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Former national security adviser John Bolton said he believes Kash Patel, President Trump’s nominee for FBI director, resembles a “climbing weed” in his ascension to the role.
“You have to know what your job is and what your limits are. And Kash Patel sort of like a climbing weed doesn’t show respect for the limits,” Bolton said Monday in an appearance on MSNBC’s “Inside with Jen Psaki.”
He added that despite concerning issues over Patel’s ability to maintain security protocols, the nominee is likely to be confirmed by the GOP-led Senate with a hearing scheduled for Thursday.
“The Democrats don’t know how to play the game anymore and Patel may get through it,” he told host Jen Psaki, a former White House press secretary.
Earlier in the interview, Bolton discussed new claims that Patel publicly spoke on a sensitive hostage mission while serving on the National Security Council.
Sen. Dick Durbin, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, said he opposes the nomination.
In a Monday letter, Durbin wrote that Patel, “broke protocol regarding hostage rescues by publicly commenting without authorization on the then-in-progress retrieval of two Americans held captive by Iranian-backed militants in Yemen in October 2020” in a letter to top defense officials according to CBS.
Mustachioed Bolton is jealous of KRAZEE eyed KILLER KASH. Bolton hasn't satisfied his blood lust in a long time, and word sround DC is that he'saken to paying for Flip puppy crushing videos . KRAZEE eye KILLER KASH really ain't a killer though,just the opposite, hence the humorous moniker
Kiiller Kash is a hindoo pacifist vegan who burns sacred cow patty incense during Diwali, and only wants to expose J Edgar Hoover for the tranny fascist that he was, and find Hoover's secret room at FBI HQ, under the pretense of closing it down
May the festival of lights fill your home with joy, prosperity, and endless happiness. Happy Diwali!
Nah. Kash is a terrible choice. He isn't smart and he looks absolutely insane in every picture of him.
Krazee(an affectionately known as) eye KILLER Kash is loyal, diligent, honest, and most of all, a WIZARD https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CwBIL8Sngg4 [Embed]
>>1378259 (OP)
Not a valid news source. Not reading your slop, shill
>>1378259 (OP)
John Bolton is just salty over loosing his security clearance. He’s no longer allowed to serve in defense or intelligence, and is now relegated to the main stream media circuit where he’s condemned to shuck and jive for idiot journos and tell them what they want in order to make a living. He’s not a trustworthy expert on the matter, seeing as he’s got a vendetta against this administration.
>>1378259 (OP)
That's a dude
The Hill is most certainly a valid news source wtf are you talking about?
>>1378259 (OP)
This story is over a week old btw

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