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Trump Medicaid freeze seems to lock 72 million Americans out of their health insurance
Lawmakers across the country have confirmed that that their state’s Medicaid payment systems have been shut off. President Donald Trump’s move to freeze federal funding for a massive number of government programs seems to have impacted Medicaid payment systems across the country, potentially locking 72 million Americans out of their health insurance.

>>1378267 (OP)
So, we holding Trump responsible for every death due to this?
Dems are. Rational people don't care. Especially when all the outrage is coming from the same side that was cheering a healthcare CEO getting merc'd earlier.
No nothing is ever Trumps fault. He isn't responsible for his own actions when they go wrong, but he is responsible for other people's actions when they go right.
>Rational people don't care
Rational people actually do care when you shut off health insurance for most of the country.

Thank god a federal judge blocked the eo... for now.
it's too bad americans are fucking retarded and a danger to their own selves
>>1378267 (OP)
Healthcare is not a right and will never be
you're not american
>Thank god a federal judge blocked the eo... for now.

What we're covering here

• Judge pauses parts of Trump aid freeze: A federal judge has temporarily blocked part of the Trump administration’s plans to freeze all federal aid. The White House budget office had ordered the pause on federal grants and loans Monday. The memo, which had been slated to take effect at 5 p.m. ET today, could have potentially impacted trillions in government spending and halted public programs that affect millions of Americans. https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/trump-presidency-news-federal-grants-01-28-25/index.html
You don't even know who co-wrote the bill of rights, you are the last person who can say who is american or not
you are repeating your talking points again shill. you should study more unless you want to be relegated to this dead board forever, faggot
Boo. Americans need to reap what they sow.
Oh so we're still fucked then.
Vax status?
>>1378267 (OP)
good we were in need of population control.
The most frauded government program getting paused is a good thing. You liberal shits asked for this. All you had to do was act like decent people for the past eight years. Now we've got to clean house
It would be like holding a retarded child responsible for unplugging the fridge and all the food going bad. Sure he did it, but really it's you're own fault for not keeping a better eye and the little tardo.
Why didn't Obama put in universal healthcare? Both parties are responsible for this.
>>1378267 (OP)
>DEMOCRATS 2028!!!
Watch Democunts kill hundreds of poors and olds with their poopooganda and try to blame it on dRumpf.
what do you mean? the military didn't get paused
>>1378267 (OP)
This is completely false and has already been debunked by the white house. Cry harder shill
Oh its been deboonked? By the guy who can't help but lie?
>debunked by the white house
Yeah because I really believe them when they say payments still go through even though neither side can see them, and the only reason this wasn't for real was because a judge blocked the eo.

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