Wed)11:03:10 No. 1378480 >>1378316 >>1378318 You were wrong. Sorry bub, go cry with the Colombian President.>>
Bert 01/29/25(Wed)11:15:05 No. 1378488 I see the liberal cult members in here flinging turds and crying racism. Orange power! >>
Trump won 01/29/25(Wed)11:17:23 No. 1378491 >>1378480 >>1378318 Columbia is now using their own air force jets to deport migrants from America back to Colombia>>
Anonymous 01/29/25(Wed)17:06:32 No. 1378659 >that illegal immigration chart Biden be like "line go up"
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