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Trump is considering reducing the expenses of housing repeat offenders in the US by sending repeat offenders to prisons in other countries where the cost of housing them would be a fraction of what it is in the US
It's a pretty great idea.
Trump tells Republicans he wants American criminals sent to overseas facilities

President Trump said Monday that he wants to send repeat criminal offenders to a “foreign land” so that they would be out of the U.S. and looked after for a small fee.

“I don’t want these violent repeat offenders in our country any more than I want illegal aliens from other countries that misbehave,” Mr. Trump said at the annual conference for House Republicans in Miami.

“I want them out of our country,” the president said

“I also will be seeking permission to do so, we’re going to get approval, hopefully, to get them the hell out of our country along with others, let them be brought to a foreign land and maintained by others for a very small fee,” Mr. Trump said.

The small fee would be instead of keeping them in U.S. jails “for massive amounts of money.”

“Let them be brought out of the country and let them for a while, let’s see how they like it,” he said. “You’ll see crime all over the country dry up.”

He also said he wants to bring back the death penalty “for these horrible people that kill people.”

“If you don’t do it, we’re just looking for trouble,” he said.
It's over. America won. We are so back.
>>1378292 (OP)
and I'm sure those prisoners will include exactly 0 political dissidents of any kind.
You say this ironically but it's probably true
Remember the worst punishment the government can inflict upon a criminal can and eventually WILL be inflicted upon an innocent man.
Trumps best solution to the prison system is 'deport them'
You can't make this up. The mans mind is mush.
>>1378292 (OP)
>repeat offenders
>degenerate gambler Bossmanjack's criminal record
>crack addict
>beat up his father
>a leech on society: especially his parents
Deport that vile hypocritical money-wasting rat to another country
you sound like more of a china shill
>>1378292 (OP)
El Salvador used to be the murder capital of the world. They elected a new president who threw every single gang member in cartel person into prison, and never let them go.
El Salvador is now one of the safest countries in the Western hemisphere and their president has a 91% approval rating.

Personally I think we should apply the El Salvadorian model to our criminal justice system, and it makes sense to be frugal while doing so
I feel El Salvador is like, a disaster waiting to happen. Locking up like 80k gang members in the same place with little to no rights sounds like a recipe for a prison uprising that could spiral really fucking badly. Like actual Bane from Batman backstory shit.
when he's out of jail and in an iron bar hotel, Austin won't have a shilling left to gamba with
In Soviet US Prison, dewd fucks you
You don't have to agree with every idea he's had, but Trump has got more done in one week than any president has done in four years, since Truman.
>>1378292 (OP)
Cool, so now we have somewhere to send trump and other magats after he's sentenced in 2029
>just throw half the country in jail
>by the way that half has all the guns
>and we don't
Gee what could go wrong?
>b-buh muh gunz!
and you'll fold like a bitch when they come, as you people do everytime
>>1378292 (OP)
does tRump mean sending a black American to rot in a Guantanamo Bay or Central American type prison? He just keeps winning! I want internment camps set ip for when these pampered antifas riot next time(that is the ones that the national guards don't kill first)BURN BABY BURN
>>1378292 (OP)
you know what'd be better, throwing them into a meat grinder and selling the meat slurry to macdonalds.
there are no innocent americans its a country of criminals, they've literally murdered democratic leaders in other countries for their own interest up to and including maintaining their cheap banana plantation.
That's not a good thing.
>and you'll fold like a bitch when they come, as you people do everytime
>2 dead and 1 wounded trying to take out a 17 year old in Kenosha
>and he was running away
If you actually think our crime rate is anywhere close to what El Salvador's was you've been consuming too much rightwing slop.
Damn I didn't know he actually murdered two cops/federal agents/army soldiers. Because that's the actual people you'll be going up against.
Oh yes. Tell me more how the US military, which is less than 1% of the population, where the minority of it is the actual combat part, where the majority of grunts lean to the right anyways, is going to go door-to-door rounding up half the country, against their own family members, with a good chunk of Republicans being veterans, and nobody is going to die.

You really need to stop listening to biden.
>durr u need an F-15 to take on the government come on jack!
>Also Jan 6th was an insurrection that almost destroyed our nation, by a few thousand boomers armed with flagpoles and bear spray
>anon doesn't recognize the difference between a ex-president-backed attempt to overturn an election and a civil war
And when the cops get called on your ass you're going to sit down and try to explain how you're innocent instead of getting into a shootout with them.
That post never said that, did it? It said the strategy works.
Trump is easily the greatest president in American history.
Trump is a washed up faggot
Most of you are absolute primates. Both colors are retarded...crips and bloods, dems and republicans...its all the same shit. I really hope yellowstone erupts so all of you can die choking on your own filth. You make me sick
Oh man, did trump win the election? Wow man, wild

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